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Noun V has 4 senses

Adjective V has 1 sense


  •  V, the twenty-second letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal consonant. V and U are only varieties of the same character, U being the cursive form, while V is better adapted for engraving, as in stone. The two letters were formerly used indiscriminately, and till a comparatively recent date words containing them were often classed together in dictionaries and other books of reference (see U). The letter V is from the Latin alphabet, where it was used both as a consonant (about like English w) and as a vowel. The Latin derives it from a form (V) of the Greek vowel Y), this Greek letter being either from the same Semitic letter as the digamma F (see F), or else added by the Greeks to the alphabet which they took from the Semitic. Etymologically v is most nearly related to u, w, f, b, p; as in vine, wine; avoirdupois, habit, have; safe, save; trover, troubadour, trope. See U, F, etc.  [1913 Webster]
  •  As a numeral, V stands for five, in English and Latin.  [1913 Webster]


V, n. (also v) (pl. Vs or V's)
1 the twenty-second letter of the alphabet.
2 a V-shaped thing.
3 (as a Roman numeral) five.

V, abbr. (also V.) volt(s).

V, symb. Chem. the element vanadium.




VB V, be ill, ail, suffer, labor under, be affected with, complain of, have, droop, flag, languish, halt, sicken, peak, pine, gasp, keep one's bed, feign sickness, lay by, lay up, take a disease, catch a disease, catch an infection, break out.


N sequence, coming after, going after, consecution, succession, posteriority, continuation, order of succession, successiveness, paracme, secondariness, subordinancy, afterbirth, afterburden, placenta, secundines, succeeding, v, sequent, subsequent, consequent, sequacious, proximate, next, consecutive, alternate, amoebean, latter, posterior, after, subsequently, behind, sequence, coming after, (time), following pursuit, follower, attendant, satellite, shadow, dangler, train, subsequent, next, succeeding, following, behind, in the rear, in the train of, in the wake of, after.


N gluttony, greed, avarice, greediness, voracity, epicurism, good living, high living, edacity, gulosity, crapulence, guttling, guzzling, pantophagy, good cheer, blow out, feast, gastronomy, batterie de cuisine, epicure, bon vivant, gourmand, glutton, cormorant, hog, belly god, Apicius, gastronome, gourmet, v, gormandize, gorge, overgorge, overeat oneself, engorge, eat one's fill, cram, stuff, guttle, guzzle, bolt, devour, gobble up, gulp, raven, eat out of house and home, have the stomach of an ostrich, play a good knife and fork, pamper, gluttonous, greedy, gormandizing, edacious, omnivorous, crapulent, swinish, avaricious, selfish, pampered, overfed, overgorged, jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit.


N illegality, lawlessness, illicitness, breach of law, violation of law, infraction of the law, disobedience, unconformity, arbitrariness, antinomy, violence, brute force, despotism, outlawry, mob law, lynch law, club law, Lydford law, martial law, drumhead law, coup d'etat, le droit du plus fort, argumentum baculinum, illegality, informality, unlawfulness, illegitimacy, bar sinister, trover and conversion, smuggling, poaching, simony, outlaw, bad man, v, offend against the law, violate the law, infringe the law, break the law, set the law at defiance, ride roughshod over, drive a coach and six through a statute, ignore the law, make the law a dead letter, take the law into one's own hands, smuggle, run, poach, illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, not allowed, prohibited, illicit, contraband, actionable, unwarranted, unwarrantable, unauthorized, informal, unofficial, injudicial, extrajudicial, lawless, arbitrary, despotic, despotical, corrupt, summary, irresponsible, unanswerable, unaccountable, expired, invalid, unchartered, unconstitutional, null and void, a dead letter, lawless, unregulated, illegally, with a high hand, in violation of law.


N crossing, intersection, interdigitation, decussation, transversion, convolution, level crossing, reticulation, network, inosculation, anastomosis, intertexture, mortise, net, plexus, web, mesh, twill, skein, sleeve, felt, lace, wicker, mat, matting, plait, trellis, wattle, lattice, grating, grille, gridiron, tracery, fretwork, filigree, reticle, tissue, netting, mokes, rivulation, cross, chain, wreath, braid, cat's cradle, knot, entangle, cloth, linen, muslin, cambric, crossing, crossed, matted, v, transverse, cross, cruciform, crucial, retiform, reticular, reticulated, areolar, cancellated, grated, barred, streaked, textile, crossbarred, cruciate, palmiped, secant, web-footed, cross, thwart, athwart, transversely, at grade, crosswise.


N vindication, justification, warrant, exoneration, exculpation, acquittal, whitewashing, extenuation, palliation, palliative, softening, mitigation, reply, defense, recrimination, apology, gloss, varnish, plea, salvo, excuse, extenuating circumstances, allowance, allowance to be made, locus paenitentiae, apologist, vindicator, justifier, defendant, justifiable charge, true bill, v, justify, warrant, be an excuse for, lend a color, furnish a handle, vindicate, exculpate, disculpate, acquit, clear, set right, exonerate, whitewash, clear the skirts of, extenuate, palliate, excuse, soften, apologize, varnish, slur, gloze, put a gloss, put a good face upon, mince, gloss over, bolster up, help a lame dog over a stile, advocate, defend, plead one's cause, stand up for, stick up for, speak up for, contend for, speak for, bear out, keep in countenance, support, plead, say in defense, plead ignorance, confess and avoid, propugn, put in a good word for, take the will for the deed, make allowance for, give credit for, do justice to, give one his due, give the Devil his due, make good, prove the truth of, prove one's case, be justified by the event, vindicated, vindicating, exculpatory, apologetic, excusable, defensible, pardonable, venial, veniable, specious, plausible, justifiable, honi sot qui mal y pense, good wine needs no bush.


N semitransparency, translucency, semiopacity, opalescence, milkiness, pearliness, gauze, muslin, film, mica, mother-of-pearl, nacre, mist, opal, turbidity, Adj, semitransparent, translucent, semipellucid, semidiaphanous, semiopacous, semiopaque, opalescent, opaline, pearly, milky, frosted, nacreous, semitransparent, translucent, semipellucid, semidiaphanous, semiopacous, semiopaque, opalescent, opaline, pearly, milky, frosted, nacreous, V, opalesce, (ii) SPECIFIC LIGHT.

Absence or want of Intellect

N absence of Intellect, want of intellect, imbecility brutality, brute force, instinct, brute instinct, stimulus-response loop, conditioned response, instinctive reaction, Pavlovian response, mimicry, aping (imitation), moron, imbecile, idiot, fool, dumb animal, vegetable, brain dead, Adj, unendowed with reason, void of reason, thoughtless, vegetative, moronic, idiotic, brainless, Adv, instinctively, like Pavlov's dog, vegetatively, unendowed with reason, void of reason, thoughtless, vegetative, moronic, idiotic, brainless, instinctively, like Pavlov's dog, vegetatively, V, mimic, ape (imitate), respond instinctively.


N possibility, potentiality, what may be, what is possible, compatibility, practicability, feasibility, practicableness, contingency, chance, V, be possible, stand a chance, admit of, bear, render possible, put in the way of, Adj, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible, likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, Adv, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible, likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, V, as luck may have it, misericordia Domini inter pontem et fontent, the glories of the Possible are ours, anything is possible, in theory possible, but in practise unlikely, possibility, potentiality, what may be, what is possible, compatibility, practicability, feasibility, practicableness, contingency, chance, V, be possible, stand a chance, admit of, bear, render possible, put in the way of, Adj, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible, likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, Adv, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, possible, in the cards, on the dice, in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible, compatible, likely, practicable, feasible, performable, achievable, within reach, within measurable distance, accessible, superable, surmountable, attainable, obtainable, contingent barely possible, marginally possible, just possible, possible but improbably, (improbable), theoretically possible, possibly, by possibility, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, maybe, may be, haply, mayhap, if possible, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente, D, V, as luck may have it, misericordia Domini inter pontem et fontent, the glories of the Possible are ours, anything is possible, in theory possible, but in practise unlikely.


VB copy, drawing, sketch, drought, draft, plot, chart, figure, scheme, image, likeness, icon, portrait, striking likeness, speaking likeness, very image, effigy, facsimile, figure, figure head, puppet, doll, figurine, aglet, manikin, lay- figure, model, mammet, marionette, fantoccini, waxwork, bust, statue, statuette, ideograph, hieroglyphic, anaglyph, kanji, diagram, monogram, map, plan, chart, ground plan, projection, elevation (plan), ichnography, cartography, atlas, outline, scheme, view, radiograph, scotograph, sciagraph, spectrogram, heliogram, V, represent, delineate, depict, depicture, portray, take a likeness, catch a likeness, hit off, photograph, daguerreotype, snapshot, figure, shadow forth, shadow out, adumbrate, body forth, describe, trace, copy, mold, dress up, illustrate, symbolize, paint, carve, engrave, personate, personify, impersonate, assume a character, pose as, act, play, mimic, hold the mirror up to nature.


N sculpture, insculpture, carving, statuary, high relief, low relief, bas relief, relief, relieve, bassorilievo, altorilievo, mezzorilievo, intaglio, anaglyph, medal, medallion, cameo, marble, bronze, terra cotta, papier-mache, ceramic ware, pottery, porcelain, china, earthenware, cloisonne, enamel, faience, Laocoon, satsuma, statue, cast, glyptotheca, sculptured, v, in relief, anaglyptic, ceroplastic, ceramic, parian, marble, xanthian.

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