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Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
east india
east india company
east india kino
east india rosewood
east indian
east indian fig tree
east indian rosebay
east indian rosewood
east indies
east malaysia
east midland
Daftar Isi
east indian fig tree
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<a href="http://kamus.sabda.org/dictionary/east+indian+fig+tree">east indian fig tree</a>
Tambahkan ke browser anda
east indian fig tree
akee tree
alder tree
allspice tree
almond tree
amber tree
american angelica tree
american indian
american indian day
anchovy pear tree
angiospermous tree
anise tree
apple tree
apricot tree
ash tree
australian grass tree
australian nettle tree
avocado tree
balata tree
banana tree
banian tree
banyan tree
bay tree
bay-rum tree
bead tree
beam tree
bean tree
beech tree
bendy tree
big tree
birch tree
bird cherry tree
bito tree
bitter orange tree
bitterwood tree
black cherry tree
black tree fern
black walnut tree
blackwood tree
bloodwood tree
blue fig
bo tree
bonduc tree
boojum tree
botany bay fig
bottle tree
brazil-nut tree
brazilian pepper tree
brazilian potato tree
breadfruit tree
broom tree
buckwheat tree
buffalo indian
bullock's heart tree
bully tree
bunya bunya tree
butternut tree
button tree
cabbage tree
cabbage-bark tree
cacao tree
calabash tree
calabur tree
california bay tree
california tree poppy
camphor tree
candleberry tree
canistel tree
caoutchouc tree
caper tree
capulin tree
carambola tree
carib indian
carob bean tree
carob tree
cashew tree
cassia-bark tree
cedar tree
ceiba tree
cembra nut tree
ceylon cinnamon tree
chameleon tree frog
chaulmoogra tree
cherimoya tree
cherry tree
chestnut tree
china tree
chinaberry tree
chinese angelica tree
chinese lacquer tree
chinese parasol tree
chinese pea tree
chinese scholar tree
chocolate tree
chokecherry tree
christmas tree
cinchona tree
citrange tree
citron tree
citrus tree
clementine tree
clothes tree
clove tree
coat tree
cochineal fig
coco plum tree
coconut tree
coffee tree
common coral tree
common fig
common fig tree
common spindle tree
coniferous tree
coral bean tree
coral tree
cork tree
corkwood tree
cotton-seed tree
cow tree
crab tree
cranberry tree
cream-of-tartar tree
cry-baby tree
crybaby tree
cucumber tree
custard apple tree
cypress tree
damson plum tree
devil tree
devil's fig
dogwood tree
dragon tree
drumstick tree
due east
duke of argyll's tea tree
durian tree
dutch east indies
earleaved umbrella tree
east africa
east african
east african cedar
east anglia
east by north
east by south
east chadic
east china sea
east coast
east german
east germanic
east germanic language
east germany
east india
east india company
east india kino
east india rosewood
east indian
east indian rosebay
east indian rosewood
east indies
east malaysia
east midland
east northeast
east pakistan
east pakistani
east river
east saint louis
east sea
east side
east southeast
east sussex
east timor
east tocharian
east turkestan islamic movement
east turkistan islamic movement
east wind
ebony tree
economic commission for asia and the far east
elephant tree
elm tree
english walnut tree
eucalyptus tree
european olive tree
family tree
far east
fever tree
fig leaf
fig marigold
fig moth
fig out
fig tree
fig up
fig wax
fir tree
fire tree
firewheel tree
flamboyant tree
flame tree
florida strangler fig
flowering tree
french and indian war
fringe tree
fruit of the poisonous tree
fruit tree
galapee tree
gallows tree
gamboge tree
gatten tree
genip tree
god tree
golden fig
golden shower tree
gourd tree
granadilla tree
grass tree
grass tree family
great indian desert
groundsel tree
gum tree
gutta-percha tree
gymnospermous tree
hagberry tree
hazel tree
hazelnut tree
hemlock tree
hep tree
hickory tree
hip tree
holm tree
hottentot fig
hottentot's fig
ilama tree
incense tree
india-rubber fig
india-rubber tree
indian agent
indian arrowroot
indian banyan
indian bean
indian beech
indian beet
indian blackwood
indian blanket
indian breadroot
indian buffalo
indian button fern
indian capital
indian cherry
indian chickweed
indian chief
indian chieftain
indian chocolate
indian cholera
indian club
indian cobra
indian coral tree
indian corn
indian cress
indian crocus
indian currant
indian elephant
indian file
indian giver
indian grackle
indian hemp
indian lettuce
indian lodge
indian lotus
indian madder
indian mallow
indian meal
indian millet
indian monetary unit
indian mongoose
indian mustard
indian mutiny
indian ocean
indian paint
indian paintbrush
indian pea
indian pink
indian pipe
indian plantain
indian poke
indian pony
indian potato
indian python
indian race
indian rat snake
indian rattlebox
indian red
indian relish
indian reservation
indian rhinoceros
indian rhododendron
indian rhubarb
indian rice
indian rosewood
indian rupee
indian salad
indian senna
indian shot
indian summer
indian tapir
indian tick fever
indian tobacco
indian trail
indian turnip
iron tree
ironbark tree
ironwood tree
ivory tree
jaboticaba tree
jackfruit tree
jamaica caper tree
japanese angelica tree
japanese lacquer tree
japanese pagoda tree
japanese tree lilac
japanese varnish tree
joshua tree
judas tree
jumby tree
katsura tree
kentucky coffee tree
ketembilla tree
kingwood tree
kitul tree
kola nut tree
kumquat tree
lacquer tree
lancewood tree
lanseh tree
larch tree
large-leaved cucumber tree
lead tree
lemon tree
lemon-wood tree
lemonwood tree
lily-of-the-valley tree
lime tree
linden tree
litchi tree
little-leaf fig
locust tree
logwood tree
looking glass tree
loquat tree
lotus tree
love tree
macadamia nut tree
macadamia tree
mahogany tree
mahwa tree
maidenhair tree
mammee tree
mandarin orange tree
mango tree
mangosteen tree
marang tree
marmalade tree
mastic tree
medlar tree
melon tree
middle east
ming tree
mistletoe fig
mombin tree
monkey-bread tree
mulberry fig
mulberry tree
mustard tree
myrrh tree
myrtaceous tree
near east
necklace tree
nectarine tree
neem tree
nettle tree
nickar tree
nicker tree
nim tree
nitta tree
north by east
northeast by east
nut tree
nut-leaved screw tree
nutmeg tree
oak tree
olive tree
ople tree
orange tree
orchard apple tree
orchid tree
ordeal tree
pacific tree toad
pagoda tree
palm tree
panama redwood tree
panama tree
papaw tree
papaya tree
para rubber tree
paradise tree
pea tree
peach tree
pear tree
pecan tree
peepul tree
pen-tailed tree shrew
pencil cedar tree
pepper tree
persimmon tree
peruvian mastic tree
phoenix tree
pimento tree
pine tree
pine tree state
pink shower tree
pipal tree
pippul tree
pistachio tree
plains indian
plane tree
planer tree
plantain tree
plum tree
plumcot tree
pomegranate tree
pomelo tree
pond-apple tree
poplar tree
port jackson fig
portia tree
potato tree
pudding pipe tree
pulasan tree
quandong tree
quicken tree
rain tree
rambutan tree
red indian
red lauan tree
red silk-cotton tree
ribbon tree
rose-apple tree
rosewood tree
rowan tree
sacred fig
salt tree
sandalwood tree
sandarac tree
santa maria tree
sapodilla tree
sassafras tree
satinwood tree
satsuma tree
scarlet wisteria tree
screw tree
service tree
shade tree
shaving-brush tree
shea tree
shingle tree
shittah tree
siberian pea tree
silk tree
silk-cotton tree
silver quandong tree
silver tree
silver tree fern
silver-bell tree
silverbell tree
sir herbert beerbohm tree
siris tree
smoke tree
snowdrop tree
snowy tree cricket
soap tree
soapberry tree
soft tree fern
sorb apple tree
sorrel tree
souari tree
sour cherry tree
sour fig
soursop tree
south american indian
south by east
southeast by east
spanish cedar tree
spanish lime tree
spice tree
spindle tree
spindleberry tree
staff tree
strangler fig
strangler tree
strawberry tree
sweet gum tree
sweet orange tree
sweetsop tree
sycamore fig
tamarind tree
tangelo tree
tangerine tree
temple orange tree
temple tree
thatch tree
til tree
tipu tree
tolu balsam tree
tolu tree
tonka bean tree
toothache tree
toothbrush tree
torrey tree
traveler's tree
traveller's tree
tree branch
tree burial
tree calf
tree celandine
tree clubmoss
tree cotton
tree creeper
tree cricket
tree diagram
tree farm
tree farmer
tree farming
tree fern
tree frog
tree fuchsia
tree heath
tree house
tree hugger
tree kangaroo
tree line
tree lizard
tree lupine
tree mallow
tree martin
tree of heaven
tree of knowledge
tree of the gods
tree onion
tree poppy
tree shrew
tree sloth
tree sparrow
tree squirrel
tree stump
tree surgeon
tree surgery
tree swallow
tree swift
tree toad
tree tobacco
tree tomato
tree trunk
tree wallaby
trumpet tree
tule tree
tulip tree
tulipwood tree
tung tree
tung-oil tree
tupelo tree
umbrella tree
varnish tree
vinegar tree
walnut tree
water tree
wayfaring tree
weeping tree
weeping tree broom
west indian
west indian cherry
west indian jasmine
west indian satinwood
west indian smallpox
west indian snowberry
wheel tree
white cinnamon tree
white silk-cotton tree
white wax tree
whitten tree
wicken tree
wig tree
wild cherry tree
wild china tree
wild fig
wild mango tree
wild medlar tree
wild plum tree
wild service tree
willow tree
winged spindle tree
winter's bark tree
yellow mombin tree
yellowwood tree
zebrawood tree
east indian fig tree
has 1 sense
east indian fig tree
(n = noun.plant)
banian tree
banyan tree
ficus bengalensis
indian banyan
- East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks; Array
is a kind of
fig tree
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