affliction, bane, bugbear, burden, calamity, castigation, chastening, chastisement, condign punishment, correction, crushing burden, curse, death, defensibility, deserts, destruction, disciplinary measures, discipline, disease, drumhead justice, dueness, equitableness, equity, evenhandedness, evil, ferule, give-and-take, grievance, harm, infliction, judgment, judicial punishment, justice, justifiability, justifiableness, justification, justness, lawfulness, legality, measure for measure, meetness, open wound, pains, pains and punishments, pay, payment, penal retribution, penalty, penology, pest, pestilence, plague, poetic justice, properness, propriety, punishment, punition, retribution, retributive justice, right, rightfulness, rightness, rude justice, running sore, scales of justice, scourge, summary justice, thorn, torment, vexation, visitation, warrantability, warrantedness, well-deserved punishment, what is right, what-for, woe
punishment, punition, chastisement, chastening, correction, castigation, discipline, infliction, trial, judgment, penalty, retribution, thunderbolt, Nemesis, requital, penology, retributive justice, lash, scaffold, imprisonment, transportation, banishment, expulsion, exile, involuntary exile, ostracism, penal servitude, hard labor, galleys, beating, flagellation, fustigation, gantlet, strappado, estrapade, bastinado, argumentum baculinum, stick law, rap on the knuckles, box on the ear, blow, stripe, cuff, kick, buffet, pummel, slap, slap in the face, wipe, douse, coup de grace, torture, rack, picket, picketing, dragonnade, capital punishment, execution, lethal injection, the gas chamber, hanging, electrocution, rail-riding, scarpines, decapitation, decollation, garrotte, garrotto, crucifixion, impalement, firing squad, martyrdom, auto-da-fe, noyade, happy dispatch, hara-kiri, seppuku, drinking the hemlock, punishing, penal, punitory, punitive, inflictive, castigatory, punished, Int, a la lanterne!, culpan paena premit comes, eating the bitter bread of banishment, gravis ira regum est semper, sera tamen tacitis paena venit pedibus, suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo.
revenge, revengement, vengeance, avengement, avengeance, sweet revenge, vendetta, death feud, blood for blood retaliation, day of reckoning, rancor, vindictiveness, implacability, malevolence, ruthlessness, avenger, vindicator, Nemesis, Eumenides, revengeful, vengeful, vindictive, rancorous, pitiless, ruthless, rigorous, avenging, unforgiving, unrelenting, inexorable, stony-hearted, implacable, relentless, remorseless, aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus, rankling, immitigable, manet ciratrix, manet alid mente repostum, dies irae dies illa, in high vengeance there is noble scorn, inhumanum verbum est ultio, malevolus animus abditos dentes habet, now infidel I have thee on the hip.
right, what ought to be, what should be, fitness, summum jus, justice, equity, equitableness, propriety, fair play, impartiality, measure for measure, give and take, lex talionis, Astraea, Nemesis, Themis, scales of justice, evenhanded justice, karma, suum cuique, clear stage, fair field and no favor, level playing field, morals, law, honor, virtue, right, good, just, reasonable, fit, equal, equable, equatable, evenhanded, fair, legitimate, justifiable, rightful, as it should be, as it ought to be, lawful deserved, rightly, +a bon droit, au bon droit, in justice, in equity, in reason, without distinction of persons, without regard to persons, without respect to persons, upon even terms, Int, all right!, fair's fair, Dieu et mon droit, in equal scale weighing delight and dole, justitia cuum cuique distribuit, justitiae soror incorrupta fides, justitia virtutem regina, thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just.