OK, adequate, admissible, adorable, agreeable, all right, alright, appetizing, attractive, average, bearable, better than nothing, commonplace, decent, delightful, desirable, eligible, endurable, enfranchised, enviable, exciting, fair, fairish, fit, fitted, good, good enough, goodish, grateful, gratifying, likable, lovable, moderate, mouth-watering, not amiss, not bad, not half bad, not so bad, okay, ordinary, passable, pleasant, pleasing, presentable, pretty good, provocative, qualified, respectable, satisfactory, satisfying, sufficient, suitable, supportable, taking, tantalizing, tempting, tenable, tidy, to be desired, tolerable, toothsome, unexceptionable, unexceptional, unimpeachable, unobjectionable, viable, welcome, winning, with voice, with vote, workmanlike, worth having, worthy
expedience, expediency, desirableness, desirability, fitness, utility, propriety, opportunism, advantage, high time, expedient, desirable, advisable,
acceptable, convenient, worth while, meet, fit, fitting, due, proper, eligible, seemly, becoming, befitting, opportune, in loco, suitable, applicable, in the right place, conveniently, operae pretium est.
pleasurableness, pleasantness, agreeableness, pleasure giving, jucundity, delectability, amusement, attraction, attractiveness, attractability, invitingness, harm, fascination, enchantment, witchery, seduction, winning ways, amenity, amiability, winsomeness, loveliness, sunny side, bright side, sweets, goodness, manna in the wilderness, land flowing with milk and honey, bittersweet, fair weather, treat, regale, dainty, titbit, tidbit, nuts, sauce piquante, causing pleasure, laetificant, pleasure-giving, pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable, agreeable, grateful, gratifying, leef, lief,
acceptable, welcome, welcome as the roses in May, welcomed, favorite, to one's taste, to one's mind, to one's liking, satisfactory, refreshing, comfortable, cordial, genial, glad, gladsome, sweet, delectable, nice, dainty, delicate, delicious, dulcet, luscious, palatable, luxurious, voluptuous, sensual, attractive, inviting, prepossessing, engaging, winning, winsome, taking, fascinating, captivating, killing, seducing, seductive, heart-robbing, alluring, enticing, appetizing, cheering, bewitching, enchanting, entrancing, enravishing, charming, delightful, felicitous, exquisite, lovely, ravishing, rapturous, heartfelt, thrilling, ecstatic, beatic, beatific, seraphic, empyrean, elysian, palmy, halcyon, Saturnian, decies repetita placebit, charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul, sweetness and light, beauty is only skin deep.
content, contentment, contentedness, complacency, satisfaction, entire satisfaction, ease, heart's ease, peace of mind, serenity, cheerfulness, ray of comfort, comfort reconciliation, resignation, waiter on Providence, content, contented, satisfied, at ease, at one's ease, at home, with the mind at ease, sans souci, sine cura, easygoing, not particular, conciliatory, unrepining, of good comfort, resigned, cheerful, unafflicted, unvexed, unmolested, unplagued, serene, at rest, snug, comfortable, in one's element, satisfactory, tolerable, good enough, OK, all right,
acceptable, contently, contentedly, to one's heart's content, a la bonne heure, all for the best, Int, amen, very well, all the better, so much the better, well and good, it will do, that will do, it cannot be helped, nothing comes amiss, a heart with room for every joy, ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck ich habe gele, nor cast one longing lingering look behind, shut up in measureless content, sweet are the thoughts that savor of content, their wants but few their wishes all confined, might as well relax and enjoy it.