Junoesque, a propos, able, acceptable, ad rem, adapted, advantageous, advisable, agreeable, amply endowed, applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, apt to, assumably, becoming, befitting, bent, bonny, braw, built, built for comfort, buxom, by all odds, callipygian, callipygous, cogitable, comely, conceivable, conceivably possible, congruous, contingent, convenient, couleur de rose, credible, curvaceous, curvy, decent, desirable, disposed, disposed to, dispositioned, dollars to doughnuts, doubtless, doubtlessly, dovetailing, earthly, encouraging, expected, expedient, fair, favorable, favored, favorite, feasible, felicitous, fit, fitted, fitten, fitting, foreseeable, fructuous, geared, given, goddess-like, good, good-looking, goodly, happy, hopeful, humanly possible, imaginable, in all likelihood, in all probability, in the cards, in the mood, inclined, inclined to, indubitably, just right, liable, liable to, like enough, lovely to behold, meet, meshing, minded, mortal, most
likely, no doubt, odds-on, on the button, opportune, pat, personable, plausible, pleasing, pneumatic, politic, possible, potential, predictable, predictable within limits, predisposed, presentable, presumable, presumably, presumptive, presumptively, probable, probably, profitable, promising, prone, proper, qualified, reasonable, recommendable, relevant, right, rose-colored, roseate, rosy, seasonable, seemly, shapely, sightly, slender, sortable, stacked, statistically probable, statuesque, suitable, suited, suiting, tailored, ten to one, tenable, thinkable, timely, to be desired, to the point, to the purpose, undoubtedly, useful, verisimilar, very like, very
likely, well-built, well-favored, well-formed, well-made, well-proportioned, well-shaped, well-stacked, well-timed, wise, worthwhile
possibility, potentiality, what may be, what is possible, compatibility, practicability, feasibility, practicableness, contingency, chance, V, be possible, stand a chance, admit of, bear, render possible, put in the way of, Adj, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible,
likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, Adv, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible,
likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, V, as luck may have it, misericordia Domini inter pontem et fontent, the glories of the Possible are ours, anything is possible, in theory possible, but in practise unlikely,
possibility, potentiality, what may be, what is possible, compatibility, practicability, feasibility, practicableness, contingency, chance, V, be possible, stand a chance, admit of, bear, render possible, put in the way of, Adj, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible,
likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, Adv, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible,
likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, V, as luck may have it, misericordia Domini inter pontem et fontent, the glories of the Possible are ours, anything is possible, in theory possible, but in practise unlikely.
probability, likelihood, credibleness, likeliness, vraisemblance, verisimilitude, plausibility, color, semblance, show of, presumption, presumptive evidence, circumstantial evidence, credibility, reasonable chance, fair chance, good chance, favorable chance, reasonable prospect, fair prospect, good prospect, favorable prospect, prospect, wellgrounded hope, chance, probable,
likely, hopeful, to be expected, in a fair way, plausible, specious, ostensible, colorable, ben trovato, well-founded, reasonable, credible, easy of belief, presumable, presumptive, apparent, probably, belike, in all probability, in all likelihood, very
likely, most
likely, like enough, odds on, odds in favor, ten to one, apparently, seemingly, according to every reasonable expectation, prim=a facie, to all appearance, the chances, the odds are, appearances are in favor of, chances are in favor of, there is reason to believe, there is reason to think, there is reason to expect, I dare say, all Lombard Street to a China orange.