KP, army, army group, battalion, battery, battle group, board, board of directors, board of regents, board of trustees, brigade, bunch, cabal, cabinet, camarilla, case, casement, casing, cell, charmed circle, chassis, circle, clan, clique, closed circle, cohort, column, combat command, combat team, company, corps, coterie, council, crew, crowd, detachment, detail, directorate, directory, division, doorframe, elite, elite group, executive arm, executive committee, executive hierarchy, fabric, field army, field train, file, flying column, frame, framework, framing, garrison, governing board, governing body, group, infrastructure, ingroup, inner circle, interlocking directorate, junta, junto, kitchen police, lattice, latticework, legion, management, maniple, mob, organization, outfit, phalanx, picture frame, platoon, posse, rank, regiment, ring, sash, section, set, shell, skeleton, squad, squadron, steering committee, tactical unit, task force, the administration, the brass, the executive, the people upstairs, top brass, train, troop, unit, we-group, window case, window frame, wing