abate, abrade, abstract, bate, beguile, call away, curtail, decrease, deduct, depreciate, derogate,
detract attention,
detract from, diminish, disparage, distract, divert, divert the mind, drain, eat away, erode, extract, file away, impair, leach, lessen, purify, reduce, refine, remove, retrench, rub away, shorten, subduct, subtract, take away, take away from, take from, thin, thin out, wear away, weed, withdraw
subduct, subtract, deduct, deduce, bate, retrench, remove, withdraw, take from, take away,
detract, garble, mutilate, amputate, detruncate, cut off, cut away, cut out, abscind, excise, pare, thin, prune, decimate, abrade, scrape, file, geld, castrate, eliminate, diminish, curtail, deprive of, weaken.
detract, derogate, decry, deprecate, depreciate, disparage, run down, cry down, backcap, belittle, sneer at, criticize, pull to pieces, pick a hole in one's coat, asperse, cast aspersions, blow upon, bespatter, blacken, vilify, vilipend, avile, give a dog a bad name, brand, malign, muckrake, backbite, libel, lampoon, traduce, slander, defame, calumniate, bear false witness against, speak ill of behind one's back, fling dirt, anathematize, dip the pen in gall, view in a bad light, impugn (disparage the motives of), assail, attack, oppose, denounce, accuse.