Antarctic Zone, Arctic Circle, Arctic Zone, Frigid Zones, Torrid Zone, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Variable Zones, Weltanschauung, air, ambiance, ambience, ambient, atmosphere, aura, calm weather,
climate of opinion, clime, cold weather, equator, ethos, fair weather, feel, feeling, forces of nature, good weather, halcyon days, horse latitudes, hot weather, ideology, intellectual
climate, latitude, longitude, longitude in arc, macroclimate, medium, meridian, microclimate, milieu, mise-en-scene, mood, moral
climate, mores, norms, note, overtone, parallel, prime meridian, quality, rainy weather, roaring forties, sense, spirit, spiritual
climate, stormy weather, subtropics, surroundings, the elements, the line, tone, tropic, tropics, undertone, weather, windiness, world view, zone
region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation, pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve, preserve, street, clime,
climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.
air, common air, atmospheric air, atmosphere, aerosphere, open air, sky, welkin, blue sky, cloud, weather,
climate, rise and fall of the barometer, isobar, aerology, aerometry, aeroscopy, aeroscopy, aerography, meteorology, climatology, pneumatics, eudioscope, baroscope, aeroscope, eudiometer, barometer, aerometer, aneroid, baroscope, weather gauge, weather glass, weather cock, exposure to the air, exposure to the weather, ventilation, aerostation, aeronautics, aeronaut, containing air, flatulent, effervescent, windy, atmospheric, airy, aerial, aeriform, meteorological, weatherwise, in the open air, a la belle etoile, al fresco, sub jove dio.