Humean, Pyrrhonic, a bit thick, a bit thin, absurd, agnostic, ambitendent, ambivalent, amoral, arguable, at issue, at loose ends, beguiling, beyond belief, capricious, catchy, changeable, confutable, conjectural, conscienceless, contestable, controversial, controvertible, corrupt, corrupted, criminal, crooked, dark, debatable, deceiving, deceptive, delusive, delusory, deniable, devious, dishonest, dishonorable, disinclined, disputable, distrustful, double-minded, doubtable, doubtful, doubting, dubitable, equivocal, evasive, fallacious, false, felonious, fence-sitting, fence-straddling, fickle, fishy, fly-by-night, fraudulent, from Missouri, hallucinatory, hard of belief, hard to believe, hardly possible, hesitant, iffy, ill-got, ill-gotten, illusive, illusory, immoral, implausible, improbable, in dispute, in doubt, in dubio, in question, inconceivable, incredible, incredulous, indecisive, indirect, infirm of purpose, insecure, insidious, irresolute, irresolved, leery, mercurial, misleading, mistakable, mistrustful, mistrusting, moot, more than doubtful, mugwumpian, mugwumpish, mutable, not deserving belief, not kosher, of two minds, open, open to doubt, open to question, open to suspicion, passing belief, preposterous, problematic, questionable, questioning, refutable, reluctant, ridiculous, rocky, rotten, scrupulous, shady, shaky, shameless, shifty, shy, sinister, skeptic, skeptical, slippery, speculative, staggering belief, suppositional, suspect, suspecting, suspicious, tall, thick, thin, tottery, treacherous, trickish, tricksy, tricky, trustless, unbelievable, uncertain, unclear, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, unconvincing, undecided, undependable, underhand, underhanded, undetermined, unearthly, unethical, ungodly, unhealthy, unimaginable, unlikely, unpredictable, unprincipled, unpromising, unreliable, unresolved, unsafe, unsavory, unscrupulous, unsettled, unsound, unstable, unsteady, unstraightforward, unsure, unthinkable, untrusting, untrustworthy, untrusty, unworthy of belief, wary, without remorse, without shame
uncertainty, incertitude, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubitation, dubitancy, dubitousness, hesitation, suspense, perplexity, embarrassment, dilemma, bewilderment, timidity, vacillation, diaporesis, indetermination, vagueness, haze, fog, obscurity, ambiguity, contingency, dependence, dependency, double contingency, possibility upon a possibility, open question, onus probandi, blind bargain, pig in a poke, leap in the dark, something or other, needle in a haystack, needle in a bottle of hay, roving commission, precariousness, fallibility, uncertain, casual, random, changeable, doubtful,
dubious, indecisive, unsettled, undecided, undetermined, in suspense, open to discussion, controvertible, in question, vague, indeterminate, indefinite, ambiguous, equivocal, undefined, undefinable, confused, mystic, oracular, dazed, perplexing, enigmatic, paradoxical, apocryphal, problematical, hypothetical, experimental, unpredictable, unforeseeable (unknowable), fallible, questionable, precarious, slippery, ticklish, debatable, disputable, unreliable, untrustworthy, contingent, contingent on, dependent on, subject to, dependent on circumstances, occasional, provisional, unauthentic, unauthenticated, unauthoritative, unascertained, unconfirmed, undemonstrated, untold, uncounted, in a state of uncertainty, in a cloud, in a maze, bushed, off the track, ignorant, afraid to say, out of one's reckoning, astray, adrift, at sea, at fault, at a loss, at one's wit's end, at a nonplus, puzzled, lost, abroad, d_esorient_e, distracted, distraught, pendente lite, sub spe rati, Heaven knows, who can tell? who shall decide when doctors disagr.