Adam, Adamite, Hominidae, Homo sapiens, auntie, being, bi-guy, bisexual, body, bull dyke, butch, cat, catamite, chap, character, chicken, clay, creature, customer, duck, dyke, earthling, fag, faggot, fairy, fallen humanity, fellow, femme, flesh, flit, fricatrice, fruit, generation of man, genus Homo, groundling, gunsel, guy, hand, head, hominid, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, human, human being, human family, human nature, human race, human species, humanity, humankind, individual, invert, joker, le genre humain, lesbian, life, living soul, man, mankind, mortal, mortal flesh, mortality, mortals, nance, nose, one, pansy, party, pathic, person, personage, personality, punk, queen, queer, race of man, sapphist, single, somebody, someone, soul, tellurian, terran, tribade, worldling