abhorrence, antipathy, averseness, aversion, backwardness, bad books, ban, blackball, blackballing, complaint, cursoriness, dim view, disaffection, disaffinity, disagreement, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, discontent, discontentedness, discontentment, disenchantment, disesteem, disfavor, disgruntlement, disgust, disillusion, disillusionment, disinclination, dislike, disliking, disobedience, displeasure, disrelish, disrespect, dissatisfaction, dissent, exclusion, foot-dragging, fractiousness, grudging consent, grudgingness, horror, hostility, indignation, indisposedness, indisposition, indocility, intractableness, lack of enthusiasm, lack of zeal, loathing, low estimation, low opinion, mutinousness, nausea, nolition, objection, obstinacy, opposition, opposure, ostracism, perfunctoriness, protest, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, refractoriness, refusal, rejection, reluctance, renitence, renitency, repugnance, repulsion, resistance, revulsion, slowness, stubbornness, sulk, sulkiness, sulks, sullenness, thumbs-down, unenthusiasm, unhappiness, unwillingness
distaste, disrelish, disinclination, displacency, reluctance, backwardness, repugnance, disgust, queasiness, turn, nausea, loathing, averseness, aversation, aversion, abomination, antipathy, abhorrence, horror, mortal antipathy, rooted antipathy, mortal horror, rooted horror, hatred, detestation, hate, animosity, hydrophobia, canine madness, byssa, xenophobia, sickener, gall and wormwood, shuddering, cold sweat, disliking, averse from, loathe, loathe to, loth, adverse, shy of, sick of, out of conceit with, disinclined, heartsick, dogsick, queasy, disliked, uncared for, unpopular, out of favor, repulsive, repugnant, repellant, abhorrent, insufferable, fulsome, nauseous, loathsome, loathful, offensive, disgusting, disagreeable c, (painful), usque ad nauseam, Int, faugh!, foh!, ugh!, non libet.