arid, banal, bare, barren, betwixt and between, blah, bland, blank, bleached, bloodless, bromidic, changeable, characterless, clear, cold, colorless, common, commonplace, dead, devoid, dilute, diluted, dismal, distasteful, draggy, drearisome, dreary, driveling, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, effete, elephantine, empty, etiolated, fade, fair, fair to middling, fairish, featureless, feeble, flat, flavorless, gruelly, halfhearted, heavy, ho-hum, hollow, humdrum, ill-flavored, inane, indecisive, indifferent, inexcitable, infirm of purpose, infirm of will, innocuous, irresolute, jejune, lackluster, leaden, lifeless, low-spirited, matter-of-fact, mediocre, medium, middling, mild, milk-and-water, milky, moderate, modest, mundane, mushy, namby-pamby, neutral, null, null and void, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, ordinary, pale, pallid, pappy, passable, pedestrian, plain, plodding, poetryless, pointless, poky, ponderous, prosaic, prosing, prosy, pulpy, respectable, sapless, savorless, slight, slow, so-so, soft, solemn, spiceless, spiritless, stale, sterile, stiff, stodgy, stuffy, subdued, superficial, swashy, tame, tasteless, tedious, tenuous, thin, tiresome, tolerable, unappetizing, unembellished, unflavored, unidealistic, unimaginative, unimpassioned, uninteresting, unlively, unpoetic, unrelieved, unromantic, unsavory, vacant, vacuous, vapid, void, washy, watered, watered-down, waterish, watery, weak, weariful, wearisome, white, wishy-washy, with nothing inside, without content, wooden
dullness, heaviness, flatness, infestivity &c, stupidity want of originality, dearth of ideas, prose, matter of fact, heavy book, conte a dormir debout, platitude, dull, dull as ditch water, unentertaining, uninteresting, flat, dry as dust, unfunny, unlively, logy, unimaginative, insulse, dry as dust, prosy, prosing, prosaic, matter of fact, commonplace, pedestrian, pointless, weary stale flat and unprofitable, stupid, slow, flat,
insipid, vapid, humdrum, monotonous, melancholic, stolid plodding, boring, tiresome, tedious, davus sum non Aedipus, deadly dull and boring, DDB.
indifference, neutrality, coldness, anaphrodisia, unconcern, insouciance, nonchalance, want of interest, want of earnestness, anorexy, anorexia, inappetency, apathy, supineness, disdain, recklessness, inattention, anaphrodisiac, antaphrodisiac, lust-quencher, passion-queller, indifferent, cold, frigid, lukewarm, cool, cool as a cucumber, unconcerned, insouciant, phlegmatic, pococurante, easygoing, devil-may- care, careless, listless, lackadaisical, half-hearted, unambitious, unaspiring, undesirous, unsolicitous, unattracted, aloof, unapproachable, remote, uncaring, unattractive, unalluring, undesired, undesirable, uncared for, unwished, unvalued, all one to,
insipid, vain, for aught one cares, Int, never mind, Who cares? whatever you like, whatever, I couldn't care less, I could care less, anything will do, es macht nichts.
insipidity, blandness, tastelessness, bland, void of taste,
insipid, tasteless, gustless, savorless, ingustible, mawkish, milk and water, weak, stale, flat, vapid, fade, wishy-washy, mild, untasted.