agog, airy, aquiver, aroused, atingle, atwitter, barmy, bubbly, bursting, carried away, diastatic, dizzy, downy, ebullient, effervescent, enzymic, ethereal, excited, exhilarated, featherbrained, feathery, fermenting, fired, flighty, fluffy, foam-flecked, foamy, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, giddy, gossamery, harebrained, heady, high, hopped up, impassioned, imponderous, inflamed, keyed up, lathered up, lathery, leavening, leger, light, light as air, light-headed, lighter than vanity, manic, mousse, moved, raising, ready to burst, roused, scatterbrained, soapsuddy, soapsudsy, soapy, souffle, spumose, spumous, spumy, steamed up, stimulated, stirred, stirred up, suddy, sudsy, thrilled, tingling, tingly, turned-on, unheavy, volatile, weightless, whipped up, worked up, working, wrought up
newness, novelty, recency, immaturity, youth, gloss of novelty, innovation, renovation, modernism, mushroom, parvenu, latest fashion, new, novel, recent, fresh, green, young, evergreen, raw, immature, unsettled, yeasty, virgin, untried, unhandseled, untrodden, untrod, unbeaten, fire-new, span-new, late, modern, neoteric, hypermodern, nouveau, new-born, nascent, neonatal, new-fashioned, new-fangled, new-fledged, of yesterday, just out, brand-new, up to date, up to the minute, with it, fashionable, in fashion, in, hip, vernal, renovated, sempervirent, sempervirid, fresh as a rose, fresh as a daisy, fresh as paint, spick and span, newly, afresh, anew, lately, just now, only yesterday, the other day, latterly, of late, not long ago, a short time ago, di novello tutto par bello, nullum est jam dictum quod non dictum est prius, una scopa nuova spazza bene.
life, vitality, viability, animation, vital spark, vital flame, soul, spirit, respiration, wind, breath of life, breath of one's nostrils, oxygen, air, respirator, artificial respirator, heart and lung machine, iron lung, medical devices, lifeblood, Archeus, existence, vivification, vital force, vitalization, revivification, Prometheus, life to come, physiology, biology, animal ecology, nourishment, staff of life, genetics, heredity, inheritance, evolution, natural selection, reproduction (production), microbe, aerobe, anaerobe, facultative anaerobe, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe, halophile, methanogen, archaebacteria, microaerophile, animal, vegetable, artificial life, robot, robotics, artificial intelligence, breathing, breathing rate, heartbeat, pulse, temperature, preservation of life, healing (medicine), living, alive, in life, in the flesh, in the land of the living, on this side of the grave, above ground, breathing, quick, animated, animative, lively, all alive and kicking, tenacious of life, full of life, yeasty, vital, vitalic, vivifying, vivified viable, zoetic, Promethean, vivendi causa, atqui vivere militare est, non est vivere sed valere vita.