Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
common horehound
common horsetail
common hyacinth
common iguana
common iliac artery
common iliac vein
common ivy
common jasmine
common juniper
common kingsnake
common knowledge
Table of Contents
common iliac vein
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common iliac vein
accessory cephalic vein
accessory hemiazygos vein
accessory hemiazygous vein
accessory vertebral vein
accompanying vein
anastomotic vein
angular vein
anterior cardinal vein
anterior cerebral vein
anterior facial vein
anterior jugular vein
anterior vertebral vein
appendicular vein
arcuate vein of the kidney
as was common
auricular vein
axillary vein
azygos vein
azygous vein
basal vein
basilic vein
basivertebral vein
book of common prayer
brachial vein
brachiocephalic vein
bronchial vein
capillary vein
cardinal vein
central vein of retina
central vein of suprarenal gland
cephalic vein
cerebellar vein
cerebral vein
cervical vein
choroid vein
circumflex femoral vein
circumflex iliac artery
circumflex iliac vein
circumflex vein
clitoral vein
colic vein
common ageratum
common alder
common allamanda
common american shad
common amsinckia
common apricot
common arrowhead
common ax
common axe
common bamboo
common barberry
common barley
common basil
common bean
common bean plant
common bearberry
common beech
common beet
common bile duct
common birch
common bird cherry
common blackfish
common bog rosemary
common booklouse
common box
common brant goose
common broom
common burdock
common buttercup
common calamint
common camas
common canary
common caper
common cardinal vein
common carline thistle
common carotid
common carotid artery
common carrier
common chickweed
common chord
common cockscomb
common cold
common comfrey
common coral tree
common corn salad
common cotton grass
common daisy
common dandelion
common denominator
common devil's claw
common divisor
common dogbane
common dolphin
common duckweed
common eel
common eland
common elder
common era
common european ash
common european dogwood
common european earwig
common european jay
common evening primrose
common facial vein
common factor
common fate
common fault
common fennel
common fig
common fig tree
common flat pea
common four-o'clock
common foxglove
common fraction
common front
common garden cress
common garter snake
common ginger
common good
common grape hyacinth
common grape vine
common ground
common gum cistus
common heath
common hop
common hops
common horehound
common horsetail
common hyacinth
common iguana
common iliac artery
common ivy
common jasmine
common juniper
common kingsnake
common knowledge
common laburnum
common lady's-slipper
common land
common law
common lettuce
common lilac
common limpet
common logarithm
common louse
common lynx
common mackerel
common madia
common maidenhair
common mallow
common man
common marigold
common market
common matrimony vine
common measure
common meter
common milkwort
common mood
common moonseed
common moonwort
common morel
common morning glory
common mosquito
common mugwort
common mullein
common multiple
common murre
common myrtle
common nardoo
common newt
common nightshade
common noun
common nuisance
common nutcracker
common oak
common opossum
common or garden
common osier
common pea
common people
common pepper
common person
common pitcher plant
common plantain
common plum
common polypody
common pond-skater
common privet
common purslane
common raccoon
common racoon
common ragweed
common reed
common room
common rorqual
common rose mallow
common roundworm
common rush
common sage
common salt
common scold
common scoter
common scurvy grass
common seal
common sense
common sense
common shares
common shiner
common shrew
common sickle pine
common snapping turtle
common snowberry
common soldier
common sorrel
common speedwell
common spindle tree
common spoonbill
common spotted orchid
common st john's wort
common staghorn fern
common starling
common stinkhorn
common stock
common stock equivalent
common sunflower
common tarweed
common teasel
common thorn apple
common thyme
common time
common tobacco
common topaz
common touch
common unicorn plant
common valerian
common vetchling
common viper
common wallaby
common wart
common wasp
common water snake
common watercress
common wheat
common white dogwood
common winterberry holly
common wolffia
common wood sorrel
common wormwood
common year
common yellowthroat
common yellowwood
common zebra
costoaxillary vein
cutaneous vein
cystic vein
deep cervical vein
deep middle cerebral vein
deep temporal vein
digital vein
diploic vein
dorsal scapular vein
emissary vein
epigastric vein
ethmoidal vein
external iliac artery
external iliac vein
external jugular vein
external nasal vein
facial vein
femoral vein
fibular vein
gastric vein
gastroepiploic vein
gastroomental vein
genicular vein
gluteal vein
great cerebral vein
great saphenous vein
greatest common divisor
greatest common factor
hemizygos vein
hemizygous vein
hemorrhoidal vein
hepatic portal vein
hepatic vein
highest common factor
hypogastric vein
ileocolic vein
iliac artery
iliac vein
iliolumbar vein
in common
inferior cerebral vein
inferior epigastric vein
inferior labial vein
inferior ophthalmic vein
inferior pulmonary vein
inferior thalamostriate vein
inferior thyroid vein
innominate vein
intercapitular vein
intercostal vein
internal auditory vein
internal cerebral vein
internal iliac artery
internal iliac vein
internal jugular vein
intervertebral vein
jugular vein
labial vein
labyrinthine vein
lacrimal vein
laryngeal vein
law of common fate
least common multiple
left gastric vein
lingual vein
long saphenous vein
lowest common multiple
lumbar vein
maxillary vein
mesenteric vein
metacarpal vein
metatarsal vein
middle cerebral vein
middle temporal vein
middle thyroid vein
mineral vein
musculophrenic vein
nasofrontal vein
oblique vein of the left atrium
obturator vein
occipital vein
ophthalmic vein
ovarian vein
palatine vein
pancreatic vein
paraumbilical vein
parotid vein
pectoral vein
perforating vein
pericardial vein
peroneal vein
pharyngeal vein
phrenic vein
popliteal vein
portal vein
posterior cardinal vein
posterior facial vein
posterior vein of the left ventricle
prepyloric vein
pudendal vein
pulmonary vein
pyloric vein
radial vein
rectal vein
renal vein
retromandibular vein
right gastric vein
sacral vein
saphenous vein
scrotal vein
short saphenous vein
sigmoid vein
spinal vein
splenic vein
sternocleidomastoid vein
striate vein
stylomastoid vein
subclavian vein
sublingual vein
superficial epigastric vein
superficial middle cerebral vein
superficial temporal vein
superior cerebral vein
superior labial vein
superior ophthalmic vein
superior pulmonary vein
superior thalamostriate vein
superior thyroid vein
supraorbital vein
supratrochlear vein
temporal vein
testicular vein
thalamostriate vein
thoracic vein
thoracoepigastric vein
thyroid vein
tibial vein
tracheal vein
tympanic vein
ulnar vein
umbilical vein
uterine vein
varicose vein
vein of penis
vein quartz
vertebral vein
vesical vein
vestibular vein
vortex vein
vorticose vein
common iliac vein
has 1 sense
common iliac vein
(n = noun.body)
- formed by the internal and external iliac veins; unites with its fellow from the opposite side of the body to form the inferior vena cava;
is a kind of
iliac vein
vena iliaca
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Yayasan Lembaga SABDA (YLSA)
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