O-shaped, aberrant, aberrative, ambagious, anfractuous, backhand, backhanded, circular, circumlocutional, circumlocutory, collateral, convolutional, deflectional, departing, desultory, deviant, deviating, deviative, deviatory, devious, digressive, discursive, divagational, divergent, errant, erratic, excursive, flexuose, flexuous, helical, indirect, involute, involuted, involutional, labyrinthine, left-handed, mazy, meandering, meandrous, oblique, orbital, out-of-the-way, periphrastic, planetary, rambling, rivose, rivulose, rotary, round, roundabout, roving, ruffled, serpentine, shifting, side, sidelong, sinister, sinistral, sinuate, sinuose, sinuous, snaky, spiral, stray, swerving, torsional, tortile, tortuous, turning, twisting, twisty, undirected, vagrant, veering, wandering, whorled, winding, wreathlike, wreathy, zigzag
circuit, roundabout way, digression, detour, circumbendibus, ambages, loop, winding, zigzag,
circuitous, indirect, roundabout, zigzag, backhanded, by a side wind, by an indirect course, in a roundabout way, from pillar to post.
deviation, swerving, obliquation, warp, refraction, flection, flexion, sweep, deflection, deflexure, declination, diversion, digression, depart from, aberration, divergence, zigzag, detour, divagation, wandering, vagrancy, evagation, bypaths and crooked ways, byroad, sidling, knight's move at chess, deviating, aberrant, errant, excursive, discursive, devious, desultory, loose, rambling, stray, erratic, vagrant, undirected,
circuitous, indirect, zigzag, crab-like, astray from, round about, wide of the mark, to the right about, all manner of ways, circuitously, obliquely, sideling, like the move of the knight on a chessboard.
circuition, circulation, turn, curvet, excursion, circumvention, circumnavigation, circumambulation, northwest passage, circuit, turning, wrench, evolution, coil, corkscrew, turning,
circuitous, circumforaneous, circumfluent, round about.