all-comprehending, all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling, all-including, all-inclusive, all-pervading, allover, broad, broad-gauged, broad-minded, catholic, coacting, coactive, coadjutant, coadjuvant, coefficient, collaborative, collective, collectivist, collectivistic, collusive, combined, commensal, common, communal, communalist, communalistic, communist, communistic, communitarian, comprehensive, concerted, concordant, concurrent, concurring, conniving, cooperant, cooperating, cooperative, cosmic, cosmopolitan, country-wide, ecumenic, ecumenistic, fellow, galactic, general, global, harmonious, harmonized, heaven-wide, inclusive, international, joint, mutual, national, noncompetitive, nondenominational, noninsular, nonsectarian, planetary, reciprocal, spacious of mind, symbiotic, synergetic, synergic, synergistic, total, unbigoted, uncompetitive, unfanatical, unhidebound, universal, unparochial, unprovincial, wide, wide-minded, world-wide, worldwide
generality, generalization, universality, catholicity, catholicism, miscellany, miscellaneousness, dragnet, common run, worldwideness, everyone, everybody, all hands, all the world and his wife, anybody, N or M, all sorts, prevalence, run, general, generic, collective, broad, comprehensive, sweeping, encyclopedical, widespread, universal, catholic, catholical, common, worldwide,
ecumenical, oecumenical, transcendental, prevalent, prevailing, rife, epidemic, besetting, all over, covered with, Pan-American, Anglican, Pan-Hellenic, Pan-Germanic, slavic, panharmonic, every, all, unspecified, impersonal, customary, whatever, whatsoever, to a man, one and all, generally, always, for better for worse, in general, generally speaking, speaking generally, for the most part, in the long run.