Tentang Kami
Kamus SABDA Mobile
Kata bahasa Indonesia
English word
bread and butter
bread and butter pickle
bread board
bread dough
bread knife
bread line
bread maker
bread mold
bread sauce
Daftar Isi
bread line
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<a href="http://kamus.sabda.org/dictionary/bread+line">bread line</a>
Tambahkan ke browser anda
bread line
aclinic line
acoustic delay line
actor's line
adonic line
agate line
agonic line
air line
anadama bread
assembly line
banana bread
bank line
bar line
batter bread
battle line
bee line
black bread
blood line
boston brown bread
bottom line
boundary line
branch line
bread and butter
bread and butter pickle
bread board
bread dough
bread knife
bread maker
bread mold
bread sauce
break bread
brown bread
bus line
business line
caraway seed bread
center line
chalk line
checkout line
chorus line
chow line
cinnamon bread
city line
color line
colour line
command line
command line interface
conga line
contour line
corn bread
county line
cracked-wheat bread
credit line
cuckoo bread
daily bread
danger line
dark bread
date bread
date line
date-nut bread
delay line
demarcation line
digital subscriber line
dika bread
direct line
district line
dividing line
dotted line
draw a line
draw the line
drive line
drive line system
drop a line
drop line
electrical line of force
electromagnetic delay line
equinoctial line
equity credit line
fall in line
family line
fault line
feast of the unleavened bread
feeder line
fence line
field line
finish line
finishing line
firing line
fishing line
flight line
foul line
french bread
front line
frown line
fry bread
fuel line
gag line
garlic bread
gas line
geodesic line
get a line
gluten bread
goal line
graham bread
green line
gunter's line
hand line
hanoverian line
hard line
harpoon line
heart line
hold the line
hook line and sinker
hot line
hottentot bread
hottentot bread vine
hottentot's bread
hottentot's bread vine
in line
in line with
international date line
irish soda bread
isoclinic line
isogonal line
isogonic line
isometric line
italian bread
jewish rye bread
kaffir bread
keep in line
lancastrian line
land line
lateral line
lateral line organ
laugh line
lay on the line
lead line
ledger line
leger line
life line
light bread
line backer
line block
line coach
line double
line drawing
line drive
line duty
line engraving
line feed
line function
line item
line judge
line management
line of battle
line of business
line of control
line of credit
line of defence
line of defense
line of descent
line of destiny
line of duty
line of fate
line of fire
line of flight
line of force
line of gab
line of heart
line of inquiry
line of latitude
line of least resistance
line of life
line of longitude
line of march
line of merchandise
line of poetry
line of products
line of questioning
line of reasoning
line of saturn
line of scrimmage
line of sight
line of succession
line of thought
line of verse
line of vision
line of work
line officer
line one's pockets
line organisation
line organization
line personnel
line printer
line roulette
line score
line single
line spectrum
line squall
line storm
line triple
line up
line worker
load line
loaf of bread
log line
love line
lubber line
lubber's line
maginot line
magnetic line of force
main line
mason and dixon line
mason and dixon's line
mason-dixon line
melodic line
mensal line
monkey bread
mooring line
new line
nut bread
old line
old line state
onion bread
opening line
out of line
party line
personal credit line
personal line of credit
phone line
picket line
pilot bread
pipe line
plantagenet line
plimsoll line
plot line
plumb line
pocket bread
poverty line
power line
private line
product line
production line
program line
property line
punch line
put on the line
quick bread
rail line
railroad line
railway line
raisin bread
reception line
red line
regression line
rhumb line
rivet line
royal line
rye bread
salt-rising bread
sash line
scrimmage line
seminole bread
service line
sewer line
ship of the line
shoot a line
short line
side line
siegfried line
skillet bread
skillet corn bread
snap line
snow line
soda bread
sonic delay line
sounding line
sour bread
sourdough bread
spectrum line
spoon bread
squall line
staff line
starting line
state line
static line
stay in line
steam line
steamship line
stepped line
straight line
stream line
streetcar line
string line
subscriber line
supply line
swedish rye bread
tag line
tea bread
telegraph line
telephone line
ticket line
timber line
toe the line
toll line
top of the line
towing line
transit line
transmission line
trap line
trawl line
tree line
trend line
trip line
trolley line
trunk line
twice-baked bread
unemployment line
unleavened bread
verse line
vortex line
waiting line
water line
wats line
white bread
white line
whole meal bread
whole wheat bread
yard line
Noun Phrase
bread line
has 1 sense
bread line
(n = noun.group)
- a queue of people waiting for free food; Array
is a kind of
waiting line
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