awaken, baffle, balk, beat, bilk, break the spell, burst the bubble, cast down, circumvent, correct, cross, dash, debunk, deceive, defeat, defeat expectation, disabuse, discontent, disenchant, disgruntle, dishearten, disillude, disillusion, disillusionize, displease, dissatisfy, drive to despair, enlighten, expose, fail, foil, frustrate, let down, let down easy, let in on, mislead, prick the bubble, put out, put straight, ruin, set right, set straight, show up, stand up, tantalize, tease, tell the truth, thwart, unblindfold, uncharm, undeceive, undo, unspell, wake up
be discontented, quarrel with one's bread and butter, repine, regret, wish one at the bottom of the Red Sea, take on, take to heart, shrug the shoulders, make a wry face, pull a long face, knit one's brows, look blue, look black, look black as thunder, look blank, look glum, take in bad part, take ill, fret, chafe, make a piece of work, grumble, croak, lament, cause discontent, dissatisfy,
disappoint, mortify, put out, disconcert, cut up, dishearten.
be disappointed, look blank, look blue, look aghast, stand aghast, find to one's cost, laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth, find one a false prophet, not realize one's hope, not realize one's expectation,
disappoint, frustrate, discomfit, crush, defeat (failure), crush one's hope, dash one's hope, balk one's hope,
disappoint one's hope, blight one's hope, falsify one's hope, defeat one's hope, discourage, balk, jilt, bilk, play one false, play a trick, dash the cup from the lips, tantalize, dumfound, dumbfound, dumbfounder, dumfounder (astonish).