article, chat, chin, coze, cozy chat, descant, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, essay, etude, examination, excursus, exposition, feature, first approach, friendly chat, gam, heart-to-heart talk, homily, introductory study, little talk, lucubration, memoir, monograph, morceau, note, outline, pandect, paper, paragraph, piece, preliminary study, prolegomenon, prose, rap, research paper, screed, sketch, special article, study, survey, talk, term paper, tete-a-tete, theme, thesis, tract, tractate, treatise, treatment, visit, yarn
conversation, interlocution, collocution, colloquy, converse, confabulation, talk, discourse, verbal intercourse, oral communication, commerce, dialogue, duologue, trialogue,
causerie, chat, chitchat, small talk, table talk, teatable talk, town talk, village talk, idle talk, tattle, gossip, tittle-tattle, babble, babblement, tripotage, cackle, prittle-prattle, cancan, on dit, talk of the town, talk of the village, conference, parley, interview, audience, pourparler, tete-a-tete, reception, conversazione, congress, powwow, hall of audience, durbar, palaver, debate, logomachy, war of words, gossip, tattler, Paul Pry, tabby, chatterer, interlocutor, conversationist, dialogist, the feast of reason and the flow of soul, mollia tempora fandi, conversing, interlocutory, conversational, conversable, discursive, discoursive, chatty, colloquial, with thee conversing I forget all time.