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Noun, Verb (usu participle)


Noun cat has 8 senses

Verb cat has 2 senses


catn. [AS. cat; akin to D. & Dan. kat, Sw. katt, Icel. köttr, G. katze, kater, Ir. cat, W. cath, Armor. kaz, LL. catus, Bisc. catua, NGr. ga`ta, ga`tos, Russ. & Pol. kot, Turk. kedi, Ar. qitt; of unknown origin. Cf. Kitten.].
  •  Any animal belonging to the natural family Felidae, and in particular to the various species of the genera Felis, Panthera, and Lynx. The domestic cat is Felis domestica. The European wild cat (Felis catus) is much larger than the domestic cat. In the United States the name wild cat is commonly applied to the bay lynx (Lynx rufus). The larger felines, such as the lion, tiger, leopard, and cougar, are often referred to as cats, and sometimes as big cats. See Wild cat, and Tiger cat.  [1913 Webster]
    " The domestic cat includes many varieties named from their place of origin or from some peculiarity; as, the Angora cat; the Maltese cat; the Manx cat; the Siamese cat."  [1913 Webster]
    "The word cat is also used to designate other animals, from some fancied resemblance; as, civet cat, fisher cat, catbird, catfish shark, sea cat."  [1913 Webster]
    " Laying aside their often rancorous debate over how best to preserve the Florida panther, state and federal wildlife officials, environmentalists, and independent scientists endorsed the proposal, and in 1995 the eight cats [female Texas cougars] were brought from Texas and released. . . .
    Uprooted from the arid hills of West Texas, three of the imports have died, but the remaining five adapted to swamp life and have each given birth to at least one litter of kittens.
    "  [PJC]
  •  A strong vessel with a narrow stern, projecting quarters, and deep waist. It is employed in the coal and timber trade.  Totten.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.), having six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position it is placed.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An old game;  [1913 Webster]
  •  same as cat o' nine tails; as, British sailors feared the cat.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A catamaran.  [PJC]
Angora cat, blind cat, See under Angora, Blind. -- Black cat the fisher. See under Black. -- Cat and dog, like a cat and dog; quarrelsome; inharmonious. “I am sure we have lived a cat and dog life of it.” Coleridge. -- Cat block (Naut.), a heavy iron-strapped block with a large hook, part of the tackle used in drawing an anchor up to the cathead. -- Cat hook (Naut.), a strong hook attached to a cat block. -- Cat nap, a very short sleep. [Colloq.] -- Cat o' nine tails, an instrument of punishment consisting of nine pieces of knotted line or cord fastened to a handle; -- formerly used to flog offenders on the bare back. -- Cat's cradle, game played, esp. by children, with a string looped on the fingers so, as to resemble small cradle. The string is transferred from the fingers of one to those of another, at each transfer with a change of form. See Cratch, Cratch cradle. -- To bell the cat, to perform a very dangerous or very difficult task; -- taken metaphorically from a fable about a mouse who proposes to put a bell on a cat, so as to be able to hear the cat coming. -- To let the cat out of the bag, to tell a secret, carelessly or willfully. [Colloq.] -- Bush cat, the serval. See Serval.
catv. t. 
     To bring to the cathead; as, to cat an anchor. See Anchor.  Totten.  [1913 Webster]


cat, abbr.
1 computer-assisted (or -aided) testing.
2 Med. computerized axial tomography.

cat, n. & v.
1 a small soft-furred four-legged domesticated animal, Felis catus.
2 a any wild animal of the genus Felis, e.g. a lion, tiger, or leopard. b = wild cat.
3 a catlike animal of any other species (civet cat).
4 colloq. a malicious or spiteful woman.
5 sl. a jazz enthusiast.
6 Naut. = CATHEAD.
7 = cat-o'-nine-tails.
8 a short tapered stick in the game of tipcat.
--v.tr. (also absol.) (catted, catting) Naut. raise (an anchor) from the surface of the water to the cathead.

cat-and-dog (of a relationship etc.) full of quarrels. cat burglar a burglar who enters by climbing to an upper storey. cat flap (or door) a small swinging flap in an outer door, for a cat to pass in and out. cat-ice thin ice unsupported by water. cat-o'-nine-tails hist. a rope whip with nine knotted lashes for flogging sailors, soldiers, or criminals. cat's cradle a child's game in which a loop of string is held between the fingers and patterns are formed. Cat's-eye Brit. propr. one of a series of reflector studs set into a road. cat's-eye a precious stone of Sri Lanka and Malabar. cat's-foot any small plant of the genus Antennaria, having soft woolly leaves and growing on the surface of the ground. cat's-paw
1 a person used as a tool by another.
2 a slight breeze rippling the surface of the water. cat's-tail = reed-mace (see REED(1)). cat's whiskers (or pyjamas) sl. an excellent person or thing. let the cat out of the bag reveal a secret, esp. involuntarily. like a cat on hot bricks (or on a hot tin roof) very agitated or agitatedly. put (or set) the cat among the pigeons cause trouble. rain cats and dogs rain very hard.
OE catt(e) f. LL cattus



n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

This is a dog,
This is a cat.
This is a frog,
This is a rat.
Run, dog, mew, cat.
Jump, frog, gnaw, rat.



Abyssinian cat, Adamite, Angora cat, Argus, Cheshire cat, Chinchilla cat, Himalayan cat, Maltese cat, Manx cat, Persian cat, alley cat, barf, bastard, being, belt, bird, blacksnake, bloke, blue cat, blue devils, blues, body, boy, buck, bugger, bullwhack, bullwhip, calico cat, cascade, cast, chap, character, coon cat, cowhide, creature, crop, customer, dods, dorts, duck, dumps, eagle, earthling, feline, feller, fellow, ferret, flagellum, frumps, gee, gent, gentleman, gib, gib-cat, grimalkin, groundling, grumps, guy, hand, hawk, head, heave, homo, horsewhip, house cat, human, human being, individual, jasper, joker, kit, kitling, kitten, kitty, kitty-cat, knout, kurbash, lad, lash, life, living soul, lynx, man, mopes, mortal, mouser, mulligrubs, mumps, nose, one, party, person, personage, personality, pouts, puke, puss, pussy, pussycat, quirt, rawhide, razor strap, scourge, silver cat, single, sjambok, somebody, someone, soul, spew, strap, stud, sulks, sullens, tabby, tabby cat, tellurian, terran, thong, throw up, tiger cat, tom, tomcat, tortoise-shell cat, weasel, whip, whiplash, worldling




N scourge, rod, cane, stick, ratan, rattan, birch, birch rod, azote, blacksnake, bullwhack, chicote, kurbash, quirt, rawhide, sjambok, rod in pickle, switch, ferule, cudgel, truncheon, whip, bullwhip, lash, strap, thong, cowhide, knout, cat, cat o'nine tails, rope's end, pillory, stocks, whipping post, cucking stool, ducking stool, brank, trebuchet, trebuket, triangle, wooden horse, iron maiden, thumbscrew, boot, rack, wheel, iron heel, chinese water torture, treadmill, crank, galleys, scaffold, block, ax, guillotine, stake, cross, gallows, gibbet, tree, drop, noose, rope, halter, bowstring, death chair, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injection, firing squad, mecate, house of correction, goaler, jailer, executioner, electrocutioner, lyncher, hangman, headsman, Jack Ketch.


N ship, vessel, sail, craft, bottom, navy, marine, fleet, flotilla, shipping, man of war, transport, tender, storeship, merchant ship, merchantman, packet, liner, whaler, slaver, collier, coaster, lighter, fishing boat, pilot boat, trawler, hulk, yacht, baggala, floating hotel, floating palace, ocean greyhound, ship, bark, barque, brig, snow, hermaphrodite brig, brigantine, barkantine, schooner, topsail schooner, for and aft schooner, three masted schooner, chasse-maree, sloop, cutter, corvette, clipper, foist, yawl, dandy, ketch, smack, lugger, barge, hoy, cat, buss, sailer, sailing vessel, windjammer, steamer, steamboat, steamship, liner, ocean liner, cruiseship, ship of the line, mail steamer, paddle steamer, screw steamer, tug, line of steamers, destroyer, cruiser, frigate, landing ship, LST, aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, nuclear powered carrier, submarine, submersible, atomic submarine, boat, pinnace, launch, life boat, long boat, jolly boat, bum boat, fly boat, cock boat, ferry boat, canal boat, swamp boat, ark, bully, battery, bateau, broadhorn, dory, droger, drogher, dugout, durham boat, flatboat, galiot, shallop, gig, funny, skiff, dingy, scow, cockleshell, wherry, coble, punt, cog, kedge, lerret, eight oar, four oar, pair oar, randan, outrigger, float, raft, pontoon, prame, iceboat, ice canoe, ice yacht, catamaran, hydroplane, hovercraft, coracle, gondola, carvel, caravel, felucca, caique, canoe, birch bark canoe, dugout canoe, galley, galleyfoist, bilander, dogger, hooker, howker, argosy, carack, galliass, galleon, polacca, polacre, tartane, junk, lorcha, praam, proa, prahu, saick, sampan, xebec, dhow, dahabeah, nuggah, kayak, keel boat, log canoe, pirogue, quadrireme, trireme, stern-wheeler, wanigan, wangan, wharf boat, balloon, airship, aeroplane, biplane, monoplane, triplane, hydroplane, aerodrome, air balloon, pilot balloon, fire balloon, dirigible, zeppelin, aerostat, Montgolfier, kite, parachute, jet plane, rocket plane, jet liner, turbojet, prop-jet, propeller plane, corporate plane, corporate jet, private plane, private aviation, airline, common carrier, fighter, bomber, fighter-bomber, escort plane, spy plane, supersonic aircraft, subsonic aircraft, afloat, aboard, on board, on ship board, hard a lee, hard a port, hard a starboard, hard a weather.


N animal, animal kingdom, fauna, brute creation, beast, brute, creature, critter, wight, created being, creeping thing, living thing, dumb animal, dumb creature, zoophyte, mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, crustacean, shellfish, mollusk, worm, insect, arthropod, microbe, microbe, animalcule, alligator, crocodile, saurian, dinosaur (extinct), snake, serpent, viper, eft, asp, aspick, frog, toad, trout, bass, tuna, muskelunge, sailfish, sardine, mackerel, ant, mosquito, bee, honeybee, tardigrade, spider, biped, quadruped, webfoot, flocks and herds, live stock, domestic animals, wild animals, game, ferae naturae, beasts of the field, fowls of the air, denizens of the sea, black game, black grouse, blackcock, duck, grouse, plover, rail, snipe, horse, cattle, kine, ox, bull, bullock, cow, milch cow, calf, heifer, shorthorn, sheep, lamb, lambkin, ewe, ram, tup, pig, swine, boar, hog, sow, steer, stot, tag, teg, bison, buffalo, yak, zebu, dog, cat, dog, hound, pup, puppy, whelp, cur, mongrel, house dog, watch dog, sheep dog, shepherd's dog, sporting dog, fancy dog, lap dog, toy dog, bull dog, badger dog, mastiff, blood hound, grey hound, stag hound, deer hound, fox hound, otter hound, harrier, beagle, spaniel, pointer, setter, retriever, Newfoundland, water dog, water spaniel, pug, poodle, turnspit, terrier, fox terrier, Skye terrier, Dandie Dinmont, collie, feline, puss, pussy, grimalkin, gib cat, tom cat, fox, Reynard, vixen, stag, deer, hart, buck, doe, roe, caribou, coyote, elk, moose, musk ox, sambar, bird, poultry, fowl, cock, hen, chicken, chanticleer, partlet, rooster, dunghill cock, barn door fowl, feathered tribes, feathered songster, singing bird, dicky bird, canary, warbler, finch, aberdevine, cushat, cygnet, ringdove, siskin, swan, wood pigeon, vermin, varmint, pest, animal, zoological equine, bovine, vaccine, canine, feline, fishy, piscatory, piscatorial, molluscous, vermicular, gallinaceous, rasorial, solidungulate, soliped.


N roll, drumming, berloque, bombination, rumbling, tattoo, drumroll, dingdong, tantara, rataplan, whirr, ratatat, ratatat-tat, rubadub, pitapat, quaver, clutter, charivari, racket, cuckoo, repetition, peal of bells, devil's tattoo, reverberation, clickety-clack, hum, purr, hummingbird, cat, kitten (animal sounds), rolling, monotonous, like a bee in a bottle.


N vision, sight, optics, eyesight, view, look, espial, glance, ken, coup d'oeil, glimpse, glint, peep, gaze, stare, leer, perlustration, contemplation, conspection, conspectuity, regard, survey, introspection, reconnaissance, speculation, watch, espionage, espionnage, autopsy, ocular inspection, ocular demonstration, sight-seeing, point of view, gazebo, loophole, belvedere, watchtower, field of view, theater, amphitheater, arena, vista, horizon, commanding view, bird's eye view, periscope, visual organ, organ of vision, eye, naked eye, unassisted eye, retina, pupil, iris, cornea, white, optics, orbs, saucer eyes, goggle eyes, gooseberry eyes, short sight, clear sight, sharp sight, quick sight, eagle sight, piercing sight, penetrating sight, clear glance, sharp glance, quick glance, eagle glance, piercing glance, penetrating glance, clear eye, sharp eye, quick eye, eagle eye, piercing eye, penetrating eye, perspicacity, discernment, catopsis, eagle, hawk, cat, lynx, Argus, evil eye, basilisk, cockatrice, seeing, visual, ocular, optic, optical, ophthalmic, clear-eyesighted, eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynx-eyed, keen- eyed, Argus-eyed, visible, visibly, in sight of, with one's eyes open at sight, at first sight, at a glance, at the first blush, prima facie, Int, look!, the scales falling from one's eyes, an eye like Mars to threaten or command, her eyes are homes of silent prayer, looking before and after, thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes.

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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Noun eye has 5 senses

Verb eye has 1 sense


eyen. [Prob. fr. nye, an eye being for a nye. See Nye.].
     A brood; as, an eye of pheasants.  [1913 Webster]
eyen. [OE. eghe, eighe, eie, eye, AS. eáge; akin to OFries. āge, OS. , D. oog, Ohg. ouga, G. auge, Icel. auga, Sw. öga, Dan. öie, Goth. aug; cf. OSlav. oko, Lith. akis, L. okulus, Gr. 'o`kkos, eye, 'o`sse, the two eyes, Skr. akshi. Diasy, Ocular, Optic, Eyelet, Ogle.].
  •  The organ of sight or vision. In man, and the vertebrates generally, it is properly the movable ball or globe in the orbit, but the term often includes the adjacent parts. In most invertebrates the eyes are immovable ocelli, or compound eyes made up of numerous ocelli. See Ocellus.
    " The essential parts of the eye are inclosed in a tough outer coat, the sclerotic, to which the muscles moving it are attached, and which in front changes into the transparent cornea. A little way back of cornea, the crystalline lens is suspended, dividing the eye into two unequal cavities, a smaller one in front filled with a watery fluid, the aqueous humor, and larger one behind filled with a clear jelly, the vitreous humor. The sclerotic is lined with a highly pigmented membrane, the choroid, and this is turn is lined in the back half of the eyeball with the nearly transparent retina, in which the fibers of the optic nerve ramify. The choroid in front is continuous with the iris, which has a contractile opening in the center, the pupil, admitting light to the lens which brings the rays to a focus and forms an image upon the retina, where the light, falling upon delicate structures called rods and cones, causes them to stimulate the fibres of the optic nerve to transmit visual impressions to the brain."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The faculty of seeing; power or range of vision; hence, judgment or taste in the use of the eye, and in judging of objects; as, to have the eye of a sailor; an eye for the beautiful or picturesque.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The action of the organ of sight; sight, look; view; ocular knowledge; judgment; opinion.  [1913 Webster]
    "In my eye, she is the sweetest lady that I looked on."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The space commanded by the organ of sight; scope of vision; hence, face; front; the presence of an object which is directly opposed or confronted; immediate presence.  [1913 Webster]
    "We shell express our duty in his eye."  [1913 Webster]
    "Her shell your hear disproved to her eyes."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Observation; oversight; watch; inspection; notice; attention; regard.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "Booksellers . . . have an eye to their own advantage."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which resembles the organ of sight, in form, position, or appearance  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which resembles the eye in relative importance or beauty.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Tinge; shade of color.  [1913 Webster]
    "Red with an eye of blue makes a purple."  [1913 Webster]
By the eye, in abundance. [Obs.] Marlowe. -- Elliott eye (Naut.), a loop in a hemp cable made around a thimble and served. -- Eye agate, a kind of circle agate, the central parts of which are of deeper tints than the rest of the mass. Brande & C. -- Eye animalcule (Zoöl), a flagellate infusorian belonging to Euglena and related genera; -- so called because it has a colored spot like an eye at one end. -- Eye doctor, an opthalmologist or optometrist; -- formerly called an oculist. -- Eye of a volute (Arch.), the circle in the center of volute. -- Eye of day, Eye of the morning, Eye of heaven, the sun. “So gently shuts the eye of day.” Mrs. Barbauld. -- Eye of a ship, the foremost part in the bows of a ship, where, formerly, eyes were painted; also, the hawser holes. Ham. Nav. Encyc. -- Half an eye, very imperfect sight; a careless glance; as, to see a thing with half an eye; often figuratively. “Those who have but half an eye.” B. Jonson. -- To catch one's eye, to attract one's notice. -- To find favor in the eyes (of), to be graciously received and treated. -- To have an eye to, to pay particular attention to; to watch.Have an eye to Cinna.” Shak. -- To keep an eye on, to watch. -- To set the eyes on, to see; to have a sight of. -- In the eye of the wind (Naut.), in a direction opposed to the wind; as, a ship sails in the eye of the wind.
eyev. t. 
     To fix the eye on; to stare at; to look on; to view; to observe; particularly, to observe or watch narrowly, or with fixed attention; to hold in view.  [1913 Webster]
    "Eye me, blest Providence, and square my trial
    To my proportioned strength.
    "  [1913 Webster]
eyev. i. 
     To appear; to look.  [1913 Webster]
    "My becomings kill me, when they do not
    Eye well to you.
    "  [1913 Webster]


eye, n. & v.
1 a the organ of sight in man and other animals. b the light-detecting organ in some invertebrates.
2 the eye characterized by the colour of the iris (has blue eyes).
3 the region round the eye (eyes red from weeping).
4 a glass or plastic ball serving as an artificial eye (his eye fell out).
5 (in sing. or pl.) sight; the faculty of sight (demonstrate to the eye; need perfect eyes to be a pilot).
6 a particular visual faculty or talent; visual appreciation (a straight eye; cast an expert eye over).
7 (in sing. or pl.) a look, gaze, or glance, esp. as indicating the disposition of the viewer (a friendly eye).
8 mental awareness; consciousness.
9 a person or animal etc. that sees on behalf of another.
10 a = electric eye. b = private eye.
11 a thing like an eye, esp.: a a spot on a peacock's tail (cf. EYELET n. 3). b the leaf bud of a potato.
12 the centre of something circular, e.g. a flower or target.
13 the relatively calm region at the centre of a storm or hurricane.
14 an aperture in an implement, esp. a needle, for the insertion of something, e.g. thread.
15 a ring or loop for a bolt or hook etc. to pass through.
--v.tr. (eyes, eyed, eyeing or eying) watch or observe closely, esp. admiringly or with curiosity or suspicion.

all eyes
1 watching intently.
2 general attention (all eyes were on us). before one's (or one's very) eyes right in front of one. do a person in the eye colloq. defraud or thwart a person. eye-bolt a bolt or bar with an eye at the end for a hook etc. eye-catching colloq. striking, attractive. eye contact looking directly into another person's eyes. an eye for an eye retaliation in kind (Exodus 21:24). eye language the process of communication by the expression of the eyes. eye-level the level seen by the eyes looking horizontally (eye-level grill). eye-liner a cosmetic applied as a line round the eye.
eye mask
1 a covering of soft material saturated with a lotion for refreshing the eyes.
2 a covering for the eyes.
eye-opener colloq.
1 an enlightening experience; an unexpected revelation.
2 US an alcoholic drink taken on waking up. eye-rhyme a correspondence of words in spelling but not in pronunciation (e.g. love and move). eyes front (or left or right) Mil. a command to turn the head in the direction stated. eye-shade a device to protect the eyes, esp. from strong light. eye-shadow a coloured cosmetic applied to the skin round the eyes.
1 a a light-sensitive area on the bodies of some invertebrate animals, e.g. flatworms, starfish, etc.; an ocellus. b Bot. an area of light-sensitive pigment found in some algae etc.
2 any of several fungus diseases of plants characterized by yellowish oval spots on the leaves and stems. eye-stalk Zool. a movable stalk carrying the eye, esp. in crabs, shrimps, etc. eye strain fatigue of the (internal or external) muscles of the eye. eye-tooth a canine tooth just under or next to the eye, esp. in the upper jaw. eye-worm a nematode worm, Loa loa, parasitic on man and other primates in Central and West Africa. get (or keep) one's eye in Sport accustom oneself (or keep oneself accustomed) to the conditions of play so as to judge speed, distance, etc. have an eye for be capable of perceiving or appreciating. have one's eye on wish or plan to procure. have eyes for be interested in; wish to acquire. have an eye to have as one's objective; prudently consider. hit a person in the eye (or between the eyes) colloq. be very obvious or impressive. keep an eye on 1 pay attention to.
2 look after; take care of. keep an eye open (or out) (often foll. by for) watch carefully. keep one's eyes open (or peeled or skinned) watch out; be on the alert. lower one's eyes look modestly or sheepishly down or away. make eyes (or sheep's eyes) (foll. by at) look amorously or flirtatiously at. my (or all my) eye sl. nonsense. one in the eye (foll. by for) a disappointment or setback. open a person's eyes be enlightening or revealing to a person. raise one's eyes look upwards. see eye to eye (often foll. by with) be in full agreement. set eyes on catch sight of. take one's eyes off (usu. in neg.) stop watching; stop paying attention to. under the eye of under the supervision or observation of.
up to the (or one's) eyes in
1 deeply engaged or involved in; inundated with (up to the eyes in work).
2 to the utmost limit (mortgaged up to the eyes). with one's eyes open deliberately; with full awareness.
with one's eyes shut (or closed)
1 easily; with little effort.
2 without awareness; unobservant (goes around with his eyes shut). with an eye to with a view to; prudently considering. with a friendly (or jealous etc.) eye with a feeling of friendship, jealousy, etc. with one eye on directing one's attention partly to. with one eye shut colloq. easily; with little effort (could do this with one eye shut).
eyed adj. (also in comb.). eyeless adj.
OE eage f. Gmc



Anschauung, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, accountability, air hole, amaurosis, angle, angle of vision, annulet, armhole, assumption, attend, attitude, auspices, baby blues, banjo eyes, basis, be vigilant, be watchful, beagle, belief, blepharitis, blowhole, bossing, bright eyes, bullet-hole, bunghole, care, cast coquettish glances, cataract, charge, choroiditis, circlet, clear eyes, clear sight, climate of opinion, color vision, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, cone vision, conjunctivitis, consensus gentium, consider, consideration, contemplate, conviction, coquet, cornea, cover, crane, crane the neck, cringle, cross-eye, day vision, daylight vision, deadeye, defective vision, defense, dekko, detached retina, dick, discernment, eagle eye, esotropia, estimate, estimation, ethos, examine, eye defect, eye-mindedness, eyeball, eyeful, eyelet, eyelid, eyesight, farsight, farsightedness, feeling, field of view, field of vision, flatfoot, flirt, follow, footing, frame of reference, framework, gallivant, gape, gasket, gaup, gawk, gaze, gaze at, gaze open-mouthed, general belief, give the eye, give the once-over, glaucoma, gloat, goggle, goggle eyes, gold-dig, grasp, grommet, guard, guide, gumshoe, gumshoe man, gutta serena, hard look, have a looksee, hawkshaw, hold in view, horizon, idea, impression, inspect, intendance, investigator, iris, iritis, judgment, jurisdiction, keen sight, keep in sight, keep in view, keep under observation, ken, keratitis, keyhole, knothole, lamp, lee, leer, leer at, leering look, lens, lid, light, lights, look, look after, look at, look on, look over, look sweet upon, look upon, look-in, loop, loophole, lustful leer, make eyes at, manhole, mental outlook, mind, mousehole, mystique, naked eye, nictitating membrane, night vision, notion, observation, observe, ocular, oculus, ogle, ogle at, opinion, optic, optic nerve, optic neuritis, orb, organ of vision, outlook, oversight, peeper, peephole, perception, peripheral field, peripheral vision, personal judgment, perspicacity, perspicuity, persuasion, peruse, philander, photopia, pigeonhole, pinhole, pink eye, place, placket, placket hole, plainclothesman, play around, point of view, popeyes, popular belief, pore, pore over, porthole, position, posture, power of sight, preservation, presumption, prevailing belief, preview, private eye, prospect, protection, protective custody, public belief, public opinion, punch-hole, pupil, purview, quick sight, range, reaction, reconnoiter, reference system, refuge, regard, respect, responsibility, retina, retinoblastoma, ring, ringlet, rod vision, roundlet, rubberneck, run around, safekeeping, safety, saucer eyes, scene, sclera, scope, scotopia, scout, scrutinize, scrutiny, seeing, sense of sight, sentiment, shade, shadow, shelter, side, sidelong look, sight, sightedness, situation, size up, skip tracer, slant, sleuth, sleuthhound, sly look, spiracle, spotter, spy upon, stance, stand, stand on tiptoe, standpoint, staple, stare, stare at, stare down, stare hard, starry orbs, sty, superintendence, supervision, surveillance, survey, sweep, system, tab, take a long, take in, take stock of, tall, tap, tec, theory, thinking, thought, trachoma, twilight vision, unaided eye, universe, unobstructed vision, uveitis, vent, venthole, vet, view, viewpoint, vision, visual acuity, visual field, visual organ, visual sense, walleye, watch, watchful eye, way of thinking, winker




N circularity, roundness, rotundity, circle, circlet, ring, areola, hoop, roundlet, annulus, annulet, bracelet, armlet, ringlet, eye, loop, wheel, cycle, orb, orbit, rundle, zone, belt, cordon, band, contrate wheel, crown wheel, hub, nave, sash, girdle, cestus, cincture, baldric, fillet, fascia, wreath, garland, crown, corona, coronet, chaplet, snood, necklace, collar, noose, lasso, lassoo, ellipse, oval, ovule, ellipsoid, cycloid, epicycloid, epicycle, semicircle, quadrant, sextant, sector, sphere, round, rounded, circular, annular, orbicular, oval, ovate, elliptic, elliptical, egg-shaped, pear-shaped, cycloidal, spherical, I watched the little circles die.


N vision, sight, optics, eyesight, view, look, espial, glance, ken, coup d'oeil, glimpse, glint, peep, gaze, stare, leer, perlustration, contemplation, conspection, conspectuity, regard, survey, introspection, reconnaissance, speculation, watch, espionage, espionnage, autopsy, ocular inspection, ocular demonstration, sight-seeing, point of view, gazebo, loophole, belvedere, watchtower, field of view, theater, amphitheater, arena, vista, horizon, commanding view, bird's eye view, periscope, visual organ, organ of vision, eye, naked eye, unassisted eye, retina, pupil, iris, cornea, white, optics, orbs, saucer eyes, goggle eyes, gooseberry eyes, short sight, clear sight, sharp sight, quick sight, eagle sight, piercing sight, penetrating sight, clear glance, sharp glance, quick glance, eagle glance, piercing glance, penetrating glance, clear eye, sharp eye, quick eye, eagle eye, piercing eye, penetrating eye, perspicacity, discernment, catopsis, eagle, hawk, cat, lynx, Argus, evil eye, basilisk, cockatrice, seeing, visual, ocular, optic, optical, ophthalmic, clear-eyesighted, eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynx-eyed, keen- eyed, Argus-eyed, visible, visibly, in sight of, with one's eyes open at sight, at first sight, at a glance, at the first blush, prima facie, Int, look!, the scales falling from one's eyes, an eye like Mars to threaten or command, her eyes are homes of silent prayer, looking before and after, thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes.

VB see, behold, discern, perceive, have in sight, descry, sight, make out, discover, distinguish, recognize, spy, espy, ken, get a sight of, have a sight of, catch a sight of, get a glimpse of, have a glimpse of, catch a glimpse of, command a view of, witness, contemplate, speculate, cast the eyes on, set the eyes on, be a spectator of, look on, see sights, see at a glance, look, view, eye, lift up the eyes, open one's eye, look at, look on, look upon, look over, look about one, look round, survey, scan, inspect, run the eye over, run the eye through, reconnoiter, glance round, glance on, glance over turn one's looks upon, bend one's looks upon, direct the eyes to, turn the eyes on, cast a glance, observe, watch, see with one's own eyes, watch for, peep, peer, pry, take a peep, play at bopeep, look full in the face, look hard at, look intently, strain one's eyes, fix the eyes upon, rivet the eyes upon, stare, gaze, pore over, gloat on, leer, ogle, glare, goggle, cock the eye, squint, gloat, look askance.

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