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Adjective infatuated has 1 sense


     Overcome by some foolish passion or desire; affected by infatuation.  [1913 Webster]


infatuated, adj. (often foll. by with) affected by an intense fondness or admiration.



apish, asinine, at fever pitch, batty, becharmed, befooled, beguiled, besotted, bewitched, brainless, buffoonish, captivated, charmed, cockeyed, crazy, credulous, daffy, daft, dazed, delirious, dizzy, doting, dotty, dumb, easily taken in, easy of belief, enamored, enchanted, enraptured, enthused, enthusiastic, enthusiastic about, fanatical, fascinated, fatuitous, fatuous, febrile, feverish, fixated, flaky, fond, fool, foolheaded, foolish, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, fuddled, full of enthusiasm, furious, futile, gaga, glowing, goofy, gripped, gulled, gung-ho, heartsmitten, hectic, held, hung-up, hypnotized, hysteric, idiotic, imbecile, inane, inclined to believe, inept, infatuate, infatuated with, insane, keen on, kooky, loony, mad, maudlin, mesmerized, monomaniac, monomaniacal, moronic, nutty, obsessed, overanxious, overconfiding, overcredulous, overdesirous, overeager, overenthusiastic, overtrustful, overtrusting, overzealous, perfervid, possessed, preoccupied, prepossessed, sappy, screwy, senseless, sentimental, silly, smitten, spellbound, stupid, superstitious, taken with, thoughtless, trustful, trusting, ultrazealous, uncritical, undoubting, unskeptical, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, wacky, wet, wild, witless




N obstinacy, obstinateness, obstinacy, tenacity, cussedness, perseverance, immovability, old school, inflexibility, obduracy, obduration, dogged resolution, resolution, ruling passion, blind side, self-will, contumacy, perversity, pervicacy, pervicacity, indocility, bigotry, intolerance, dogmatism, opiniatry, opiniativeness, fixed idea, fanaticism, zealotry, infatuation, monomania, opinionatedness opinionativeness, mule, opinionist, opinionatist, opiniator, opinator, stickler, dogmatist, bigot, zealot, enthusiast, fanatic, obstinate, tenacious, stubborn, obdurate, casehardened, inflexible, balky, immovable, unshakable, not to be moved, inert, unchangeable, inexorable, mulish, obstinate as a mule, pig-headed, dogged, sullen, sulky, unmoved, uninfluenced unaffected, willful, self-willed, perverse, resty, restive, restiff, pervicacious, wayward, refractory, unruly, heady, headstrong, entete, contumacious, crossgrained, arbitrary, dogmatic, positive, bigoted, prejudiced, creed- bound, prepossessed, infatuated, stiff-backed, stiff necked, stiff hearted, hard-mouthed, hidebound, unyielding, impervious, impracticable, inpersuasible, unpersuadable, intractable, untractable, incorrigible, deaf to advice, impervious to reason, crotchety, obstinately, non possumus, no surrender, ils n'ont rien appris ne rien oublie.


N motive, springs of action, wellsprings of action, reason, ground, call, principle, by end, by purpose, mainspring, primum mobile, keystone, the why and the wherefore, pro and con, reason why, secret motive, arriere pensee, intention, inducement, consideration, attraction, loadstone, magnet, magnetism, magnetic force, allectation, allective, temptation, enticement, agacerie, allurement, witchery, bewitchment, bewitchery, charm, spell, fascination, blandishment, cajolery, seduction, seducement, honeyed words, voice of the tempter, song of the Sirens forbidden fruit, golden apple, persuasibility, persuasibleness, attractability, impressibility, susceptibility, softness, persuasiveness, attractiveness, tantalization, influence, prompting, dictate, instance, impulse, impulsion, incitement, incitation, press, instigation, provocation, inspiration, persuasion, suasion, encouragement, advocacy, exhortation, advice, solicitation, lobbyism, pull, incentive, stimulus, spur, fillip, whip, goad, ankus, rowel, provocative, whet, dram, bribe, lure, decoy, decoy duck, bait, trail of a red herring, bribery and corruption, sop, sop for Cerberus, prompter, tempter, seducer, seductor, instigator, firebrand, incendiary, Siren, Circe, agent provocateur, lobbyist, impulsive, motive, suasive, suasory, persuasive, persuasory, hortative, hortatory, protreptical, inviting, tempting suasive, suasory, seductive, attractive, fascinating, provocative, induced, disposed, persuadable, spellbound, instinct with, smitten with, infatuated, inspired, by, because, therefore, from this motive, from that motive, for this reason, for that reason, for, by reason of, for the sake of, count of, out of, from, as, forasmuch as, for all the world, on principle, fax mentis incendium gloriae, temptation hath a music for all ears, to beguile many and be beguiled by one.


N misjudgment, obliquity of judgment, miscalculation, miscomputation, misconception, hasty conclusion, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, foregone conclusion, prenotion, prevention, preconception, predilection, prepossession, preapprehension, presumption, assumption, presentiment, fixed idea, preconceived idea, id_ee fixe, mentis gratissimus error, fool's paradise, esprit de corps, party spirit, partisanship, clannishness, prestige, bias, bigotry, warp, twist, hobby, fad, quirk, crotchet, partiality, infatuation, blind side, mote in the eye, one-sided views, one-track mind, partial views, narrow views, confined views, superficial views, one- sided ideas, partial ideas, narrow ideas, confined ideas, superficial ideas, one-sided conceptions, partial conceptions, narrow conceptions, confined conceptions, superficial conceptions, one-sided notions, partial notions, narrow notions, confined notions, superficial notions, narrow mind, bigotry, odium theologicum, pedantry, hypercriticism, doctrinaire, overestimation, underestimation, ignorance, erroneous assumptions, erroneous data, mistaken assumptions, incorrect assumptions (error), misjudging, ill-judging, wrong-headed, prejudiced, jaundiced, shortsighted, purblind, partial, one-sided, superficial, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, mean-spirited, confined, illiberal, intolerant, besotted, infatuated, fanatical, entete, positive, dogmatic, conceited, opinative, opiniative, opinioned, opinionate, opinionative, opinionated, self-opinioned, wedded to an opinion, opini=atre, bigoted, crotchety, fussy, impracticable, unreasonable, stupid credulous, warped, misjudged, ex parte, nothing like leather, the wish the father to the thought, wishful thinking, unshakable conviction, my mind is made up - don't bother me with the fact.


N credulity, credulousness, cullibility, gullibility, gross credulity, infatuation, self delusion, self deception, superstition, one's blind side, bigotry, hyperorthodoxy, misjudgment, credulous person, credulous, gullible, easily deceived, simple, green, soft, childish, silly, stupid, easily convinced, over-credulous, over confident, over trustful, infatuated, superstitious, confiding, the wish the father to the thought, credo quia impossibile, all is not gold that glitters, no es oro todo lo que reluce, omne ignotum pro magnifico.


N insanity, disordered reason, disordered intellect, diseased mind, unsound mind, abnormal mind, derangement, unsoundness, psychosis, neurosis, cognitive disorder, affective disorder, insanity, lunacy, madness, mania, rabies, furor, mental alienation, aberration, paranoia, schizophrenia, dementation, dementia, demency, phrenitis, phrensy, frenzy, raving, incoherence, wandering, delirium, calenture of the brain, delusion, hallucination, lycanthropy, brain storm, vertigo, dizziness, swimming, sunstroke, coup de soleil, siriasis, fanaticism, infatuation, craze, oddity, eccentricity, twist, monomania (caprice), kleptodipsomania, hypochondriasis, melancholia, depression, clinical depression, severe depression, hysteria, amentia, screw loose, tile loose, slate loose, bee in one's bonnet, rats in the upper story, dotage, insane, mad, lunatic, loony, crazy, crazed, aliene, non compos mentis, not right, cracked, touched, bereft of reason, all possessed, unhinged, unsettled in one's mind, insensate, reasonless, beside oneself, demented, daft, phrenzied, frenzied, frenetic, possessed, possessed with a devil, deranged, maddened, moonstruck, shatterpated, mad-brained, scatter brained, shatter brained, crackbrained, touched, tetched, off one's head, maniacal, delirious, lightheaded, incoherent, rambling, doting, wandering, frantic, raving, stark staring mad, stark raving mad, wild-eyed, berserk, delusional, hallucinatory, corybantic, dithyrambic, rabid, giddy, vertiginous, wild, haggard, mazed, flighty, distracted, distraught, depressed, agitated, hyped up, bewildered, mad as a March hare, mad as a hatter, of unsound mind, touched in one's head, wrong in one's head, not right in one's head, not in one's right mind, not right in one's wits, upper story, out of one's mind, out of one's wits, out of one's skull, far gone, out of one's senses, out of one's wits, not in one's right mind, fanatical, infatuated, odd, eccentric, hypped, hyppish, spaced out, imbecile, silly, like one possessed, the mind having lost its balance, the reason under a cloud, tet exaltee, tet montee, ira furor brevis est, omnes stultos insanire.

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