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Noun, Verb (transitive)


Noun parrot has 2 senses

Verb parrot has 1 sense


parrotn. [Prob. fr. F. Pierrot, dim. of Pierre Peter. F. pierrot is also the name of the sparrow. Cf. Paroquet, Petrel, Petrify.].
  •  In a general sense, any bird of the order Psittaci.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any species of Psittacus, Chrysotis, Pionus, and other genera of the family Psittacidæ, as distinguished from the parrakeets, macaws, and lories. They have a short rounded or even tail, and often a naked space on the cheeks. The gray parrot, or jako (Psittacus erithacus) of Africa (see Jako), and the species of Amazon, or green, parrots (Chrysotis) of America, are examples. Many species, as cage birds, readily learn to imitate sounds, and to repeat words and phrases.  [1913 Webster]
Carolina parrot (Zoöl.), the Carolina parrakeet. See Parrakeet. -- Night parrot, or Owl parrot. (Zoöl.) See Kakapo. -- Parrot coal, cannel coal; -- so called from the crackling and chattering sound it makes in burning. [Eng. & Scot.] -- Parrot green. (Chem.) See Scheele's green, under Green, n. -- Parrot weed (Bot.), a suffrutescent plant (Bocconia frutescens) of the Poppy family, native of the warmer parts of America. It has very large, sinuate, pinnatifid leaves, and small, panicled, apetalous flowers. -- Parrot wrasse, Parrot fish (Zoöl.), any fish of the genus Scarus. One species (Scarus Cretensis), found in the Mediterranean, is esteemed by epicures, and was highly prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
parrotv. t. 
     To repeat by rote, without understanding, as a parrot.  [1913 Webster]
parrotv. i. 
     To chatter like a parrot.  [1913 Webster]


parrot, n. & v.
1 any of various mainly tropical birds of the order Psittaciformes, with a short hooked bill, often having vivid plumage and able to mimic the human voice.
2 a person who mechanically repeats the words or actions of another.
--v.tr. (parroted, parroting) repeat mechanically.

parrot-fashion (learning or repeating) mechanically without understanding. parrot-fish any fish of the genus Scarus, with a mouth like a parrot's bill and forming a protective mucous cocoon against predators.
prob. f. obs. or dial. F perrot parrot, dimin. of Pierre Peter: cf. PARAKEET



Babbitt, Middle American, Philistine, anal character, ape, bourgeois, burgher, come again, commit to memory, compulsive character, con, conformer, conformist, conventionalist, copier, copy, copycat, copyist, counterfeiter, cuckoo, dissembler, dissimulator, ditto, do a repeat, do again, do over, double, duplicate, echo, echoer, echoist, faker, forger, formalist, get by heart, get letter-perfect, have by heart, hit off, hit off on, hypocrite, imitate, imitator, impersonate, impersonator, impostor, know by heart, learn by heart, learn verbatim, memorize, methodologist, middle-class type, mime, mimer, mimic, mimicker, mock, mocker, mockingbird, model child, monkey, organization man, pedant, perfectionist, phony, plagiarist, plagiarize, plastic person, poll-parrot, polly, polly-parrot, poseur, precisian, precisianist, quote, recite, redo, redouble, reduplicate, reecho, regurgitate, reincarnate, reiterate, renew, repeat, repeat by heart, reproduce, revive, say again, sheep, simulator, square, study, swot up, take off, take off on, teenybopper, trimmer, yes-man




N loquacity, loquaciousness, talkativeness, garrulity, multiloquence, much speaking, jaw, gabble, jabber, chatter, prate, prattle, cackle, clack, twaddle, twattle, rattle, caquet, caquetterie, blabber, bavardage, bibble-babble, gibble-gabble, small talk, fluency, flippancy, volubility, flowing, tongue, flow of words, flux de bouche, flux de mots, copia verborum, cacoethes loquendi, furor loquendi, verbosity, gift of the gab, talker, chatterer, chatterbox, babbler, rattle, ranter, sermonizer, proser, driveler, blatherskite, gossip, magpie, jay, parrot, poll, Babel, moulin a paroles, loquacious, talkative, garrulous, linguacious, multiloquous, largiloquent, chattering, chatty, declamatory, open-mouthed, fluent, voluble, glib, flippant, long tongued, long winded, trippingly on the tongue, glibly, off the reel, the tongue running fast, the tongue running loose, the tongue running on wheels, all talk and no cider, foul whisperings are abroad, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue!.


N imitation, copying, transcription, repetition, duplication, reduplication, quotation, reproduction, mimeograph, xerox, facsimile, reprint, offprint, mockery, mimicry, simulation, impersonation, personation, representation, semblance, copy, assimilation, paraphrase, parody, take-off, lampoon, caricature, plagiarism, forgery, counterfeit, celluloid, imitator, echo, cuckoo, parrot, ape, monkey, mocking bird, mime, copyist, copycat, plagiarist, pirate, imitated, mock, mimic, modelled after, molded on, paraphrastic, literal, imitative, secondhand, imitable, aping, apish, mimicking, literally, to the letter, verbatim, literatim, sic, totidem verbis, word for word, mot a mot, exactly, precisely, like master like man, like - but oh! how different!, genius borrows nobly, pursuing echoes calling 'mong the rocks, quotation confesses inferiority, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

See related words and definitions of word "parrot" in Indonesian





Noun beak has 4 senses

Verb beak has 1 sense

  • beak(v = verb.contact) peck, pick - hit lightly with a picking motion; Array
  • is one way to strike
    Derived forms noun beak2, noun beak1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody PP
    Somebody ----s something PP


beakn. [OE. bek, F. bec, fr. Celtic; cf. Gael. & Ir. bac, bacc, hook, W. bach.].
  •  The bill or nib of a bird, consisting of a horny sheath, covering the jaws. The form varies much according to the food and habits of the bird, and is largely used in the classification of birds.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Anything projecting or ending in a point, like a beak, as a promontory of land.  Carew.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A beam, shod or armed at the end with a metal head or point, and projecting from the prow of an ancient galley, in order to pierce the vessel of an enemy; a beakhead.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That part of a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stem, and supported by the main knee.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A continuous slight projection ending in an arris or narrow fillet; that part of a drip from which the water is thrown off.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any process somewhat like the beak of a bird, terminating the fruit or other parts of a plant.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A toe clip. See Clip, n. (Far.).  [1913 Webster]
  •  A magistrate or policeman.  [1913 Webster]


beak, n.
1 a a bird's horny projecting jaws; a bill. b the similar projecting jaw of other animals, e.g. a turtle.
2 sl. a hooked nose.
3 Naut. hist. the projection at the prow of a warship.
4 a spout.

beaked adj. beaky adj.
beak, n. Brit. sl.
1 a magistrate.
2 a schoolmaster.

19th c.: prob. f. thieves' cant



JP, Justice, antlia, arbiter, arbitrator, beezer, bencher, bill, bow, bowsprit, bugle, cape, conk, court, critic, downspout, figurehead, forecastle, foredeck, foreland, forepeak, gargoyle, head, headland, his honor, his lordship, his worship, indicator, jib boom, judge, justice, magistrate, moderator, muffle, muzzle, nares, naze, neb, nib, nose, nostrils, nozzle, olfactory organ, pecker, pick, point, proboscis, prore, prow, referee, rhinarium, rostrum, schnozzle, smeller, snoot, snout, spout, stem, trunk, umpire, waterspout




N judge, justice, justiciar, justiciary, chancellor, justice of assize, judge of assize, recorder, common sergeant, puisne judge, assistant judge, county court judge, conservator of the peace, justice of the peace, J, P, court, magistrate, police magistrate, beak, his worship, his honor, his lordship, jury, twelve men in a box, Lord Chancellor, Lord Justice, Master of the Rolls, Vice Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, Chief Baron, Mr, Justice, Associate Justice, Chief Justice, Baron, Baron of the Exchequer, jurat, assessor, arbiter, arbitrator, umpire, referee, referendary, revising barrister, domesman, censor, barmaster, ephor, grand juror, grand juryman, juryman, talesman, archon, tribune, praetor, syndic, podesta, mollah, ulema, mufti, cadi, kadi, Rhadamanthus, litigant, judicial, a Daniel come to judgment.


N front, fore, forepart, foreground, face, disk, disc, frontage, facade, proscenium, facia, frontispiece, anteriority, obverse (of a medal or coin), fore rank, front rank, van, vanguard, advanced guard, outpost, first line, scout, brow, forehead, visage, physiognomy, phiz, countenance, mut, rostrum, beak, bow, stem, prow, prore, jib, pioneer, metoposcopy, fore, anterior, front, frontal, before, in front, in the van, in advance, ahead, right ahead, forehead, foremost, in the foreground, in the lee of, before one's face, before one's eyes, face to face, vis-a-vis, front a front, formosa muta commendatio est, frons est animi janua, Human face divine, imago animi vultus est indices oculi, sea of upturned faces.


N convexity, prominence, projection, swelling, gibbosity, bilge, bulge, protuberance, protrusion, camber, cahot, thank-ye-ma'am, swell, intumescence, tumour, tumor, tubercle, tuberosity, excrescence, hump, hunch, bunch, boss, embossment, hub, hubble, tooth, knob, elbow, process, apophysis, condyle, bulb, node, nodule, nodosity, tongue, dorsum, bump, clump, sugar loaf, bow, mamelon, molar, belly, corporation, pot belly, gut, withers, back, shoulder, lip, flange, pimple, zit, wen, wheel, papula, pustule, pock, proud flesh, growth, sarcoma, caruncle, corn, wart, pappiloma, furuncle, polypus, fungus, fungosity, exostosis, bleb, blister, blain, boil, airbubble, blob, papule, verruca, papilla, nipple, teat, tit, titty, boob, knocker, pap, breast, dug, mammilla, proboscis, nose, neb, beak, snout, nozzle, schnoz, peg, button, stud, ridge, rib, jutty, trunnion, snag, cupola, dome, arch, balcony, eaves, pilaster, relief, relievo, cameo, bassorilievo, mezzorilevo, altorivievo, low relief, bas relief, high relief, hill, cape, promontory, mull, forehead, foreland, point of land, mole, jetty, hummock, ledge, spur, naze, ness, convex, prominent, protuberant, projecting, bossed, embossed, bossy, nodular, bunchy, clavate, clavated, claviform, hummocky, moutonne, mammiliform, papulous, papilose, hemispheric, bulbous, bowed, arched, bold, bellied, tuberous, tuberculous, tumous, cornute, odontoid, lentiform, lenticular, gibbous, club shaped, hubby, hubbly, knobby, papillose, saddle-shaped, selliform, subclavate, torose, ventricose, verrucose, salient, in relief, raised, repousse, bloated, (expanded).

See related words and definitions of word "beak" in Indonesian
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