Bauer, Internal Revenue Service, accumulator, agriculturalist, agriculturist, agrologist, agronomist, assessor, bill collector, boor, bucolic, bumpkin, clod, clodhopper, clown, coffee-planter, collection agent, collective farm worker, collector, connoisseur, country bumpkin, crofter, cropper, cultivator, customhouse, customs, dirt
farmer, douanier, dry
farmer, dunner, exciseman, farm laborer, farmhand, gatherer, gentleman
farmer, granger, grower, harvester, harvestman, haymaker, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, husbandman, kibbutznik, kolkhoznik, kulak, looby, lout, magpie, miser, muzhik, pack rat, peasant, peasant holder, picker, planter, plowboy, plowman, publican, raiser, rancher, ranchman, reaper, revenuer, rube, rustic, sharecropper, sower, tax assessor, tax collector, tax
farmer, taxer, taxman, tea-planter, tenant
farmer, tiller, tree
farmer, truck
farmer, yeoman, yokel
agriculture, cultivation, husbandry, farming, georgics, geoponics, tillage, agronomy, gardening, spade husbandry, vintage, horticulture, arboriculture, floriculture, landscape gardening, viticulture, husbandman, horticulturist, gardener, florist, agricultor, agriculturist, yeoman,
farmer, cultivator, tiller of the soil, woodcutter, backwoodsman, granger, habitat, vigneron, viticulturist, Triptolemus, field, meadow, garden, botanic garden, winter garden, ornamental garden, flower garden, kitchen garden, market garden, hop garden, nursery, green house, hot house, conservatory, bed, border, seed plot, grassplot, grassplat, lawn, park, parterre, shrubbery, plantation, avenue, arboretum, pinery, pinetum, orchard, vineyard, vinery, orangery, farm, agricultural, agrarian, agrestic, arable, predial, rural, rustic, country, horticultural.