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Noun aplomb has 1 sense


aplombn. [F., lit. perpendicularity; to + plomb lead. See Plumb.].
     Assurance of manner or of action; self-possession.  [1913 Webster]


aplomb, n. assurance; self-confidence.

F, = perpendicularity, f. {agrave} plomb according to a plummet



assurance, balance, balanced personality, composure, confidence, constancy, constraint, control, cool, coolness, discipline, ease, easiness, equability, equanimity, equilibrium, erectness, fastness, firmness, homeostasis, imperturbability, independence, invariability, level head, levelheadedness, nerve, nonchalance, orthogonality, perpendicularity, plumbness, plungingness, poise, possession, precipitousness, presence of mind, reliability, restraint, right-angledness, right-angularity, rootedness, sang-froid, sangfroid, savoir faire, secureness, security, self-assurance, self-command, self-confidence, self-conquest, self-control, self-denial, self-discipline, self-government, self-mastery, self-possession, self-restraint, sheerness, solidity, soundness, squareness, stability, stable equilibrium, stable state, steadfastness, steadiness, steady nerves, steady state, steepness, substantiality, undeflectability, uniformity, unshakable nerves, unshakableness, up-and-downness, uprightness, verticalism, verticality, verticalness, well-regulated mind




N resolution, determination, will, iron will, unconquerable will, will of one's own, decision, resolution, backbone, clear grit, true grit, grit, sand, strength of mind, strength of will, resolve, firmness, energy, manliness, vigor, game, pluck, resoluteness, zeal, aplomb, desperation, devotion, devotedness, mastery over self, self control, self command, self possession, self reliance, self government, self restraint, self conquest, self denial, moral courage, moral strength, perseverance, tenacity, obstinacy, bulldog, British lion, resolved, determined, strong-willed, strong-minded, resolute, self-possessed, decided, definitive, peremptory, tranchant, unhesitating, unflinching, unshrinking, firm, iron, gritty, indomitable, game to the backbone, inexorable, relentless, not to be shaken, not to be put down, tenax propositi, inflexible, obstinate, steady, earnest, serious, set upon, bent upon, intent upon, steel against, proof against, in utrumque paratus, resolutely, in earnest, in good earnest, seriously, joking apart, earnestly, heart and soul, on one's mettle, manfully, like a man, with a high hand, with a strong hand, at any rate, at any risk, at any hazard, at any price, at any cost, at any sacrifice, at all hazards, at all risks, at all events, a' bis ou a blanc, cost what it may, coute, a tort et a travers, once for all, neck or nothing, rain or shine, spes sibi quisque, celui qui veut celui-la peut, chi non s'arrischia non guadagna, frangas non flectes, manu forti, tentanda via est.


N stability, immutability, unchangeability unchangeableness, constancy, stable equilibrium, immobility, soundness, vitality, stabiliment, stiffness, ankylosis, solidity, aplomb, establishment, fixture, rock, pillar, tower, foundation, leopard's spots, Ethiopia's skin, permanence, obstinacy, unchangeable, immutable, unaltered, unalterable, not to be changed, constant, permanent, invariable, undeviating, stable, durable, perennial, fixed, steadfast, firm, fast, steady, balanced, confirmed, valid, fiducial, immovable, irremovable, riveted, rooted, settled, established, vested, incontrovertible, stereotyped, indeclinable, tethered, anchored, moored, at anchor, on a rock, rock solid, firm as a rock, firmly seated, firmly established, deep-rooted, ineradicable, inveterate, obstinate, transfixed, stuck fast, aground, high and dry, stranded, stuck, jammed, unremovable, quiescent, deterioration, indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable, incommutable, irresoluble, irrevocable, irreversible, reverseless, inextinguishable, irreducible, indissoluble, indissolvable, indestructible, undying, imperishable, incorruptible, indelible, indeciduous, insusceptible, insusceptible of change, Int, stet, littera scripta manet.


N intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding, cuteness, sabe, savvy, intellect, nous, parts, sagacity, mother wit, wit, esprit, gumption, quick parts, grasp of intellect, acuteness, acumen, subtlety, penetration, perspicacy, perspicacity, discernment, due sense of, good judgment, discrimination, cunning, refinement, head, brains, headpiece, upper story, long head, eagle eye, eagle- glance, eye of a lynx, eye of a hawk, wisdom, sapience, sense, good sense, common sense, horse sense, plain sense, rationality, reason, reasonableness, judgment, solidity, depth, profundity, caliber, enlarged views, reach of thought, compass of thought, enlargement of mind, genius, inspiration, geist, fire of genius, heaven-born genius, soul, talent, prudence, vigilance, tact, foresight, sobriety, self-possession, aplomb, ballast, a bright thought, not a bad idea, Solomon-like wisdom, intelligent, quick of apprehension, keen, acute, alive, brainy, awake, bright, quick, sharp, quick witted, keen witted, clear witted, sharp-eyed, sharp sighted, sharp witted, wide- awake, canny, shrewd, astute, clear-headed, farsighted, discerning, perspicacious, penetrating, piercing, argute, quick-witted, nimble-witted, needle-witted, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, alive to, clever, arch, pas si bete, acute, wise, sage, sapient, sagacious, reasonable, rational, sound, in one's right mind, sensible, abnormis sapiens, judicious, strong- minded, unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, unprepossessed, undazzled, unperplexed, unwarped judgment, impartial, equitable, fair, cool, cool-headed, long-headed, hardheaded, strong-headed, long- sighted, calculating, thoughtful, reflecting, solid, deep, profound, oracular, heaven-directed, heaven-born, prudent, sober, stand, solid, considerate, politic, wise in one's generation, watchful, provident, in advance of one' age, wise as a serpent, wise as Solomon, wise as Solon, wise, sensible, reasonable, judicious, well- thought-out, well-planned, well-judged, well-advised, prudent, politic, expedient, aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet, but with the morning cool reflection came, flosculi sententiarum, les affaires font les hommes, mas vale saber que haber, mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit, nosce te, gnothi seauton, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit, sapere aude, victrix fortunae sapientia.

See related words and definitions of word "aplomb" in Indonesian
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