accountability, accounts payable, accounts receivable, act of grace, act of kindness, affair, agreement, allegiance, amount due, appreciation, appreciativeness, aptitude, aptness, arrearage, assigned task, attempt, bad debts, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, benignity, bill, bills, blessing, bond, borrowing, boundary condition, bounden duty, burden, business, call, call of duty, catch, cause, chance, charge, charges, chits, clause, coaction, commitment, committal, compulsatory, compulsion, compulsiveness, compulsoriness, compulsory, condition, constraint, contingency, contract, courtesy, covenant, deal, debt, dedication, deference, demand, devoir, devotion, donnee, due, dues, duress, duties and responsibilities, duty, effort, enforcement, engagement, enterprise, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, ethics, eventuality, favor, fealty, financial commitment, fine print, floating debt, forcing, funded debt, given, good deed, good offices, good turn, grace, gratefulness, gratitude, grounds, homage, imperative, imperious, indebtedness, indebtment, inevitability, irresistibility, joker, kicker, kind deed, kind offices, kindly act, kindness, labor of love, liability, liableness, likelihood, likeliness, limiting condition, line of duty, loyalty, mandatedness, mandatoriness, maturity, mercy, mission, mitzvah, must, national debt, necessariness, necessitation, necessitude, necessity, need, obligatoriness, obligatory, obligement, office, onus, operation, ought, outstanding debt, parameter, part, place, plan, pledge, possibility, preengagement, prerequisite, probability, program, project, promise, proneness, proposition, provision, provisions, proviso, public debt, recognizance, required, requirement, requisite, respect, responsibility, restraint, right, saving clause, score, self-imposed duty, sense of
obligation, service, sine qua non, small print, specification, stipulation, string, task, terms, thankfulness, trust, turn, ultimatum, uncollectibles, understanding, undertaking, unfulfilled pledge, venture, verbal agreement, weakness, whereas, work
necessity, involuntariness, instinct, blind impulse, inborn proclivity, innate proclivity, native tendency, natural tendency, natural impulse, predetermination, necessity, necessitation,
obligation, compulsion, subjection, stern necessity, hard necessity, dire necessity, imperious necessity, inexorable necessity, iron necessity, adverse necessity, fate, what must be, destiny, destination, fatality, fate, kismet, doom, foredoom, election, predestination, preordination, foreordination, lot fortune, fatalism, inevitableness, spell, star, stars, planet, planets, astral influence, sky, Fates, Parcae, Sisters three, book of fate, God's will, will of Heaven, wheel of Fortune, Ides of March, Hobson's choice, last shift, last resort, dernier ressort, pis aller, necessaries, necessarian, necessitarian, fatalist, automaton, necessary, needful, fated, destined, elect, spellbound compulsory, uncontrollable, inevitable, unavoidable, irresistible, irrevocable, inexorable, avoidless, resistless, involuntary, instinctive, automatic, blind, mechanical, unconscious, unwitting, unthinking, unintentional, impulsive, necessarily, of necessity, of course, ex necessitate rei, needs must, perforce, nolens volens, will he nil he, willy nilly, bon gre mal gre, willing or unwilling, coute que coute, faute de mieux, by stress of, if need be, it cannot be helped, there is no help for, there is no helping it, it will be, it must be, it needs to be, it must be so, it will have its way, the die is cast, jacta est alea, che sara sara, it is written, one's days are numbered, one's fate is sealed, Fata obstant, diis aliter visum, actum me invito factus, non est meus actus, aujord'hui roi demain rien, quisque suos patimur manes, The moving finger writes and having writ moves on, Nor all thy piety nor wit shall draw it back to ca.
promise, undertaking, word, troth, plight, pledge, parole, word of honor, vow, oath, profession, assurance, warranty, guarantee, insurance,
obligation, contract, stipulation, engagement, preengagement, affiance, betroth, betrothal, betrothment, promising, promissory, votive, under hand and seal, upon oath, promised, affianced, pledged, bound, committed, compromised, in for it, as one's head shall answer for, in for a penny in for a pound, ex voto, gage d'amour.
conditions, terms, articles, articles of agreement, memorandum, clauses, provisions, proviso, covenant, stipulation,
obligation, ultimatum, sine qua non, casus foederris, conditional, provisional, guarded, fenced, hedged in, conditionally, provisionally, pro re nata, on condition, with a string to it.
obligation, liability, indebtment, debit, score, bill, check, account (credit), arrears, deferred payment, deficit, default, insolvency, bad debt, interest, premium, usance, usury, floating debt, floating capital, debtor, debitor, mortgagor, defaulter, borrower, indebted, liable, chargeable, answerable for, in debt, in embarrassed circumstances, in difficulties, incumbered, involved, involved in debt, plunged in debt, deep in debt, over one's head in debt, over head and ears in debt, deeply involved, fast tied up, insolvent, minus, out of pocket, unpaid, unrequited, unrewarded, owing, due, in arrear, outstanding, past due, aes alienum debitorem leve gravius inimicum facit, neither a borrower nor a lender be.