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Daftar Isi -- knock out
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knock out



Verb knock out has 5 senses


knock out

KO, anesthetize, author, bang, bash, bat, bat out, beat, becharm, bedaze, belt, benumb, besot, bewitch, biff, block out, blunt, bonk, botch, bugger, bungle, burn out, call off, cancel, captivate, carry away, carve, cast, charm, chisel, chloroform, clap, clip, clobber, clout, clump, coauthor, coldcock, collaborate, complete, compose, cook, crack, create, cut, dash, dash off, deaden, deal, deal a blow, debilitate, deck, defeat, deflate, delectate, delete, delight, desensitize, disarm, dish, dispose of, do anyhow, do by halves, do carelessly, do for, do in, do offhand, do up, dope, drop the curtain, drug, dull, editorialize, efform, enchain, enchant, end off, enervate, enrapture, enravish, enthrall, entrance, etherize, exhaust, expunge, extinguish, fag, fag out, fake up, fascinate, fashion, fatigue, fetch, fetch a blow, figure, finalize, finish, fix, flag, fold up, forge, form, formalize, formulate, found, frame, frazzle, freak out, free-lance, freeze, fudge up, gag, get it over, get over with, get through with, ghost, ghostwrite, give the quietus, hamstring, handcuff, harass, hew, hit, hit a clip, hobble, hog-tie, imparadise, indite, jab, jade, jury-rig, kayo, kibosh, kill, knead, knock, knock cold, knock dead, knock down, knock off, knock senseless, knock stiff, knock together, knock unconscious, knock up, lash up, lay out, let have it, lick into shape, manacle, mint, model, mold, muzzle, narcotize, novelize, numb, obtund, outwear, overfatigue, overstrain, overtire, overweary, palsy, pamphleteer, paralyze, paste, patch, patch together, patch up, perfect, plunk, poke, polish off, poop, poop out, pound out, prepare, produce, prostrate, punch, put paid to, put to sleep, ravish, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, scenarize, scrag, sculpt, sculpture, scuttle, send, set, settle, shape, shoot down, silence, sink, slam, slap up, slay, slog, slug, smack, smite, snap, soak, sock, stamp, strangle, strike, strike at, stun, stupefy, swat, swipe, tailor, thermoform, thrill, throttle, throw off, throw on paper, throw together, thump, thwack, tickle, tickle pink, tire, tire out, tire to death, titillate, torpedo, toss off, toss out, toss together, transport, trifle with, truss up, tucker, undo, use up, wallop, weaken, wear, wear down, wear on, wear out, weary, whack, wham, whomp up, whop, wilt, wind, wipe out, work, wow, write, yerk, zap
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