a propos, accepting, accidental, ad rem, adapted, addled, advantageous, advisable, applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, at ease, auspicious, beaming, beatific, beatified, becoming, beery, befitting, bemused, beneficial, benign, benignant, besotted, blessed, blind drunk, blissful, blithe, blithesome, bright, bright and sunny, capering, casual, cheerful, cheery, chirping, civil, cock-a-hoop, cogent, comely, comfortable, composed, congruous, content, contented, convenient, convincing, correct, crapulent, crapulous, dancing, decent, decorous, delighted, desirable, dizzy, dovetailing, drenched, drunk, drunken, easy, easygoing, ecstatic, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, elated, eupeptic, euphoric, exalted, exhilarated, expedient, exuberant, exultant, fair, far-gone, favorable, favoring, feasible, felicitous, fit, fitted, fitten, fitting, flushed, flushed with joy, flustered, fortuitous, fortunate, fou, fructuous, full, full of promise, gay, geared, genial, genteel, giddy, glad, gladsome, gleeful, glorious, glowing, golden, good, gratified, high, hopeful, in good spirits, in high spirits, in liquor, in seventh heaven, incidental, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, inspired, intoxicated, irrepressible, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, just, just right, laughing, leaping, light-hearted, lighthearted, likely, lucky, maudlin, meet, mellow, merry, meshing, muddled, nappy, nice, of good cheer, of good comfort, of good omen, of
happy portent, of promise, on cloud nine, on the button, opportune, optimistic, overjoyed, pat, pleasant, pleased, pleased as Punch, politic, profitable, promising, proper, propitious, prosperous, providential, purring, qualified, radiant, recommendable, reconciled, reeling, relevant, resigned, riant, right, ripe, rosy, sanguine, sanguineous, sans souci, satisfied, seasonable, seemly, shikker, singing, smiling, smirking, sodden, sortable, sotted, sparkling, starry-eyed, suitable, suited, suiting, sunny, tailored, telling, thrice
happy, thrilled, tickled pink, tiddly, timely, tipsy, to be desired, to the point, to the purpose, uncomplaining, under the influence, unrepining, urbane, useful, well, well-chosen, well-expressed, well-put, well-timed, winsome, wise, without care, worthwhile
elegance, purity, grace, ease, gracefulness, readiness, concinnity, euphony, numerosity, Atticism, classicalism, classicism, well rounded periods, well turned periods, flowing periods, the right word in the right place, antithesis, purist, elegant, polished, classical, Attic, correct, Ciceronian, artistic, chaste, pure, Saxon, academical, graceful, easy, readable, fluent, flowing, tripping, unaffected, natural, unlabored, mellifluous, euphonious, euphemism, euphemistic, numerose, rhythmical, felicitous,
happy, neat, well put, neatly put, well expressed, neatly expressed.
agreement, accord, accordance, unison, harmony, concord, concordance, concert, understanding, mutual understanding, conformity, conformance, uniformity, consonance, consentaneousness, consistency, congruity, congruence, keeping, congeniality, correspondence, parallelism, apposition, union, fitness, aptness, relevancy, pertinence, pertinencey, sortance, case in point, aptitude, coaptation, propriety, applicability, admissibility, commensurability, compatibility, cognation, adaption, adjustment, graduation, accommodation, reconciliation, reconcilement, assimilation, consent, concurrence, cooperation, right man in the right place, very thing, quite the thing, just the thing, agreeing, suiting, in accord, accordant, concordant, consonant, congruous, consentaneous, correspondent, congenial, coherent, becoming, harmonious reconcilable, conformable, in accordance with, in harmony with, in keeping with, in unison with at one with, of one mind, of a piece, consistent, compatible, proportionate, commensurate, on all fours, apt, apposite, pertinent, pat, to the point, to the purpose,
happy, felicitous, germane, ad rem, in point, on point, directly on point, bearing upon, applicable, relevant, admissible, fit adapted, in loco, a propos, appropriate, seasonable, sortable, suitable, idoneous, deft, meet, at home, in one's proper element, a propos of, pertinently, rem acu tetigisti, if the shoe fits, wear it, the cap fits, auxilia humilia firma consensus facit, discers concordia.
timeliness, occasion, opportunity, opening, room, event (eventuality), suitable season, proper season, suitable time, proper time, high time, opportuneness, tempestivity, crisis, turn, juncture, conjuncture, crisis, turning point, given time, nick of time, golden opportunity, well timed opportunity, fine opportunity, favorable opportunity, opening, clear stage, fair field, mollia tempora, fata Morgana, spare time, opportune, timely, well-timed, timeful, seasonable, providential, lucky, fortunate,
happy, favorable, propitious, auspicious, critical, suitable, obiter dicta, opportunely, in proper course, in due course, in proper season, in due season, in proper time, in due time, for the nonce, in the nick of time, in the fullness of time, all in good time, just in time, at the eleventh hour, now or never, by the way, by the by, en passant, a propos, pro re nata, pro hac vice, par parenthese, parenthetically, by way of parenthesis, incidentally, while speaking of, while on the subject, extempore, on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion, on the spot, carpe diem occasionem cognosce, one's hour is come, the time is up, that reminds me, now that you mention it, come to think of it, bien perdu bien connu, e sempre l'ora, ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius, nosce tempus, nunc aut nunquam.
pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, fruition, oblectation, delectation, delection, relish, zest, gusto, satisfaction, complacency, well-being, good, snugness, comfort, ease, cushion, sans souci, without worry, mind at ease, joy, gladness, delight, glee, cheer, sunshine, cheerfulness, treat, refreshment, amusement, luxury, mens sana in corpore sano, a sound mind in a sound body, happiness, felicity, bliss, beatitude, beautification, enchantment, transport, rapture, ravishment, ecstasy, summum bonum, paradise, elysium, third heaven, seventh heaven, cloud nine, unalloyed happiness, hedonics, hedonism, honeymoon, palmy days, halcyon days, golden age, golden time, Dixie, Dixie's land, Saturnia regna, Arcadia, Shangri-La,
happy valley, Agapemone, pleased, not sorry, glad, gladsome, pleased as Punch,
happy, blest, blessed, blissful, beatified,
happy as a clam at high water,
happy as a clam,
happy as a king,
happy as the day is long, thrice
happy, ter quaterque beatus, enjoying, joyful, hedonic, in a blissful state, in paradise, in raptures, in ecstasies, in a transport of delight, comfortable, at ease, content, sans souci, overjoyed, entranced, enchanted, enraptures, enravished, transported, fascinated, captivated, with a joyful face, with sparkling eyes, pleasing, ecstatic, beatic, painless, unalloyed, without alloy, cloudless, happily, with pleasure, with glee, one's heart leaping with joy, a wilderness of sweets, I wish you all the joy that you can wish, jour de ma vie, joy ruled the day and love the night, joys season'd high and tasting strong of guilt, oh happiness, our being's end and aim!, there is a pleasure that is born of pain, throned on highest bliss, vedi Napoli e poi muori, zwischen Freud und Leid ist die Brucke nicht weit, the bridge between joy and sorrow is not wide.
cheerfulness, geniality, gayety, l'allegro, cheer, good humor, spirits, high spirits, animal spirits, flow of spirits, glee, high glee, light heart, sunshine of the mind, sunshine of the breast, gaiete de coeur, bon naturel, liveliness, life, alacrity, vivacity, animation, allegresse, jocundity, joviality, jollity, levity, jocularity, mirth, merriment, hilarity, exhilaration, laughter, merrymaking, heyday, rejoicing, marriage bell, nepenthe, Euphrosyne, sweet forgetfulness, optimism, self complacency, hedonics, hedonism, cheerful,
happy, cheery, cheerly, of good cheer, smiling, blithe, in spirits, in good spirits, breezy, bully, chipper, in high spirits, in high feather,
happy as the day is long,
happy as a king, gay as a lark, allegro, debonair, light, lightsome, light hearted, buoyant, debonnaire, bright, free and easy, airy, janty, jaunty, canty, hedonic, riant, sprightly, sprightful, spry, spirited, spiritful, lively, animated, vivacious, brisk as a bee, sparkling, sportive, full of play, full of spirit, all alive, sunny, palmy, hopeful, merry as a cricket, merry as a grig, merry as a marriage bell, joyful, joyous, jocund, jovial, jolly as a thrush, jolly as a sandboy, blithesome, gleeful, gleesome, hilarious, rattling, winsome, bonny, hearty, buxom, playful, playsome, folatre, playful as a kitten, tricksy, frisky, frolicsome, gamesome, jocose, jocular, waggish, mirth loving, laughter-loving, mirthful, rollicking, elate, elated, exulting, jubilant, flushed, rejoicing, cock-a-hoop, cheering, inspiriting, exhilarating, cardiac, cardiacal, pleasing, palmy, cheerfully, Int, never say die!, come!, cheer up!, hurrah!, hence loathed melancholy!, begone dull care!, away with melancholy!, a merry heart goes all the day, as merry as the day is long, ride si sapis.