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Noun jesuit has 1 sense

Adjective jesuit has 1 sense


jesuitn. [F. Jésuite, Sp. Jesuita: cf. It. Gesuita.].
  •  One of a religious order founded by Ignatius Loyola, and approved in 1540, under the title of The Society of Jesus.  [1913 Webster]
    " The order consists of Scholastics, the Professed, the Spiritual Coadjutors, and the Temporal Coadjutors or Lay Brothers. The Jesuit novice after two years becomes a Scholastic, and takes his first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience simply. Some years after, at the close of a second novitiate, he takes his second vows and is ranked among the Coadjutors or Professed. The Professed are bound by a fourth vow, from which only the pope can dispense, requiring them to go wherever the pope may send them for missionary duty. The Coadjutors teach in the schools, and are employed in general missionary labors. The Society is governed by a General who holds office for life. He has associated with him “Assistants” (five at the present time), representing different provinces. The Society was first established in the United States in 1807. The Jesuits have displayed in their enterprises a high degree of zeal, learning, and skill, but, by their enemies, have been generally reputed to use art and intrigue in promoting or accomplishing their purposes, whence the words Jesuit, Jesuitical, and the like, have acquired an opprobrious sense."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fig.: A crafty person; an intriguer.  [1913 Webster]
Jesuits' bark, Peruvian bark, or the bark of certain species of Cinchona; -- so called because its medicinal properties were first made known in Europe by Jesuit missionaries to South America. -- Jesuits' drops. See Friar's balsam, under Friar. -- Jesuits' nut, the European water chestnut. -- Jesuits' powder, powdered cinchona bark. -- Jesuits' tea, a Chilian leguminous shrub, used as a tea and medicinally.


jesuit, n. a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order founded by St Ignatius Loyola and others in 1534.

F j{eacute}suite or mod.L Jesuita f. Jesus: see JESUS



Augustinian, Augustinian Hermit, Austin Friar, Benedictine, Bernardine, Black Friar, Black Monk, Bonhomme, Brigittine, Capuchin, Carmelite, Carthusian, Cistercian, Cluniac, Conventual, Crossed Friar, Crutched Friar, Dominican, Franciscan, Friar Minor, Gilbertine, Gray Friar, Hospitaler, Loyolite, Marist, Maryknoll, Minorite, Observant, Oratorian, Premonstratensian, Recollect, Recollet, Redemptorist, Templar, Trappist, White Friar, begging hermit, casuist, choplogic, paralogist, preaching friar, sophist, sophister




N clergy, clericals, ministry, priesthood, presbytery, the cloth, the desk, clergyman, divine, ecclesiastic, churchman, priest, presbyter, hierophant, pastor, shepherd, minister, father, father in Christ, padre, abbe, cure, patriarch, reverend, black coat, confessor, dignitaries of the church, ecclesiarch, hierarch, ebdomarius, eminence, reverence, elder, primate, metropolitan, archbishop, bishop, prelate, diocesan, suffragan, dean, subdean, archdeacon, prebendary, canon, rural dean, rector, parson, vicar, perpetual curate, residentiary, beneficiary, incumbent, chaplain, curate, deacon, deaconess, preacher, reader, lecturer, capitular, missionary, propagandist, Jesuit, revivalist, field preacher, churchwarden, sidesman, clerk, precentor, choir, almoner, suisse, verger, beadle, sexton, sacristan, acolyth, acolothyst, acolyte, altar boy, chorister, Pope, Papa, pontiff, high priest, cardinal, ancient flamen, flamen, confessor, penitentiary, spiritual director, cenobite, conventual, abbot, prior, monk, friar, lay brother, beadsman, mendicant, pilgrim, palmer, canon regular, canon secular, Franciscan, Friars minor, Minorites, Observant, Capuchin, Dominican, Carmelite, Augustinian, Gilbertine, Austin Friars, Black Friars, White Friars, Gray Friars, Crossed Friars, Crutched Friars, Bonhomme, Carthusian, Benedictine, Cistercian, Trappist, Cluniac, Premonstatensian, Maturine, Templar, Hospitaler, Bernardine, Lorettine, pillarist, stylite, abbess, prioress, canoness, religieuse, nun, novice, postulant, prophet, priest, high priest, Levite, Rabbi, Rabbin, Rebbe, scribe, mullah, muezzin, ayatollah, ulema, imaum, imam, sheik, sufi, kahin, kassis, mufti, hadji, dervish, fakir, faquir, brahmin, guru, kaziaskier, poonghie, sanyasi, druid, bonze, santon, abdal, Lama, talapoin, caloyer, the Reverend, the very Reverend, the Right Reverend, ordained, in orders, called to the ministry.


N deceiver &c (deceive), dissembler, hypocrite, sophist, Pharisee, Jesuit, Mawworm, Pecksniff, Joseph Surface, Tartufe, Janus, serpent, snake in the grass, cockatrice, Judas, wolf in sheep's clothing, jilt, shuffler, stool pigeon, liar &c (lie), story-teller, perjurer, false witness, menteur a triple etage, Scapin, bunko steerer, carpetbagger, capper, faker, fraud, four flusher, horse coper, ringer, spieler, straw bidder, imposter, pretender, soi-disant, humbug, adventurer, Cagliostro, Fernam Mendez Pinto, ass in lion's skin, actor, quack, charlatan, mountebank, saltimbanco, saltimbanque, empiric, quacksalver, medicaster, Rosicrucian, gypsy, man of straw, conjuror, juggler, trickster, prestidigitator, jockey, crimp, decoy, decoy duck, rogue, knave, cheat, swindler, jobber, saint abroad and a devil at home.

See related words and definitions of word "jesuit" in Indonesian



Noun, Verb (usu participle)


Noun nut has 7 senses

Verb nut has 1 sense


nutn. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. nöt, Dan. nöd.].
  •  The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.), consisting of a hard and indehiscent shell inclosing a kernel.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A perforated block (usually a small piece of metal), provided with an internal or female screw thread, used on a bolt, or screw, for tightening or holding something, or for transmitting motion. See Illust. of 1st Bolt.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The tumbler of a gunlock.  Knight.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A projection on each side of the shank of an anchor, to secure the stock in place.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Testicles.  [PJC]
Check nut, Jam nut, Lock nut, a nut which is screwed up tightly against another nut on the same bolt or screw, in order to prevent accidental unscrewing of the first nut. -- Nut buoy. See under Buoy. -- Nut coal, screened coal of a size smaller than stove coal and larger than pea coal; -- called also chestnut coal. -- Nut crab (Zoöl.), any leucosoid crab of the genus Ebalia as, Ebalia tuberosa of Europe. -- Nut grass (Bot.), See nut grass in the vocabulary. -- Nut lock, a device, as a metal plate bent up at the corners, to prevent a nut from becoming unscrewed, as by jarring.<-- = lock nut --> -- Nut pine. (Bot.) See under Pine. -- Nut rush (Bot.), a genus of cyperaceous plants (Scleria) having a hard bony achene. Several species are found in the United States and many more in tropical regions. -- Nut tree, a tree that bears nuts. -- Nut weevil (Zoöl.), any species of weevils of the genus Balaninus and other allied genera, which in the larval state live in nuts.
nutv. i. 
     To gather nuts.  [1913 Webster]


nut, abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Teachers.

nut, n. & v.
1 a a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. b this kernel.
2 a pod containing hard seeds.
3 a small usu. square or hexagonal flat piece of metal or other material with a threaded hole through it for screwing on the end of a bolt to secure it.
4 sl. a person's head.
5 sl. a a crazy or eccentric person. b an obsessive enthusiast or devotee (a health-food nut).
6 a small lump of coal, butter, etc.
7 a a device fitted to the bow of a violin for adjusting its tension. b the fixed ridge on the neck of a stringed instrument over which the strings pass.
8 (in pl.) coarse sl. the testicles.
--v.intr. (nutted, nutting) seek or gather nuts (go nutting).

do one's nut sl. be extremely angry or agitated. for nuts colloq. even tolerably well (cannot sing for nuts). nut cutlet a cutlet-shaped portion of meat-substitute, made from nuts etc. nut-house sl. a mental home or hospital. nut-oil an oil obtained from hazelnuts and walnuts and used in paints and varnishes. nuts and bolts colloq. the practical details. nut-tree any tree bearing nuts, esp. a hazel. off one's nut sl. crazy.
nutlike adj.
OE hnutu f. Gmc



Brazil nut, English walnut, Macadamia nut, acorn, addict, aficionado, alien, aliene, almond, almond paste, amande, amande douce, amandes mondees, amateur, authority, bean, bedlamite, beechnut, ben nut, berry, betel nut, bigot, bird seed, bitter almond, black walnut, blanched almonds, bonduc nut, borderline case, bring in, buff, bug, burnt almond, butternut, candlenut, case, cashew, cashew nut, character, chestnut, chinquapin, cobnut, coconut, collector, conk, connoisseur, corozo nut, crackbrain, crackpot, crank, critic, crop, crop herbs, cuckoo, cumara nut, cut, dement, demon, demoniac, devotee, dig, dika nut, dilettante, ding-a-ling, dome, eager beaver, eccentric, energumen, enthusiast, erratic, expert, faddist, fan, fanatic, fanatico, fiend, flake, flaxseed, fou, freak, fruit, gather, gather in, glean, goober, goober pea, grabble, grain, great one for, ground-pea, groundnut, harebrain, harvest, hay, hayseed, head, hermit, hickory nut, hobbyist, hobo, horse chestnut, hound, idiot, infatuate, issue, kernel, kola, kola nut, kook, linseed, litchi nut, lone wolf, loner, loon, loony, lunatic, lunatic fringe, madman, maniac, maverick, meat, meshuggenah, monomaniac, mow, natural, nigger toe, noddle, noggin, noisette, noix, non compos, noncompos, nonconformist, noodle, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, original, outsider, palm nut, pariah, peanut, peanut butter, pecan, phrenetic, pick, pine nut, pip, pistachio, pit, pluck, poll, pundit, pursuer, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, question, rara avis, raving lunatic, reap, reap and carry, recluse, rhapsodist, salted peanuts, sassafras nut, savant, scholar, screwball, seed, solitary, souari nut, specialist, stone, strange duck, sucker for, sweet almond, technical expert, technician, tramp, type, visionary, walnut, weirdo, zealot
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