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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


Noun Scan has 2 senses

Verb Scan has 7 senses


Scanv. t. [L. scandere, scansum, to climb, to scan, akin to Skr. skand to spring, leap: cf. F. scander. Cf. Ascend, Descend, Scale a ladder.].
  •  To mount by steps; to go through with step by step.  [1913 Webster]
    "Nor stayed till she the highest stage had scand."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Specifically (Pros.), to go through with, as a verse, marking and distinguishing the feet of which it is composed; to show, in reading, the metrical structure of; to recite metrically.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To go over and examine point by point; to examine with care; to look closely at or into; to scrutinize.  [1913 Webster]
    "The actions of men in high stations are all conspicuous, and liable to be scanned and sifted."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To examine quickly, from point to point, in search of something specific; as, to scan an article for mention of a particular person.  [PJC]
  •  To form an image or an electronic representation of, by passing a beam of light or electrons over, and detecting and recording the reflected or transmitted signal.  [PJC]


Scan, v. & n.
--v. (scanned, scanning)
1 tr. look at intently or quickly (scanned the horizon; rapidly scanned the speech for errors).
2 intr. (of a verse etc.) be metrically correct; be capable of being recited etc. metrically (this line doesn't scan).
3 tr. a examine all parts of (a surface etc.) to detect radioactivity etc. b cause (a particular region) to be traversed by a radar etc. beam.
4 tr. resolve (a picture) into its elements of light and shade in a prearranged pattern for the purposes esp. of television transmission.
5 tr. test the metre of (a line of verse etc.) by reading with the emphasis on its rhythm, or by examining the number of feet etc.
6 tr. a make a scan of (the body or part of it). b examine (a patient etc.) with a scanner.
1 the act or an instance of scanning.
2 an image obtained by scanning or with a scanner.

scannable adj.
ME f. L scandere climb: in LL = scan verses (from the raising of one's foot in marking rhythm)



alliterate, analysis, assonate, audit, autopsy, block out, browse, canvass, cap verses, check, check out, check over, check up on, command, con, delve into, detail, dip into, domination, enumerate, examination, examine, examine cursorily, eyereach, eyeshot, eyesight, field of view, field of vision, flip through, give an examination, give the once-over, glance, glance at, glance over, glance through, go over, home on, horizon, identify, inspect, inspection, investigate, itemize, jingle, ken, limit of vision, line of sight, look, look at, look over, map, monitor, naked eye, number, observation, observe, outline, outlook, outlook over, overhaul, overhauling, overlook, overview, page through, parse, pass over, pass over lightly, pass under review, peer at, perlustration, perspective, perusal, peruse, pick up, pinpoint, pore over, postmortem, prospect, quality control, range, receive, reconnaissance, research, resolve, review, rhyme, run over, run through, run-through, schematize, scope, scope of vision, scrutinize, scrutiny, set an examination, sight, sightliness, size, size up, skim, skim over, skip over, slip through, slur, slur over, spot, study, survey, sweep, take stock of, take the measure, thumb over, thumb through, touch upon, touch upon lightly, trigger, tune in, view, visitation, vista, zip through




VB poetize, sing, versify, make verses, rhyme, scan.


N copy, facsimile, counterpart, effigies, effigy, form, likeness, image, picture, photo, xerox, similitude, semblance, ectype, photo offset, electrotype, imitation, model, representation, adumbration, study, portrait, resemblance, duplicate, reproduction, cast, tracing, reflex, reflexion, reflection, shadow, echo, transcript, transcription, recording, scan, chip off the old block, reprint, new printing, rechauffe, apograph, fair copy, parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, travestie, paraphrase, derivative, derivation, modification, expansion, extension, revision, second edition, servile copy, servile imitation, plagiarism, counterfeit, fake, pasticcio, faithful, lifelike, close, conscientious, unoriginal, imitative, derivative.


VB see, behold, discern, perceive, have in sight, descry, sight, make out, discover, distinguish, recognize, spy, espy, ken, get a sight of, have a sight of, catch a sight of, get a glimpse of, have a glimpse of, catch a glimpse of, command a view of, witness, contemplate, speculate, cast the eyes on, set the eyes on, be a spectator of, look on, see sights, see at a glance, look, view, eye, lift up the eyes, open one's eye, look at, look on, look upon, look over, look about one, look round, survey, scan, inspect, run the eye over, run the eye through, reconnoiter, glance round, glance on, glance over turn one's looks upon, bend one's looks upon, direct the eyes to, turn the eyes on, cast a glance, observe, watch, see with one's own eyes, watch for, peep, peer, pry, take a peep, play at bopeep, look full in the face, look hard at, look intently, strain one's eyes, fix the eyes upon, rivet the eyes upon, stare, gaze, pore over, gloat on, leer, ogle, glare, goggle, cock the eye, squint, gloat, look askance.


VB be attentive, attend, advert to, observe, look, see, view, remark, notice, regard, take notice, mark, give attention to, pay attention to, pay heed to, give heed to, incline an ear to, lend an ear to, trouble one's head about, give a thought to, animadvert to, occupy oneself with, contemplate, look at, look to, look after, look into, look over, see to, turn the mind to, bend the mind to, apply the mind to, direct the mind to, give the mind to, turn the eye to, bend the eye to, apply the eye to, direct the eye to, give the eye to, turn the attention to, bend the attention to, apply the attention to, direct the attention to, give the attention to, have an eye to, have in one's eye, bear in mind, take into account, take into consideration, keep in sight, keep in view, have regard to, heed, mind, take cognizance of entertain, recognize, make note of, take note of, note, examine cursorily, glance at, glance upon, glance over, cast the eyes over, pass the eyes over, run over, turn over the leaves, dip into, perstringe, skim, take a cursory view of, examine, examine closely, examine intently, scan, scrutinize, consider, give one's mind to, bend one's mind to, overhaul, revise, pore over, inspect, review, pass under review, take stock of, fix the eye on, rivet attention on, fix attention on, devote the eye to, fix the mind on, devote the thoughts to, hear out, think out, mind one's business, revert to, watch hearken to, listen to, prick up the ears, have the eyes open, keep the eyes open, come to the point, meet with attention, fall under one's notice, fall under one's observation, be under consideration, catch the eye, strike the eye, attract notice, catch the attention, awaken the attention, wake the attention, invite the attention, solicit the attention, attract the attention, claim the attention excite the attention, engage the attention, occupy the attention, strike the attention, arrest the attention, fix the attention, engross the attention, absorb the attention, rivet the attention, catch the mind, awaken the mind, wake the mind, invite the mind, solicit the mind, attract the mind, claim the mind excite the mind, engage the mind, occupy the mind, strike the mind, arrest the mind, fix the mind, engross the mind, absorb the mind, rivet the mind, catch the thoughts, awaken the thoughts, wake the thoughts, invite the thoughts, solicit the thoughts, attract the thoughts, claim the thoughts excite the thoughts, engage the thoughts, occupy the thoughts, strike the thoughts, arrest the thoughts, fix the thoughts, engross the thoughts, absorb the thoughts, rivet the thoughts, be present to the mind, be uppermost in the mind, bring under one's notice, point out, point to, point at, point the finger at, lay the finger on, indigitate, indicate, direct attention to, call attention to, show, put a mark upon, call soldiers to 'attention', bring forward.


VB make inquiry, inquire, ask, seek, search, look for, look about for, look out for, scan, reconnoiter, explore, sound, rummage, ransack, pry, peer, look round, look over, go over, look through, go through, spy, overhaul, ask about, inquire about, scratch the head, slap the forehead, look into every hole and corner, peer into every hole and corner, pry into every hole and corner, nose, trace up, search out, hunt down, hunt out, fish out, ferret out, unearth, leave no stone unturned, seek a clue, seek a clew, hunt, track, trail, mouse, dodge, trace, follow the trail, follow the scent, pursue, beat up one's quarters, fish for, feel for, investigate, take up an inquiry, institute an inquiry, pursue an inquiry, follow up an inquiry, conduct an inquiry, carry on an inquiry, carry out an inquiry, prosecute an inquiry, look at, look into, preexamine, discuss, canvass, agitate, examine, study, consider, calculate, dip into, dive into, delve into, go deep into, make sure of, probe, sound, fathom, probe to the bottom, probe to the quick, scrutinize, analyze, anatomize, dissect, parse, resolve, sift, winnow, view in all its phases, try in all its phases, thresh out, bring in question, bring into question, subject to examination, put to the proof, audit, tax, pass in review, take into consideration, take counsel, question, demand, put the question, pop the question, propose the question, propound the question, moot the question, start the question, raise the question, stir the question, suggest the question, put forth the question, ventilate the question, grapple with the question, go into a question, question, put to the question, interrogate, pump, subject to interrogation, subject to examination, cross-question, cross-examine, press for an answer, give the third degree, put to the inquisition, dodge, catechize, require an answer, pick the brains of, suck the brains of, feel the pulse, get the lay of the land, see how the wind is blowing, put one's ear to the ground, be in question, undergo examination.


VB know, ken, scan, wot, wot aware, be aware of, ween, weet, trow, have, possess, conceive, apprehend, comprehend, take, realize, understand, savvy, appreciate, fathom, make out, recognize, discern, perceive, see, get a sight-of, experience, know full well, have some knowledge of, possess some knowledge of, be au courant, have in one's head, have at one' fingers ends, know by heart, know by rote, be master of, connaitre le dessous des cartes, know what's what, see one's way, discover, come to one's knowledge.


N representation, representment, imitation, illustration, delineation, depictment, imagery, portraiture, iconography, design, designing, art, fine arts, painting, sculpture, engraving, photography, cinematography, radiography, autoradiography, fluorography, sciagraphy, personation, personification, impersonation, drama, picture, photo, photograph, daguerreotype, snapshot, X-ray photo, movie film, movie, tracing, scan, TV image, video image, image file, graphics, computer graphics, televideo, closed-circuit TV, copy, drawing, sketch, drought, draft, plot, chart, figure, scheme, image, likeness, icon, portrait, striking likeness, speaking likeness, very image, effigy, facsimile, figure, figure head, puppet, doll, figurine, aglet, manikin, lay- figure, model, mammet, marionette, fantoccini, waxwork, bust, statue, statuette, ideograph, hieroglyphic, anaglyph, kanji, diagram, monogram, map, plan, chart, ground plan, projection, elevation (plan), ichnography, cartography, atlas, outline, scheme, view, radiograph, scotograph, sciagraph, spectrogram, heliogram, represent, representing, representative, illustrative, represented, imitative, figurative, iconic, like, graphic, cinquecento quattrocento, trecento.

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