Cadmean victory, KO, Pyrrhic victory, Waterloo, ability, acme, address, adeptness, adroitness, aedileship, airmanship, apprehension, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, ascendancy, authority, authorization, be-all and end-all, beating, bishopric, blue ribbon, bravura, brilliance, capability, capacity, chairmanship, championship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, charisma, charm, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, clairvoyance, claws, cleverness, clout, clutches, collapse, command, competence, competency, comprehension, conception, conceptualization, condition, conquering, conquest, consequence, consulate, consulship, control, coordination, craft, craftsmanship, crash, credit, cunning, deanery, deathblow, debacle, defeat, deftness, destruction, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, dictatorship, dictature, diplomacy, directorship, dominance, domination, dominion, downfall, drubbing, easy victory, effect, effectiveness, efficiency, eminence, emirate, enchantment, episcopacy, esteem, expertise, expertism, expertness, facility, failure, fall, favor, finesse, first place, first prize, fitness, fittedness, force, foreknowledge, good feeling, governorship, grace, grand slam, grasp, grip, gripe, hand, handiness, hands, headship, hegemony, height, helm, hiding, hierarchy, highest, hold, horsemanship, ideation, imperium, importance, incidental power, influence, influentiality, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insinuation, intellection, intelligence, iron hand, jurisdiction, kingship, knack, knockout, know-how, lambasting, landslide, landslide victory, lathering, leadership, leverage, licking, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, magnetism, management, marksmanship, masterdom, mastership, maturity, maximum, mayoralty, mayorship, mental grasp, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, might, moment, moral victory, most, ne plus ultra, new high, nobility, overcoming, overthrow, overturn, palms, papacy, paramountcy, pashadom, pashalic, patriarchate, patriarchy, personality, persuasion, picnic, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, potency, power, practical ability, precognition, predominance, prefectship, prefecture, prehension, premiership, preparedness, preponderance, presidency, presidentship, pressure, prestige, primacy, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, proconsulate, proconsulship, proficiency, protectorate, protectorship, provostry, provostship, prowess, purchase, pushover, qualification, quickness, quietus, readiness, record, rectorate, rectorship, regency, regentship, reign, reins of government, repute, resource, resourcefulness, ripeness, ruin, rule, ruling class, runaway victory, savoir-faire, savvy, say, seamanship, seasoning, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shrievalty, skill, skillfulness, smash, sovereignty, strings, style, suasion, subdual, subduing, subjugation, subtle influence, success, suggestion, suitability, suitableness, suitedness, supervisorship, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, swag, sway, tact, tactfulness, talons, technical brilliance, technical
mastery, technical skill, technique, tempering, thrashing, timing, top spot, total victory, tribunate, trim, trimming, triumph, trouncing, understanding, undoing, upper hand, vanquishment, victory, virtuosity, vizierate, viziership, walkaway, walkover, weight, whip hand, whipping, win, winning, winning streak, wisdom, wit, wizardry, workmanship, zenith
skill, skillfulness, address, dexterity, dexterousness, adroitness, expertness, proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, facility, knack, trick, sleight,
mastery, mastership, excellence, panurgy, ambidexterity, ambidextrousness, sleight of hand, seamanship, airmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship, rope-dancing, accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, art, science, technicality, technology, practical knowledge, technical knowledge, knowledge of the world, world wisdom, savoir faire, tact, mother wit, discretion, finesse, craftiness, management, self-help, cleverness, talent, ability, ingenuity, capacity, parts, talents, faculty, endowment, forte, turn, gift, genius, intelligence, sharpness, readiness, invention, aptness, aptitude, turn for, capacity for, genius for, felicity, capability, curiosa felicitas, qualification, habilitation, proficient, masterpiece, coup de maitre, chef d'euvre, tour de force, good stroke, skillful, dexterous, adroit, expert, apt, handy, quick, deft, ready, gain, slick, smart, proficient, good at, up to, at home in, master of, a good hand at, au fait, thoroughbred, masterly, crack, accomplished, conversant, experienced, practiced, skilled, hackneyed, up in, well up in, in practice, in proper cue, competent, efficient, qualified, capable, fitted, fit for, up to the mark, trained, initiated, prepared, primed, finished, clever, cute, able, ingenious, felicitous, gifted, talented, endowed, inventive, shrewd, sharp, on the ball, cunning, alive to, up to snuff, not to be caught with chaff, discreet, neat-handed, fine-fingered, nimble-fingered, ambidextrous, sure- footed, cut out for, fitted for, technical, artistic, scientific, daedalian, shipshape, workman- like, business-like, statesman-like, skillfully, well, artistically, with skill, with consummate skill, secundum artem, suo Marte, to the best of one's abilities, ars celare artem, artes honorabit, celui qui veut celui-la peut, c'est une grande habilite que de savoir cacher son, expertus metuit, es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille sich ein C, heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute, if you have lemons, make lemonade.
success, successfulness, speed, advance, trump card, hit, stroke, score, lucky hit, fortunate hit, good hit, good stroke, direct hit, bull's eye, goal, point, touchdown, home run, homer, hole-in-one, grand slam, killing, windfall bold stroke, master stroke, ten strike, coup de maitre, checkmate, half the battle, prize, profit, continued success, good fortune, time well spent, advantage over, upper hand, whip hand, ascendancy,
mastery, expugnation, conquest, victory, subdual, subjugation, triumph, proficiency, conqueror, victor, winner, master of the situation, master of the position, top of the heap, king of the hill, achiever, success, success story, succeeding, successful, prosperous, triumphant, flushed with success, crowned with success, victorious, on top, set up, in the ascendant, unbeaten (beat), well-spent, felicitous, effective, in full swing, successfully, well flying colors, in triumph, swimmingly, a merveille, beyond all hope, to some purpose, to good purpose, to one's heart's content, veni vidi vici, the day being one's own, one's star in the ascendant, omne tulit punctum, bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria, cede repugnanti cedendo victor abibis, chacun est l'artisan de sa fortune, dies faustus, l'art de vaincre est celui de mepriser la mort, omnia vincit amor, love conquers all, peace hath her victories no less renowned than war, the race by vigor not by vaunts is won, vincit qui patitur, vincit qui se vincit, The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet.
authority, influence, patronage, power, preponderance, credit, prestige, prerogative, jurisdiction, right, direction, government, divine right, dynastic rights, authoritativeness, absoluteness, absolutism, despotism, jus nocendi, jus divinum,
mastery, mastership, masterdom, dictation, control, hold, grasp, grip, gripe, reach, iron sway, fangs, clutches, talons, rod of empire, commission, deputy, permission, at the head, dominant, paramount, supreme, predominant, preponderant, in the ascendant, influential, arbitrary, compulsory, stringent, at one's command, in one's power, in one's grasp, under control, in the name of, by the authority of, de par le Roi, in virtue of, under the auspices of, in the hands of, at one's pleasure, by a dash if the pen, by a stroke of the pen, ex mero motu, ex cathedra, from the chair, the gray mare the better horse, every inch a king.