Spartan, abject, acquiescent, agreeable, armed with patience, assenting, at ease, clement, comfortable, compassionate, complaisant, compliable, compliant, complying, composed, consenting, content, contented, disciplined, easy, easygoing, endurant, enduring, eupeptic, euphoric, forbearant, forbearing, forgiving, gentle, happy, humane, indulgent, lax, lenient, long-suffering, longanimous, merciful, mild, moderate, nondissenting, nonresistant, nonresisting, nonresistive, obedient, of good comfort, passive, patient, patient as Job, persevering, philosophical, pleased, reconciled, resigned, sans souci, satisfied, self-controlled, servile, soft, stoic, submissive, subservient, supine, tender, tolerant, tolerating, tolerative, unassertive, uncomplaining, understanding, unrepining, unresistant, unresisting, without care