acerbity, acescency, acid, acidness, acidulousness, acridity, acrimony, agent, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, animosity, anion, antacid, asperity, astringency, atom, base, bile, biochemical, bite, bitingness, bitter resentment, bitterness, bitterness of spirit, cation, causticity, causticness, chemical, chemical element, choler, chromoisomer, compound, copolymer, corrosiveness, cuttingness, dimer, dryness, edge, element, fierceness, gall, gnashing of teeth, greenness, grip, hard feelings, harshness, heartburning, heavy chemicals, high polymer, homopolymer, hydracid, hyperacidity, incisiveness, inorganic chemical, ion, isomer, keenness, macromolecule, metamer, molecule, monomer, mordacity, mordancy, neutralizer, nonacid, organic chemical, oxyacid, piercingness, piquancy, poignancy, point, polymer, pseudoisomer, pungency, radical, rancor, rankling, reagent, rigor, roughness, severity, sharpness, slow burn, soreness, sour, sourishness, sourness, spleen, stabbingness, sting, stridency, stringency, subacidity, sulfacid, tartishness, tartness, teeth, trenchancy, trimer, unripeness, unsweetness, vehemence, verjuice, vinegariness, vinegarishness, violence, virulence
sourness, acid,
acidity, low pH, acetous fermentation, lactic fermentation, vinegar, verjuice, crab, alum, acetic acid, lactic acid, sour, acid, acidulous, acidulated, tart, crabbed, acetous, acetose, acerb, acetic, sour as vinegar, sourish, acescent, subacid, styptic, hard, rough, sour as a lemon, (4) Odor.