pharynx, n. (pl. pharynges) a cavity, with enclosing muscles and mucous membrane, behind the nose and mouth, and connecting them to the oesophagus.
pharyngal adj. pharyngeal adj. pharyngitis n.
mod.L f. Gk pharugx -ggos
alveolar ridge, alveolus, apex, arytenoid cartilages, back, blade, dorsum, esophagus, fauces, goozle, gorge, gullet, guzzle, hals, hard palate, larynx, lips, nasal cavity, oral cavity, palate, pharyngeal cavity, soft palate, speech organ, syrinx, teeth, teeth ridge, throat, tip, tongue, velum, vocal chink, vocal cords, vocal folds, vocal processes, voice box, weasand, wizen