be right, stand to reason, see justice done, see one righted, see fair play, do justice to, recompense, bold the scales even, give and take, serve one right, put the saddle on the right horse, give every one his due, give the devil his due, audire alteram partem,
be due, to, be the due, of, have right to, have title to, have claim to, be entitled to, have a claim upon, belong to,
deserve, merit, be worthy of, richly
deserve, demand, claim, call upon for, come upon for, appeal to for, revendicate, reclaim, exact, insist on, insist upon, challenge, take one's stand, make a point of, require, lay claim to, assert, assume, arrogate, make good, substantiate, vindicate a claim, vindicate a right, fit for, qualify for, make out a case, give a right, confer a right, entitle, authorize, sanctify, legalize, ordain, prescribe, allot, give every one his due, pay one's dues, have one's due, have one's rights, use a right, assert, enforce, put in force, lay under contribution.