agonize, battle, box, brawl, broil, buffet, clash, close, collide, combat, come to blows, contend, contest, cut and thrust, duel, endeavor, essay, exchange blows, exert, fence, feud, fight, fight a duel, give and take, give satisfaction, grapple, grapple with, grunt and sweat, hassle, huff and puff, jostle, joust, labor, mix it up, moil, quarrel, rassle, riot, run a tilt, scramble, scuffle, skirmish, spar, strain, stretch, strive, struggle, thrust and parry, tilt, toil, tourney, travail, tussle, wage war, war, work
contend, contest, strive, struggle, scramble, wrestle, spar, square, exchange blows, exchange fisticuffs, fib, justle, tussle, tilt, box, stave, fence, skirmish, pickeer, fight, wrangle, contend with, grapple with, engage with, close with, buckle with, bandy with, try conclusions with, have a brush, with, tilt with, encounter, fall foul of, pitch into, clapperclaw, run a tilt at, oppose, reluct, join issue, come to blows, go to loggerheads, set to, come to the scratch, exchange shots, measure swords, meet hand to hand, take up the cudgels, take up the glove, take up the gauntlet, enter the lists, couch one's lance, give satisfaction, appeal to arms, lay about one, break the peace, compete with, cope with, vie with, race with, outvie, emulate, rival, run a race, contend for, stipulate for, stickle for, insist upon, make a point of.