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Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
high german
high ground
high handed
high hat
high holiday
high holy day
high horse
high jinks
high jinx
high jump
high life
Daftar Isi
high holy day
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Tambahkan ke browser anda
high holy day
admission day
all day long
all fools' day
all saints' day
all souls' day
american indian day
annunciation day
april fools' day
arbor day
armed forces day
armistice day
army high performance computing research center
ascension day
aswan high dam
bastille day
bissextile day
boxing day
break of day
break of the day
by the day
calendar day
call it a day
candlemas day
childermas day
christian holy day
christmas day
citizenship day
civil day
clarence day
clarence shepard day jr.
class day
columbus day
come hell or high water
commencement day
commonwealth day
day after day
day bed
day blindness
day boarder
day book
day by day
day camp
day care
day care center
day game
day in and day out
day in day out
day jessamine
day laborer
day labourer
day lily
day nursery
day of atonement
day of judgement
day of judgment
day of reckoning
day of remembrance
day of rest
day of the month
day of the week
day off
day return
day school
day shift
day watch
decoration day
degree day
discovery day
dominion day
each day
easter day
election day
ember day
empire day
every day
extremely high frequency
fast day
father's day
feast day
fete day
field day
flag day
fly high
forever and a day
future day
gain the day
good day
groundhog day
guy fawkes day
high altar
high and dry
high and low
high and mighty
high anglican church
high anglicanism
high bar
high beam
high blood pressure
high brass
high camp
high chair
high church
high colonic
high comedy
high command
high commission
high commissioner
high court
high dam
high dudgeon
high energy physics
high explosive
high fashion
high fidelity
high fidelity sound system
high finance
high five
high flown
high flying
high frequency
high gear
high german
high ground
high handed
high hat
high holiday
high horse
high jinks
high jinx
high jump
high life
high liver
high mallow
high mass
high muckamuck
high noon
high on the hog
high pitch
high pitched
high point
high powered
high pressure
high priest
high principled
high profile
high quality
high relief
high renaissance
high road
high roller
high school
high sea
high seas
high season
high sierra
high sign
high society
high sounding
high spirited
high spirits
high spot
high status
high steel
high stepper
high street
high strung
high style
high table
high tea
high tech
high technology
high temperature
high test
high tide
high time
high treason
high up
high water
high water mark
high wind
high wire
hit the high spots
holy city
holy clover
holy communion
holy cross
holy day
holy day of obligation
holy eucharist
holy father
holy ghost
holy grail
holy innocents' day
holy joe
holy land
holy man
holy of holies
holy oil
holy order
holy orders
holy person
holy place
holy roller
holy roman emperor
holy roman emperor frederick ii
holy roman empire
holy sacrament
holy saturday
holy scripture
holy see
holy sepulcher
holy sepulchre
holy spirit
holy terror
holy thistle
holy thursday
holy trinity
holy war
holy war warriors
holy water
holy week
holy writ
holy year
in high spirits
inauguration day
independence day
innocents' day
jewish holy day
judgement day
judgment day
junior high
junior high school
knee high
labor day
lady day
lammas day
last day
leap day
lord high chancellor
lord's day
lunar day
major fast day
market day
martin luther king day
may day
mean solar day
memorial day
michaelmas day
middle high german
midsummer day
midsummer's day
minor fast day
mother's day
movement of holy warriors
naked as the day one was born
naked as the day you were born
name day
natal day
new year's day
night and day
old high german
on high
order of the day
pan american day
pancake day
patriot's day
patriots' day
pioneers' day
polling day
poppy day
present day
presidents' day
quarter day
rag day
rainy day
red-letter day
remembrance day
rest day
robert e lee day
rogation day
saint patrick's day
saint valentine's day
saint's day
school day
seize the day
senior high
senior high school
sidereal day
six day war
solar day
speech day
st john's day
st martin's day
st patrick's day
st valentine's day
tag day
term day
texas independence day
thanksgiving day
the holy see
three kings' day
time of day
transfiguration day
twelfth day
united nations day
unlucky day
v-e day
v-j day
valentine day
valentine's day
very high frequency
veterans day
veterans' day
victoria day
victory day
washing day
wedding day
work day
working day
Noun Phrase
high holy day
has 1 sense
high holy day
(n = noun.time)
high holiday
- Jewish holy days observed with particular solemnity; Array
has particulars:
jewish new year
rosh hashana
rosh hashanah
rosh hashona
rosh hashonah
day of atonement
yom kippur
is a kind of
jewish holy day
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