Definite Article, Noun, Adverb
a. & pron. [OE. & AS.
elles otherwise, gen. sing. of an adj. signifying
other; akin to OHG.
elles otherwise, OSw.
äljes, Sw.
eljest, Goth.
aljis, adj., other, L.
alius, Gr. . Cf.
else, adv.
1 (prec. by indef. or interrog. pron.) besides; in addition (someone else; nowhere else; who else).
2 instead; other, different (what else could I say?; he did not love her, but someone else).
3 otherwise; if not (run, (or) else you will be late).
OE elles, rel. to L alius, Gk allos
above, added, additionally, again, alias, all included, also, altogether, among other things, and all, and also, and so, another, as well, au reste, beside, besides, beyond, contrarily, elsewise, en plus, extra, farther, for lagniappe, fresh, further, furthermore, in addition, in other respects, in other ways, inter alia, into the bargain, item, likewise, more, moreover, new, not that sort, not the same, not the type, of a sort, of another sort, of sorts, on the side, on top of, or
else, other, other than, otherwise, over, peculiar, plus, rare, similarly, special, sui generis, than, then, therewith, to boot, too, unique, yet
addition, annexation, adjection, junction, superposition, superaddition, superjunction, superfetation, accession, reinforcement, increase, increment, supplement, accompaniment, interposition, insertion, added, additional, supplemental, supplementary, suppletory, subjunctive, adjectitious, adscititious, ascititious, additive, extra, accessory, au reste, in addition, more, plus, extra, and, also, likewise, too, furthermore, further, item, and also, and eke,
else, besides, to boot, et cetera, and so on, and so forth, into the bargain, cum multis aliis, over and above, moreover, with, withal, including, inclusive, as well as, not to mention, let alone, together with, along with, coupled with, in conjunction with, conjointly, jointly, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit.
See related words and definitions of word "
else" in Indonesian

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