accouter, allocate, allot, appropriate to, arm, arrange, assign, assign to, authorize, choose, commission, decorate, decree, delegate, demand, deputize, designate, destinate, destine, detail, determine, devote, dictate, doom, dress, earmark, elect, equip, establish, fate, fit, fit out, fit up, fix, foredoom, furnish, gear, heel, impose, lay down, lot, make assignments, make obligatory, man, mark, mark off, mark out for, munition, name, nominate, ordain, ordinate, outfit, place in office, portion off, prepare, prescribe, require, reserve, restrict, restrict to, rig, rig out, rig up, schedule, select, set, set apart, set aside, set off, settle, staff, tab, tag, turn out, vote in
command, order, decree, enact, ordain, dictate, direct, give orders, prescribe, set,
appoint, mark out, set a task, prescribe a task, impose a task, set to work, put in requisition, bid, enjoin, charge, call upon, instruct, require at the hands of, exact, impose, tax, task, demand, insist on, claim, lay claim to, revendicate, reclaim, cite, summon, call for, send for, subpoena, beckon, issue a command, make a requisition, issue a requisition, promulgate a requisition, make a decree, issue a decree, promulgate a decree, make an order, issue an order, promulgate an order, give the word of command, give the word, give the signal, call to order, give the law, lay down the law, assume the command, remand, be ordered, receive an order.
commission, delegate, depute, consign, assign, charge, intrust, entrust, commit, commit to the hands of, authorize, put in commission, accredit, engage, hire, bespeak,
appoint, name, nominate, return, ordain, install, induct, inaugurate, swear in, invest, crown, enroll, enlist, give power of attorney to, employ, empower, set over, place over, send out, be commissioned, be accredited, represent, stand for, stand in the stead of, stand in the place of, stand in the shoes of.
apportion, divide, distribute, administer, dispense, billet, allot, detail, cast, share, mete, portion out, parcel out, dole out, deal, carve, allocate, ration, ration out, assign, separate, partition, assign, appropriate,
appoint, come in for one's share.