Caesarism, Stalinism, absolute monarchy, absolute power, autarchy, authoritarianism, authority, autocracy, benevolent despotism, bond service, bondage, captivity, competence, competency, constituted authority, control, czarism, debt slavery, delegated authority, deprivation of freedom, despotism, dictatorship, disenfranchisement, disfranchisement, divine right, domination, enslavement, enthrallment, faculty, feudalism, feudality, helotism, helotry, indentureship, indirect authority, inherent authority, jus divinum, kaiserism, lawful authority, legal authority, legitimacy, monarchy, one-man rule, one-party rule, paternalism, peonage, power, prerogative, regality, restraint, right, rightful authority, royal prerogative, serfdom, serfhood, servility, servitude, slavery, subjection, subjugation, the say, the say-so, thrall, thralldom, totalitarianism, tyranny, vassalage, vested authority, vicarious authority, villenage
authority, influence, patronage, power, preponderance, credit, prestige, prerogative, jurisdiction, right, direction, government, divine right, dynastic rights, authoritativeness, absoluteness,
absolutism, despotism, jus nocendi, jus divinum, mastery, mastership, masterdom, dictation, control, hold, grasp, grip, gripe, reach, iron sway, fangs, clutches, talons, rod of empire, commission, deputy, permission, at the head, dominant, paramount, supreme, predominant, preponderant, in the ascendant, influential, arbitrary, compulsory, stringent, at one's command, in one's power, in one's grasp, under control, in the name of, by the authority of, de par le Roi, in virtue of, under the auspices of, in the hands of, at one's pleasure, by a dash if the pen, by a stroke of the pen, ex mero motu, ex cathedra, from the chair, the gray mare the better horse, every inch a king.
severity, strictness, harshness, rigor, stringency, austerity, inclemency, arrogance, precisianism, arbitrary power,
absolutism, despotism, dictatorship, autocracy, tyranny, domineering, oppression, assumption, usurpation, inquisition, reign of terror, martial law, iron heel, iron rule, iron hand, iron sway, tight grasp, brute force, brute strength, coercion, strong hand, tight hand, hard lines, hard measure, tender mercies, sharp practice, pipe-clay, officialism, tyrant, disciplinarian, precisian, martinet, stickler, bashaw, despot, hard master, Draco, oppressor, inquisitor, extortioner, harpy, vulture, accipitres, birds of prey, raptorials, raptors, severe, strict, hard, harsh, dour, rigid, stiff, stern, rigorous, uncompromising, exacting, exigent, exigeant, inexorable, inflexible, obdurate, austere, hard-headed, hard-nosed, hard-shell, relentless, Spartan, Draconian, stringent, strait-laced, searching, unsparing, iron-handed, peremptory, absolute, positive, arbitrary, imperative, coercive, tyrannical, extortionate, grinding, withering, oppressive, inquisitorial, inclement, cruel, haughty, arrogant, precisian, severely, with a high hand, with a strong hand, with a tight hand, with a heavy hand, at the point of the sword, at the point of the bayonet, Delirant reges plectuntur Achivi, manu forti, ogni debole ha sempre il suo tiranno.