Humean, Pyrrhonic, agnostic, cautious, creedless, disbelieving, disinclined to believe, disposed to doubt, distrustful, doubtful, doubting, dubious, faithless, guarded, hard of belief, heretical, hesitant, impervious to persuasion, inconvincible, irreligious, leery, minimifidian, mistrustful, nonbelieving, nullifidian, questioning, quizzical, repudiative, sceptical, shy of belief, skeptic, skeptical, suspecting, suspicious, unbelieving, uncertain, unconfident, unconverted, unconvinced, unconvincible, uncredulous, unpersuadable, unpersuasible, unsatisfied, unwilling to accept, wary, without faith
irreligion, indevotion, godlessness, ungodliness, laxity, quietism, skepticism, doubt, unbelief, disbelief, incredulity, incredulousness, want of faith, want of belief, pyrrhonism, bout, agnosticism, atheism, deism, hylotheism, materialism, positivism, nihilism, infidelity, freethinking, antichristianity, rationalism, neology, atheist, skeptic, unbeliever, deist, infidel, pyrrhonist, giaour, heathen, alien, gentile, Nazarene, espri fort, freethinker, latitudinarian, rationalist, materialist, positivist, nihilist, agnostic, somatist, theophobist, irreligious, indevout, undevout, devoutless, godless, graceless, ungodly, unholy, unsanctified, unhallowed, atheistic, without God, skeptical, freethinking, unbelieving, unconverted,
incredulous, faithless, lacking faith, deistical, unchristian, antichristian, worldly, mundane, earthly, carnal, worldly minded, irreligiously.
incredulousness, incredulity, skepticism, pyrrhonism, want of faith, suspiciousness, scrupulosity, suspicion, mistrust, cynicism, unbeliever, skeptic, cynic, misbeliever, pyrrhonist, heretic,
incredulous, skeptical, unbelieving, inconvincible, hard of belief, shy of belief, disposed to doubt, indisposed to believe, suspicious, scrupulous, distrustful, cynical.