acme, air, apex, apogee, bank, bean, bearing, board, border, bordure, brim, brink, cap, carriage, cast, cast of countenance, cilia, climax, cloud nine, coast, color, complexion, countenance, crest, crown, culmen, culmination, demeanor, dome, edge, extreme limit, extremity, face, facial appearance, favor, featheredge, feature, features, flange, forehead, frame, fringe, front, garb, guise, head, headpiece, heaven, heavens, height, hem, high noon, highest pitch, highest point, labellum, labium, labrum, ledge, limb, limbus, limit, lineaments, lines, lip, list, looks, marge, margin, maximum, meridian, mien, mountaintop, ne plus ultra, no place higher, noddle, noggin, noodle, noon, pate, peak, physiognomy, pinnacle, pitch, point, pole, poll, port, posture, presence, ragged edge, ridge, rim, sconce, selvage, seventh heaven, shore, side, sideline, skirt, sky, spire, stance, summit, tip, tip-top, top, traits, turn, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, verge, vertex, very top, visage, zenith
summit, summity, top, peak, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, culmination, meridian, utmost height, ne plus utra, height, pitch, maximum, climax, culminating point, crowning point, turning point, turn of the tide, fountain head, water shed, water parting, sky, pole, tip, tip top, crest, crow's nest, cap, truck, nib, end, crown,
brow, head, nob, noddle, pate, capsheaf, high places, heights, topgallant mast, sky scraper, quarter deck, hurricane deck, architrave, frieze, cornice, coping stone, zoophorus, capital, epistyle, sconce, pediment, entablature, tympanum, ceiling, attic, loft, garret, house top, upper story, summit conference, summit, peak of achievement, peak of performance, peaks and troughs, peaks and valleys (in graphs), highest &c (high), top, top most, upper most, tiptop, culminating, meridian, meridional, capital, head, polar, supreme, supernal, topgallant, atop, at the top of the tree, en flute, fleur deau.
edge, verge, brink,
brow, brim, margin, border, confine, skirt, rim, flange, side, mouth, jaws, chops, chaps, fauces, lip, muzzle, threshold, door, porch, portal, coast, shore, frame, fringe, flounce, frill, list, trimming, edging, skirting, hem, selvedge, welt, furbelow, valance, gimp, border, marginal, skirting, labial, labiated, marginated.
front, fore, forepart, foreground, face, disk, disc, frontage, facade, proscenium, facia, frontispiece, anteriority, obverse (of a medal or coin), fore rank, front rank, van, vanguard, advanced guard, outpost, first line, scout,
brow, forehead, visage, physiognomy, phiz, countenance, mut, rostrum, beak, bow, stem, prow, prore, jib, pioneer, metoposcopy, fore, anterior, front, frontal, before, in front, in the van, in advance, ahead, right ahead, forehead, foremost, in the foreground, in the lee of, before one's face, before one's eyes, face to face, vis-a-vis, front a front, formosa muta commendatio est, frons est animi janua, Human face divine, imago animi vultus est indices oculi, sea of upturned faces.