accessible, apprehensible, approachable, articulate, assailable, attackable, attainable, available, beatable, cognizable, come-at-able, comprehensible, conquerable, easily understood, easy to understand, exoteric, expugnable, fathomable, findable, getatable, gettable, intelligible, knowable, obtainable, open, open to, openable, permeable, pervious, plumbable, porose, porous, pregnable, prehensible, procurable, reachable, readable, scrutable, securable, surmountable, to be had, understandable, vincible, vulnerable, weak, within reach
softness, pliableness, flexibility, pliancy, pliability, sequacity, malleability, ductility, tractility, extendibility, extensibility, plasticity, inelasticity, flaccidity, laxity, penetrability, clay, wax, butter, dough, pudding, alumina, argil, cushion, pillow, feather bed, down, padding, wadding, foam, mollification, softening, soft, tender, supple, pliant, pliable, flexible, flexile, lithe, lithesome, lissom, limber, plastic, ductile, tractile, tractable, malleable, extensile, sequacious, inelastic, aluminous, remollient, yielding, flabby, limp, flimsy, doughy, spongy,
penetrable, foamy, cushiony, flaccid, flocculent, downy, edematous, oedematous, medullary, argillaceous, mellow, soft as butter, soft as down, soft as silk, yielding as wax, tender as chicken.