act drop, amianthus,
asbestos board,
asbestos curtain, backdrop, batten, border, cloth, coulisse, counterweight, curtain, curtain board, cyclorama, decor, drop, drop curtain, earth flax, fire break, fire curtain, fire line, fire resistance, fire retardant, fire wall, fireproofing, flat, flipper, hanging, mountain flax, rag, scene, scenery, screen, side scene, stage screw, tab, tableau, teaser, tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, wing, wingcut, woodcut
insulation, fire extinction, insulation, incombustible material, noncombustible material, fire retardant, flame retardant, fire wall, fire door, incombustibility, incombustibleness, extincteur, fire annihilator, amianth, amianthus, earth-flax, mountain-flax,
asbestos, fireman, fire fighter, fire eater, fire department, fire brigade, engine company, pumper, fire truck, hook and ladder, aerial ladder, bucket, fire hose, fire hydrant, backfire, firebreak, trench, aerial water bombardment, wet blanket, fire extinguisher, soda and acid extinguisher, dry chemical extinguisher, CO-two extinguisher, carbon tetrachloride, foam, sprinklers, automatic sprinkler system, fire bucket, sand bucket, fire alarm, evacuation alarm, fire code, fire regulations, fire, fire inspector, code violation, citation, incombustible, nonflammable, uninflammable, unflammable, fireproof, fight fire with fire.