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Daftar Isi -- dirt
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Noun dirt has 4 senses

Adjective dirt has 1 sense


dirt, n.
1 unclean matter that soils.
2 a earth, soil. b earth, cinders, etc., used to make a surface for a road etc. (usu. attrib. : dirt track; dirt road).
3 foul or malicious words or talk.
4 excrement.
5 a dirty condition.
6 a person or thing considered worthless.

dirt bike a motor cycle designed for use on unmade roads and tracks, esp. in scrambling. dirt cheap colloq. extremely cheap. dirt-track a course made of rolled cinders, soil, etc., for motor-cycle racing or flat racing. do a person dirt sl. harm or injure a person's reputation maliciously. eat dirt
1 suffer insults etc. without retaliating.
2 US make a humiliating confession. treat like dirt treat (a person) contemptuously; abuse.
ME f. ON drit excrement



Rabelaisianism, X-rated movie, acres, alluvion, alluvium, arable land, bawdiness, bawdry, blue movie, character assassination, clay, clod, corruption, crust, dirtiness, dirty movie, dope, dross, dry land, dust, earth, erotic art, erotic literature, erotographomania, excrement, fescenninity, filth, filthiness, foulness, freehold, garbage, glebe, gossip, gossip column, grassland, grime, ground, iconolagny, indecency, inside information, juicy morsel, junk, land, landholdings, leavings, lewdness, lithosphere, loam, low-down, malicious gossip, marginal land, marl, mire, mold, muck, mud, nastiness, obscenity, offal, offensiveness, ooze, ordure, orts, pornographic art, pornographic literature, pornographomania, pornography, real estate, real property, refuse, region, regolith, ribaldry, rubbish, rumor, salaciousness, salacity, scandal, scandalmongering, scrap, scurrility, scuttlebutt, sexploitation, sharp practice, skin flick, slander, slime, slop, sludge, smut, smuttiness, sod, soft-core pornography, soil, soot, stag film, subaerial deposit, subsoil, sweepings, talk, terra, terra firma, terrain, territory, the country, tidbit, topsoil, trash, vileness, waste, whispering campaign, woodland




N uncleanness, impurity, immundity, immundicity, impurity, defilement, contamination, defoedation, soilure, soiliness, abomination, leaven, taint, tainture, fetor, decay, putrescence, putrefaction, corruption, mold, must, mildew, dry rot, mucor, rubigo, slovenry, slovenliness, squalor, dowdy, drab, slut, malkin, slattern, sloven, slammerkin, slammock, slummock, scrub, draggle-tail, mudlark, dust-man, sweep, beast, dirt, filth, soil, slop, dust, cobweb, flue, smoke, soot, smudge, smut, grit, grime, raff, sossle, sozzle, sordes, dregs, grounds, lees, argol, sediment, settlement heeltap, dross, drossiness, mother, precipitate, scoriae, ashes, cinders, recrement, slag, scum, froth, hogwash, ditchwater, dishwater, bilgewater, rinsings, cheeseparings, sweepings, offscourings, outscourings, off scum, caput mortuum, residuum, sprue, fecula, clinker, draff, scurf, scurfiness, exuviae, morphea, fur, furfur, dandruff, tartar, riffraff, vermin, louse, flea, bug, chinch, mud, mire, quagmire, alluvium, silt, sludge, slime, slush, slosh, sposh, spawn, offal, gurry, lientery, garbage, carrion, excreta, slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria, faeces, feces, excrement, ordure, dung, crap, shit, sewage, sewerage, muck, coprolite, guano, manure, compost, dunghill, colluvies, mixen, midden, bog, laystall, sink, privy, jakes, toilet, john, head, cess, cesspool, sump, sough, cloaca, latrines, drain, sewer, common sewer, Cloacina, dust hole, sty, pigsty, lair, den, Augean stable, sink of corruption, slum, rookery, dirty, filthy, grimy, unclean, impure, soiled, not to be handled with kid gloves, dusty, snuffy, smutty, sooty, smoky, thick, turbid, dreggy, slimy, mussy, slovenly, untidy, messy, uncleanly, unkempt, sluttish, dowdy, draggle-tailed, uncombed, unscoured, unswept, unwiped, unwashed, unstrained, unpurified, squalid, lutose, slammocky, slummocky, sozzly, nasty, coarse, foul, offensive, abominable, beastly, reeky, reechy, fetid, decayed, moldy, musty, mildewed, rusty, moth-eaten, mucid, rancid, weak, bad, gone bad, etercoral, lentiginous, touched, fusty, effete, reasty, rotten, corrupt, tainted, high, flyblown, maggoty, putrid, putrefactive, putrescent, putrefied, saprogenic, saprogenous, purulent, carious, peccant, fecal, feculent, stercoraceous, excrementitious, scurfy, scurvy, impetiginous, gory, bloody, rotting, rotten as a pear, rotten as cheese, crapulous, gross, fimetarious, fimicolous, they that touch pitch will be defiled.

VB be unclean, become unclean, rot, putrefy, ferment, fester, rankle, reek, stink, mold, molder, go bad, render unclean, dirt, dirty, daub, blot, blur, smudge, smutch, soil, smoke, tarnish, slaver, spot, smear, smirch, begrease, dabble, drabble, draggle, daggle, spatter, slubber, besmear, bemire, beslime, begrime, befoul, splash, stain, distain, maculate, sully, pollute, defile, debase, contaminate, taint, leaven, corrupt, cover with dust, drabble in the mud, roil, wallow in the mire, slobber, slabber.


N blemish, disfigurement, deformity, adactylism, flaw, defect, injury, spots on the sun, eyesore, stain, blot, spot, spottiness, speck, speckle, blur, tarnish, smudge, dirt, freckle, mole, macula, patch, blotch, birthmark, blobber lip, blubber lip, blain, maculation, scar, wem, pustule, whelk, excrescence, pimple, pitted, freckled, discolored, imperfect, blobber-lipped, bloodshot, injured.

See related words and definitions of word "dirt" in Indonesian
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