abstract, act like, adopt, affect, and, annex, appropriate, assume, bag, boost, bum, cadge, chorus, cop, copy, counterfeit, crib, defraud, discount, discount notes, ditto, do, do like, draw, echo, embezzle, extort, fake, filch, float a loan, forge, get a loan, get into debt, get on credit, go in debt, go in hock, go like, hit one for, hit up, hoke, hoke up, hook, imitate, infringe a copyright, lend, lift, make like, make off with, mirror, mooch, negotiate a loan, nip, obtain, palm, pawn, pilfer, pinch, pirate, plagiarize, plunge into debt, poach, purloin, raise money, reecho, refer to, reflect, repeat, run away with, run into debt, rustle, scrounge, shave, shoplift, show a deficit, simulate, snare, snatch, snitch, sponge, steal, swindle, swipe, take, thieve, touch, walk off with
borrow, desume, hire, rent, farm, take a lease, take a demise, take by the hour, take by the mile, take by the year, hire by the hour, hire by the mile, hire by the year, adopt, apply, appropriate, imitate, make use of, take, raise money, take up money, raise the wind, fly a kite,
borrow from Peter to pay Paul, run into debt, replevy.
be in debt, owe, incur a debt, contract a debt, run up a bill, run up a score, run up an account, go on tick,
borrow, run into debt, get into debt, outrun the constable, run up debts, run up bills (spend), answer for, go bail for, bill, charge.