advantage, answer, avail, be equal to, be handy, be of use, be satisfactory, bear, benefit, bestead, do, do it, do the trick, fill the bill, fulfill, get by, give good returns, go around, hack it, hold, just do, make the grade, meet, meet requirements, pass, pass muster, pay, pay off, profit, qualify, quench, reach, sate, satiate, satisfy, serve, serve the purpose, stand, stand up, stretch, suit, take it, work, yield a profit
be sufficient, suffice, do, just do, satisfy, pass muster, have enough, eat, one's fill, drink one's fill, have one's fill, roll in, swim in, wallow in, wanton, abound, exuberate, teem, flow, stream, rain, shower down, pour, pour in, swarm, bristle with, superabound, render sufficient, replenish, Adj, sufficient, enough, adequate, up to the mark, commensurate, competent, satisfactory, valid, tangible, measured, moderate, full, ample, plenty, plentiful, plenteous, plenty as blackberries, copious, abundant, abounding, replete, enough and to spare, flush, choke-full, chock-full, well-stocked, well- provided, liberal, unstinted, unstinting, stintless, without stint, unsparing, unmeasured, lavish, wholesale, rich, luxuriant, affluent, wantless, big with, unexhausted, unwasted, exhaustless, inexhaustible, Adv, sufficiently, amply.