absolve, account for, adumbrate, allegorize, body forth, call to mind, cite, cite a particular, clarify, clear up, crack, decipher, demonstrate, demythologize, depict, discharge, dispense, display, document, elucidate, emblematize, embody, enlighten, epitomize, euhemerize, example, except, excuse, exempt, exhibit, explain, explain away, explicate, exposit, expound, figure, fit the pattern, foreshadow, free, give a for-instance, give reason for, give the meaning, illuminate, illustrate, image, impersonate, incarnate, instance, itemize, lead the way, let off, make clear, make plain, mirror, model, name, particularize, personate, personify, popularize, prefigure, pretypify, project, quote, rationalize, realize, reflect, relieve, represent, set an example, set the pace, shadow, shadow forth, shed light upon, show, show how, show the way, simplify, solve, spare, spell out, symbolize, throw light upon, typify, unfold, unlock, unravel
conform to, conform to rule, accommodate oneself to, adapt oneself to, rub off corners, be regular, move in a groove, follow observe the rules, go by the rules, bend to the rules, obey the rules, obey the precedents, comply with, tally with, chime in with, fall in with, be guided by, be regulated by, fall into a custom, fall into a usage, follow the fashion, follow the crowd, follow the multitude, pass muster, do as others do, hurler avec les loups, stand on ceremony, when in Rome do as the Romans do, go with the stream, go with the flow, swim with the stream, swim with the current, swim with the tide, blow with the wind, stick to the beaten track, keep one in countenance,
exemplify, illustrate, cite, quote, quote precedent, quote authority, appeal to authority, put a case, produce an instance, elucidate, explain.
interpret, explain, define, construe, translate, render, do into, turn into, transfuse the sense of, find out, 1 the meaning of, read, spell out, make out, decipher, unravel, disentangle, find the key of, enucleate, resolve, solve, read between the lines, account for, find the cause, tell the cause of, throw light upon, shed light upon, shed new light upon, shed fresh light upon, clear up, clarify, elucidate, illustrate,
exemplify, unfold, expound, comment upon, annotate, popularize, take in a particular sense, understand in a particular sense, receive in a particular sense, accept in a particular sense, understand by, put a construction on, be given to understand.