perfection, perfectness, indefectibility, impeccancy, impeccability, pink, beau ideal,
phenix, paragon, pink of perfection, acme of perfection, ne plus ultra, summit, cygne noir, philosopher's stone, chrysolite, Koh-i-noor, model, standard, pattern, mirror, admirable Crichton, trump, very prince of, masterpiece, superexcellence, transcendence, perfect, faultless, indefective, indeficient, indefectible, immaculate, spotless, impeccable, free from imperfection, unblemished, uninjured, sound, sound as a roach, in perfect condition, scathless, intact, harmless, seaworthy, right as a trivet, in seipso totus teres atque rotundus, consummate, finished, best, model, standard, inimitable, unparagoned, unparalleled, superhuman, divine, beyond all praise, sans peur et sans reproche, to perfection, perfectly, ad unguem, clean, clean as a whistle, let us go on unto perfection, the perfection of art is to conceal art.
restoration, restoral, reinstatement, replacement, rehabilitation, reestablishment, reconstitution, reconstruction, reproduction, renovation, renewal, revival, revivessence, reviviscence, refreshment, resuscitation, reanimation, revivification, reviction, Phenix, reorganization, renaissance, second youth, rejuvenescence, new birth, regeneration, regeneracy, regenerateness, palingenesis, reconversion, redress, retrieval, reclamation, recovery, convalescence, resumption, resumption, sanativeness, recurrence, rechauffe, rifacimento, cure, recure, sanation, healing, redintegration, rectification, instauration, repair, reparation, remanufacture, recruiting, cicatrization, disinfection, tinkering, reaction, redemption, restitution, relief, tinker, cobbler, vis medicatrix, curableness, restored, redivivus, convalescent, in a fair way, none the worse, rejuvenated, restoring, restorative, recuperative, sanative, reparative, sanatory, reparatory, curative, remedial, restorable, recoverable, sanable, remediable, retrievable, curable, in statu quo, as you were, phr, revenons a nos moutons, medecin, gueris-toi toi- meme, vestigia nulla retrorsum.