addle, addle the wits, amaze, astonish, astound, awe, awestrike, ball up, bandage, be bright, beacon, beam, becloud, bedaze, befuddle, benight, bewilder, blaze, blind, blind the eyes, blindfold, boggle, bother, bowl down, bowl over, bug, burn, cloud, confound, confuse, darken, daze, dazzle, deprive of sight, diffuse light, dim, discombobulate, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, disorganize, disorient, disturb, dumbfound, dumbfounder, eclipse, embarrass, entangle, excecate, flabbergast, flame, flare, flash, flummox, flurry, fluster, flutter, fog, fuddle, fulgurate, fuss, give light, glance, glare, gleam, glint, glow, gouge, hoodwink, incandesce, luster, make blind, maze, mist, mix up, moider, muddle, obscure, overwhelm, paralyze, perplex, perturb, petrify, pother, put out, radiate, raise hell, rattle, ruffle, send out rays, shine, shine brightly, shoot, shoot out rays, snow-blind, stagger, startle, strike blind, strike dead, strike dumb, strike with wonder, stun, stupefy, surprise, throw into confusion, unsettle, upset
shine, glow, glitter, glister, glisten, twinkle, gleam, flare, flare up, glare, beam, shimmer, glimmer, flicker, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, flash, blaze, be bright, reflect light, daze, dazzle,
bedazzle, radiate, shoot out beams, fulgurate, clear up, brighten, lighten, enlighten, levin, light, light up, irradiate, shine upon, give out a light, hang out a light, cast light upon, cast light in, throw light upon, throw light in, shed light upon, shed luster upon, illume, illumine, illuminate, relume, strike a light, kindle.