abate, abnormal, achievement, achromatic, achromatize, achromic, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, alerion, ambit, anathema, anemic, animal charge, annulet, arena, argent, arid, armorial bearings, armory, arms, ashen, ashy, azure, bailiwick, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, barren, baton, bearings, beat, bend, bend sinister, billet, bizarre, blah, blanch, blanched, blank, blazon, blazonry, bleach, bleach out, blear, bleared, bleary, bled white, blench, block, bloodless, blue, blur, blurred, blurry, blush, border, borderland, borders, bordure, boundaries, boundary, bounds, bourns, broad arrow, bulkhead in, cachectic, cadaverous, cadency mark, canton, change color, chaplet, characterless, charge, chevron, chief, chloranemic, cincture, circle, circuit, circumference, circumscription, clos, close, coat of arms, cockatrice, cold, color, colorless, compass, confine, confines, confused, container, coop, coordinates, coronet, corpselike, court, courtyard, cream, creamy, crescent, crest, crimson, croft, cross, cross moline, crown, curtilage, dark, darken, dead, deadly, deadly
pale, deathlike, deathly, deathly
pale, debilitated, decolor, decolorize, decrease, defocus, delicate, delimited field, demesne, department, device, difference, differencing, dim, diminish, dimmed, dingy, discolor, discolored, dismal, domain, dominion, doughy, draggy, drain, drain of color, drained, drearisome, dreary, dry, dryasdust, dull, dun-white, dusty, eagle, edges, eerie, effete, eggshell, elephantine, empty, enclave, enclosure, enervated, enfeebled, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, etiolate, etiolated, exhausted, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, fade, fade away, fade out, faded, failing, faint, fair, falcon, fallow, feeble, fence, fess, fess point, field, file, film, filmy, flanch, flat, fleur-de-lis, flimsy, flush, fog, foggy, fold, forbidden, forty, frail, freeze, fret, fringes, fume, funk, fur, fusil, fuzzy, garland, ghastly, ghostlike, ghostly, glaucescent, glaucous, gloss, glow, gray, gray-white, griffin, grisly, ground, grow
pale, gruesome, gules, gyron, haggard, half-baked, half-seen, half-visible, hatchment, hazy, healthless, heavy, hedge, helmet, hem, hemisphere, heraldic device, ho-hum, hollow, honor point, hueless, hypochromic, ill-defined, impalement, impaling, improper, in poor health, inadequate, inadmissible, inane, inconspicuous, indecent, indefinite, indistinct, indistinguishable, ineffective, ineffectual, inescutcheon, inexcitable, infirm, insignificant, insipid, insubstantial, interdicted, invalid, iridescent, irregular, ivory, ivory-white, jejune, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, kraal, label, lackluster, lame, languishing, leaden, leg, lessen, lifeless, light, limitations, limits, lint-white, lion, list, livid, look black, lose color, lose courage, lose resolution, lot, low-profile, low-spirited, lozenge, lurid, lusterless, macabre, mantle, mantling, march, marches, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mat, mealy, mellow, merely glimpsed, metal, metes, metes and bounds, mist, misty, moribund, mortuary, mother-of-pearl, motto, muddy, mullet, nacreous, neutral, nombril point, obscure, octofoil, off-white, opalescent, or, orb, orbit, ordinary, orle, out of focus, outlines, outre, outskirts,
pale as death,
pale-faced, paling, palisade, pallid, paltry, paly, parameters, parcel of land, park, pastel, pasty, patch, patinaed, peaked, peaky, pean, pearl, pearly, pearly-white, peculiar, pedestrian, peg, pen, perimeter, periphery, peroxide, pheon, picket, pile, plat, plodding, plot, plot of ground, pointless, poky, ponderous, poor, post, precinct, prohibited, province, puny, purpure, quad, quadrangle, quarter, quartering, quiet, rail, real estate, realm, redden, reduced, reduced in health, restriction, rose, round, run-down, sable, sad, sallow, saltire, scutcheon, section, semigloss, semivisible, shadowy, shank, shield, sick, sickly, simple, skirts, slow, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, soften, softened, solemn, somber, sphere, spile, spiritless, spread eagle, square, stake, sterile, stiff, stodgy, strange, stuffy, subdued, subordinary, subtle, superficial, sweet, take alarm, take fright, tallow-faced, tame, tarnish, tasteless, tedious, tender, tenne, theater, tincture, toft, tone down, toneless, torse, tract, tressure, turn color, turn
pale, turn red, turn white, unacceptable, uncanny, uncertain, unclear, uncolored, undefined, unearthly, unhealthy, unicorn, uninspired, unlively, unplain, unrecognizable, unseemly, unsound, unsubstantial, unsuitable, unusual, upright, vague, vair, valetudinarian, valetudinary, vapid, verboten, verges, vert, walk, wall, wan, wash out, washed out, washed-out, waterish, watery, waxen, weak, weakened, weakly, weird, whey-faced, white, whiten, whitened, whitish, whity, wishy-washy, with low resistance, wooden, wreath, yale, yard
region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation,
pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve, preserve, street, clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.
fear, timidity, diffidence, want of confidence, apprehensiveness, fearfulness, solicitude, anxiety, care, apprehension, misgiving, feeze, mistrust, suspicion, qualm, hesitation, nervousness, restlessness, inquietude, disquietude, worry, concern, batophobia, heartquake, flutter, trepidation, fear and trembling, perturbation, tremor, quivering, shaking, trembling, throbbing heart, palpitation, ague fit, cold sweat, abject fear, mortal funk, heartsinking, despondency, despair, fright, affright, affrightment, boof alarm, dread, awe, terror, horror, dismay, consternation, panic, scare, stampede (of horses), intimidation, terrorism, reign of terror, bug bear, bugaboo, scarecrow, hobgoblin, nightmare, Gorgon, mormo, ogre, Hurlothrumbo, raw head and bloody bones, fee-faw-fum, bete noire, enfant terrible, alarmist, fearing, frightened, in fear, in a fright, haunted with the fear of, afeard, afraid, fearful, timid, timorous, nervous, diffident, coy, faint- hearted, tremulous, shaky, afraid of one's shadow, apprehensive, restless, fidgety, more frightened than hurt, aghast, awe-stricken, horror-stricken, terror-stricken, panic- stricken, awestruck, awe-stricken, horror-struck, frightened to death, white as a sheet,
pale as a ghost,
pale as death,
pale as ashes, breathless, in hysterics, inspiring fear, alarming, formidable, redoubtable, perilous, portentous, fearful, dread, dreadful, fell, dire, direful, shocking, terrible, terrific, tremendous, horrid, horrible, horrific, ghastly, awful, awe-inspiring, revolting, Gorgonian, in terrorem, Int, angels and ministers of grace defend us!, ante tubam trepidat, horresco referens, one's heart failing one, obstupui steteruntque comae et vox faucibus haesit, a dagger of the mind, expertus metuit, fain would I climb but that I fear to fall, fear is the parent of cruelty, Gorgons and hydras and chimeras dire, omnia tuta timens, our fears do make us traitors.
inclosure, envelope, case, wrapper, girdle, pen, fold, pen fold, in fold, sheep fold, paddock, pound, corral, yard, net, seine net, wall, hedge, hedge row, espalier, fence,
pale, paling, balustrade, rail, railing, quickset hedge, park paling, circumvallation, enceinte, ring fence, barrier, barricade, gate, gateway, bent, dingle, door, hatch, cordon, prison, dike, dyke, ditch, fosse, moat.
limit, boundary, bounds, confine, enclave, term, bourn, verge, curbstone, but,
pale, reservation, termination, terminus, stint, frontier, precinct, marches, backwoods, boundary line, landmark, line of demarcation, line of circumvallation, pillars of Hercules, Rubicon, turning point, ne plus ultra, sluice, floodgate, definite, conterminate, conterminable, terminal, frontier, bordering, thus far, thus far and no further, stick to the reservation, go beyond the
pale, Special.
be dim, grow dim, flicker, twinkle, glimmer, loom, lower, fade,
pale its ineffectual fire, render dim, dim, bedim, obscure, darken, tone down.
dimness, darkness, paleness, half light, demi-jour, partial shadow, partial eclipse, shadow of a shade, glimmer, gliming, nebulosity, cloud, eclipse, aurora, dusk, twilight, shades of evening, crepuscule, cockshut time, break of day, daybreak, dawn, moonlight, moonbeam, moonglade, moonshine, starlight, owl's light, candlelight, rushlight, firelight, farthing candle, dim, dull, lackluster, dingy, darkish, shorn of its beams, dark, faint, shadowed forth, glassy, cloudy, misty, blear, muggy, fuliginous, nebulous, nebular, obnubilated, overcast, crepuscular, muddy, lurid, leaden, dun, dirty, looming,
pale, confused.
lose color, fade, fly, go, become colorless, turn
pale, deprive of color, decolorize, bleach, tarnish, achromatize, blanch, etiolate, wash out, tone down.
achromatism, decoloration, discoloration, pallor, pallidness, pallidity, paleness, etiolation, neutral tint, monochrome, black and white, uncolored &c (color), colorless, achromatic, aplanatic, etiolate, etiolated, hueless,
pale, pallid, palefaced, tallow-faced, faint, dull, cold, muddy, leaden, dun, wan, sallow, dead, dingy, ashy, ashen, ghastly, cadaverous, glassy, lackluster, discolored, light-colored, fair, blond, white,
pale as death,
pale as ashes,
pale as a witch,
pale as a ghost,
pale as a corpse, white as a corpse.